Lesson Summary The Byzantine Empire survived for nearly a thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Also, they studied and memorized Homer. How did the Franks build and govern a European empire? Sources of Byzantine Strength. Many buildings were built, including the new Hippodrome, palace, forums, administrative and clerical buildings, and the city was decorated with bronze statues. The emperor Constantine himself expanded the city four or five times. It was modelled in Roman style, though it was, unlike Rome, a Christian city from the start. How did Justinain strengthen his role as leader of the Byzantine Empire? The Byzantium Empire was the creation of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the spread of Christianity throughout Europe. In reality, the empire consisted of diverse people walking down the streets of the capital, far from Nubia, Ethiopia, Syria and North Africa. What was the role of trade in the Byzantine Empire? How did the Byzantine Empire influence Russia. • Economically, the Byzantine Empire was a central player in the long-distance trade of Eurasia, with commercial links to Western Europe, Russia, Central Asia, the Islamic world, and China. In 1453 A. D. the Byzantine Empire was very important in not just only the world, but also in terms of economic, political and militaristic strength. Found inside – Page 79Byzantine Christians did not believe that the pope in Rome had supreme authority over them . Political Systems In the Byzantine empire , the power of both ... 527–565), the empire reached its greatest extent, after reconquering much of the historically Roman western Mediterranean coast, including North Africa, Italy and Rome, which it held for two more centuries. left the house only for specific reasons, such as to. THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE How did the Byzantines preserve Greco-Roman Culture? It was located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia which allowed trade on land and sea to occur. More importantly, the ancient texts, those not destroyed by the guys with the shiny belt buckles and fondness for pre-literate ignorance, were copied and preserved. Though the Byzantines emphasized their Roman origins, as time passed, they gradually distanced from their roots. The need for preserved food in the Byzantine Empire. Posted by 7 years ago. The Eastern Roman Empire, popularly called the Byzantine Empire, kept Greek and Roman culture alive. The Byzantine Empire served as a barrier between the East and West and was far in advance of Western Europe during the "Dark Ages" after the fall of the Western Empire. Expands treatment of the middle and later Byzantine periods, incorporating new archaeological evidence Includes additional maps and photographs, and a newly annotated, updated bibliography Incorporates a new section on web resources for ... A central feature of Byzantine culture was Orthodox Christianity. Greek Culture and Roman Law. It had preserved this cultural heritage until it was taken up in the west during the Renaissance. Byzantine Culture Spread •Outside the Empire •It fascinated and captivated peoples in Russia and in the Balkans, forming the foundation of their civilizations. With this conquest Ottomans became an Empire and one of the most powerful empires, The Eastern Roman Empire fell and lasted. to 476 … Preserving Christianity: How the Byzantine Empire Stood Firm During the Second Arab Siege of Constantinople Patrick Lynch - March 21, 2018 . It lasted from the fall of the Roman Empire until the Ottoman conquest in 1453. Continuities: The Byzantine Empire initially maintained many Roman systems of governance and law and aspects of Roman culture. Emperor Justinian appointed a committee, of eminent jurists to sort through and organize the laws. Practicality? What cars have the most expensive catalytic converters? "Originally published in hardcover in the United States by Crown Publishers in 2009"--T.p. verso. save. This trade helped improve the wealth and power of Russia and led to cultural diffusion with Byzantine culture. The Latinizing term Graikoí (Γραικοί, "Greeks") was also used, though its use was less common, and nonexistent in official Byzantine political correspondence, prior to the Fourth Crusade of 1204. The Byzantine Empire preserved the forms, institution, and traditions of the old Roman Empire. This was a famous philosopher. CHAPTER 8: EUROPE IN THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES 600–750. How did the Byzantines help to preserve Greco-Roman culture? 300. How did the Byzantine Empire keep Greek culture alive? How and what themes are depicted in Byzantine artwork? What cultural contributions did the Byzantine Empire make? Byzantium protected the intellectual heritage of Roman Civilization and passed it on. The Byzantine Empire ruled most of Eastern and Southern Europe throughout the Middle Ages. In return, the lords owe loyalty and military service to the king and protection to the people who live on their lands. Protection of Europe. Yaron Ayalon explores the Ottoman Empire's history of natural disasters and its responses on a state, communal, and individual level. Protection of Europe The Byzantine Empire had kept Greek and Roman culture alive for nearly a thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire in the west. The Eastern Roman Empire not only exerted profound influences on neighboring civilizations, but helped preserve the works and thoughts of the ancient Greeks and produced transcendent works of religious art. The Byzantine Empire made many cultural contributions, including its architecture, its legal code, and its use of Greek in its writings. You just studied 17 terms! 4. How did the Byzantine empire preserve the heritage of Greece and Rome and help to shape the cultures of Russia and Eastern Europe? One of the most widely known contributions of Justinian I was the reform of the laws of the Byzantine Empire, known as “ The Justinian Code .”. • What were the challenges facing the Byzantine Empire and how did the Byzantines cope with these problems? "This book accompanies the first exhibition to explore the lives of Byzantine women through their representation in material and literary culture. During most of the Middle Ages, the Byzantine Greeks self-identified as Rhōmaîoi (Ῥωμαῖοι, "Romans", meaning citizens of the Roman Empire), a term which in the Greek language had become synonymous with Christian Greeks. Did the Byzantines preserve Roman and Greek culture? Its capital city, Constantinople, was the largest and wealthiest city in Europe during the time. Leander and most of his family fled and his writings preserve the strong anti-Byzantine sentiment. In 620 C.E., the Greek language was made the official language of the Byzantine Empire by the Emperor Heraclius. This is the first European narrative history written by a woman - an account of the reign of a Byzantine emperor through the eyes and words of his daughter which offers an unparalleled view of the Byzantine world in the eleventh and twelfth ... •In western Europe, Byzantine classical knowledge helped stimulate the revival of learning during the Later Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The Byzantines protected Europe’s flank for a thousand years. It had preserved this cultural heritage until it was taken up in the west during the Renaissance. Byzantine social structures. As you read in a previous chapter, Emperor Constantine ended the persecution of, The name was given by historians only in 16th century. - The Byzantine Empire and Islamic Caliphates both used religion as a way to unite their people, and as a justification for expansion. 300. However, the Empire was unable to hold on to Justinian’s hard won territories and so contracted for over a century of crisis that threatened its survival (565-717). Kept its Roman traditions, building canals and roman-style buildings, and expanded into the Balkans and Russia. Since Islam was rapidly spreading south and east of The Byzantine empire- where did Byzantine missionaries go to seek converts? 4) How did the Byzantine navy help defend Byzantium from Arab attacks? What caused the final fall of the Byzantine Empire? The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire-Edward N. Luttwak 2009-11-15 In this book, the distinguished writer Edward Luttwak presents the grand strategy of the eastern Roman empire we know as Byzantine, which lasted more than twice as long as the more familiar western Roman empire. The culture and language are more and more influenced by the Hellenization of … Approaches_to_Studying_Religions__Final_Milestone.docx (1).pdf, Auburn University, Montgomery • HIST 1010, Central Piedmont Community College • HIS 111, Unit 5_ Exam 2_ AR215DLU1A2020 Art History I.pdf, Western Governors University • PHILOSOPHY MISC. They preserved literature by using the Greek and Roman plays as textbooks and they studied them. The Byzantine Empire continued on for 1000 years after the Western Roman Empire, including Rome, collapsed in 476 CE. 3 comments. Also to know is, which cultures most influenced life in the Byzantine Empire? Many states went on to preserve aspects of the empire’s culture and art for centuries afterward, with the characteristics of Byzantine art even being used in the new Ottoman Empire that emerged after. The Crusades, many argue, helped push back the Turks and preserve the remaining lands of the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine vs. What should I comment on someone singing? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Term. The Byzantines were strongly influenced by … WHI .8d Western Church Eastern Church What was the name of this church? What were the three most important contributions of the Byzantine Empire to world history? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Is the Byzantine Empire part of the Roman Empire? Does Hermione die in Harry Potter and the cursed child? What country region did the Byzantine influence the most? Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium rose to existence by the foundation of the city Constantinople in 324 AD, and the final division to Eastern and Western Roman Empire did not happen until 395 AD. Are there any Christians in the Byzantine Empire? Like the parasol, ostritch feather fan, and a portable throne all carried by slaves. share. The Byzantine Empire: The Byzantine Empire was formed from the Greek-speaking eastern half of the Roman Empire. His premise is that the Byzantine Empire continued to preserve the White European civilization when Rome collapsed. How did the Byzantine Empire preserve the legacy of Rome? Athanagild, the new king of the Goths, quickly tried to rid Spain of the Byzantines, but failed. 2) How did the Byzantine Empire defend themselves against attackers? How did the Byzantine Empire preserve Greek and Roman culture? Did the Byzantines consider themselves Roman? The Byzantine Empire represented the last stronghold of Christianity in the East. When the Roman Empire collapsed in 476, the Byzantine Empire survived. They preserved literature by using the Greek and Roman plays as textbooks and they studied them. 2. The Byzantines traded greatly with Russia. In the aspect of cultural diffusion, the Byzantine Empire not only helped to preserve Roman, Greek culture and Christianity but it also spread these ideas to other parts of the world. It had preserved this cultural heritage until … The Byzantine Army: The History and Legacy of the Byzantine Empire's Military during the Middle Ages examines the history of the Byzantine military machine, why it was so successful, and why, in the end, it failed to preserve a civilization ... By. Archived. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. T he Byzantines greatly influenced the people of Eastern Europe. Found insideThis book applies scientific demographic methods to the study of Byzantine peasantry in a period of feudalization. Kept its Roman traditions, building canals and roman-style buildings, and expanded into the Balkans and Russia. Whose authority did they accept? Found inside – Page 11... as an autonomous Christian theocracy at the fringes of Europe, a preserve of the defunct Byzantine empire. Preserving that autonomy was not always easy. Where was this church centered? The Byzantine Empire was the continuation of the Roman Empire. report. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 3 pages. The private and public life of the emperors, their deceit and destruction and its consequences are depicted. The book reveals secrets and gives voice to that age's common men. Found inside – Page 188did. the. Byzantine. Empire. preserve. the. legacy. of. Rome? q Barbarian migrations and Christian conversions occurred throughout all of Europe in late ... Found inside – Page 431Court and Frontier in Byzantium during the Last Phase of Iconoclasm ... Ma'mūn and preserve no further date, not even naming the Byzantine emperor who was ... banned from Jerusalem. 7.6.1: The Aftermath of Justinian. It spread its religion of Orthodox Christianity into Russia and the Balkans. It was known as Roman, Greek language is used in church functions of Greek Orthodox; Latin is the official language of, a : of, relating to, or characterized by a devious and usually surreptitious manner of operation a, The other commodities that were traded, in Constantinople and elsewhere, were numerous: oil, wine, salt, fish, meat, vegetables, other alimentary products, timber and wax. The Rise of the Carolingians. • How did the Byzantine Empire preserve Roman culture? IntroductionWhen the western half of the Roman Empire fell in the late 4 th century 1 because of economic decline and attacks from outsiders (Stöger 2014), the ideology of the Romans did not perish with the fall of Rome. This new edition of Byzantium and the Crusades provides a fully-revised and updated version of Jonathan Harris's landmark text in the field of Byzantine and crusader history. How did the Byzantine Empire preserve the legacy of Rome? Many Roman ceremonies were instituted by Diocletian. appropriate for women, when they did go out, to. Trade encouraged cultural diffusion. What did Hellenization do to the Byzantine Empire? From the time of the early Roman Republic to the fall of the Byzantine Empire, Roman rule had a major impact on Europe for nearly 2000 years. The city of Constantinople is called Istanbul today and is the largest city in the country of Turkey. Found insideIn The Darkening Age, Catherine Nixey brilliantly resurrects this lost history, offering a wrenching account of the rise of Christianity and its terrible cost. “A feast of tales of murder, vandalism [and] willful destruction . . . Justinian’s reconquest of Italy would prove to be short-lived. How did the Byzantines help to preserve Greco Roman culture? ... Another word for the split between the Catholic Church of the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church of the Byzantine Empire is _____. This was not what Alexios intended, but soon a huge army of Crusaders was made its way across Byzantine. Found insideAnthony Kaldellis says it is time for the Romanness of these so-called Byzantines to be taken seriously. -Byzantines used bribes, diplomacy, political marriages, and military power to hold off their enemies. Contained Legal Opinions in 50 Volumes THE DIGEST 534-565 CE (AD): Justinian – 3. How Philosophers Saved Myths also describes how, during the first years of the modern era, allegory followed a more religious path, which was to assume a larger role in Neoplatonism. HW 7.docx - Part 1 1 How did the Byzantine Empire preserve the legacy of Rome The Byzantine Empire preserved the forms institution and traditions of the, 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful. created communities outside of Jerusalem. Its capital city, Constantinople, was the largest … The Byzantine (Or Eastern Roman) Empire preserved the forms, institutions, and traditions of the old Roman Empire and its people even called themselves Romans. The Slavs moved from central Asia into the present-day countries of Russia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, the … While this Latin term for the ancient Hellen… What's the difference between Byzantine and Roman Catholic? Did the Byzantine Empire encouraged the arts including music, drama, and art?, True or False was Southern Spain part of the Byzantine Empire?, What dynasty was considered the golden age of the Byzantine Empire?, What areas did the Byzantine Empire cover? Furthermore, which cultures were preserved in Byzantine libraries? Byzantium protected the intellectual heritage of Roman Civilization and passed it on. How did the Byzantine Empire preserve information? What are the three golden ages of Byzantine art? What caused the divide in the Christian religion under the Byzantine Empire? Byzantine Contributions The Byzantine empire had its influence in the development of history. 2. Enter Leo the Isaurian. The Merovingians. What was the lasting impact of the Byzantine Empire? Why was the Byzantine Empire so successful? The Byzantine Empire survived for nearly a thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Although the Western Roman Empire fell in 476, its Eastern half survived for almost another thousand years. At the age of twenty-two, Andronicus II became sole ruler of Byzantium. His father, Michael VIII, had been a dashing figure--a good soldier, brilliant diplomat, and the liberator of Constantinople from its fifty-seven-year Latin occupation. The Byzantine Empire was the continuation of the Roman Empire. How did the Byzantines preserve Greek and Roman literature? The Golden Era of Justinian I. The Roman Empire, as the world had known it, no longer existed. The Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the Roman Empire in the eastern Mediterranean area after the loss of the western provinces to Germanic kingdoms in the 5th century. It gathered information from all neighboring states (ruler’s personality, power struggles, local customs, etc. Greatest Byantine Emperor. A man named Conon was set to change the course of history. rarely went out in public alone, and married. As it incorporated Greek and Christian culture, it transformed into a unique Byzantine culture. Press ESC to cancel. In the eastern half of the Empire, a new empire was created. As Slavic and Viking culture mixed to form Russia, new trade centers were formed, such as the city of Kiev. As a continuation of the Roman Empire, it preserved the form of Roman Government and Roman Law. The imperial Roman Church, what came to be known as the Eastern Orthodox Church, never represented all Christians in the Empire. 3. The Byzantine Empire was the eastern continuation of the Roman Empire after the Western Roman Empire's fall in the fifth century CE. It lasted from the fall of the Roman Empire until the Ottoman conquest in 1453. The Byzantine empire, which lasted roughly one thousand years (established in 330 A.D. by Constantine, conquered in 1453 by the Ottoman Turks), grew out of the previous Roman empire (which lasted roughly five hundred years, from year 31 B.C.E. Additionally, the Byzantine Empire was influenced by Latin, Coptic, Armenian, and Persian cultures. The Had this not happened, we would have lost even more of the advances of antiquity. How did the Byzantine Empire preserve the legacy of Rome? 27. how did the Byzantine Empire's geographic location help and hurt the empire? The Orthodox Church. Having an awesome wife. The Byzantine Empire formed from the eastern portion of the Roman Empire; emperors such as Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into two parts to try and preserve … Samsung Galaxy Tab S8: News, leaks, release date, specs, and rumors. Major political influence- She … What is the difference between the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire? Byzantine society was very religious, and it held certain values in high esteem, including a respect for order and traditional hierarchies. 1. 6. Copyright 2021 FindAnyAnswer All rights reserved. As we know, The Roman empire, divided in the late AD200’s, due to being weakened by internal and external forces. It lasted until the year 1453 when the Turks conquered Constantinople. This thread is archived. how did the Byzantine Empire's geographic location help and hurt the empire? 1. The Romans of the Eastern Empire called themselves Romans, they spoke Latin, Greek and the other native languages of the lands they inhabited. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Conflict started during the initial Muslim conquests, under the expansionist Rashidun and Umayyad caliphs, in the 7th century and continued by their successors until the mid-11th century.. Under his rule the Byzantine Empire flourished and prospered in many ways. The Byzantine Empire had kept Greek and Roman culture alive for nearly a thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire in the west. The preservation of the Greek language, culture, and language is the major contribution of the Byzantine Empire. This was a famous philosopher. The people of Eastern Europe are called Slavs. What was the name of this church? However, the most important contribution to the world was the fact that the Byzantium Empire was able to preserve a lot of the knowledge and … The unexpected murder in the little Cotswolds town of Colombury has everyone guessing. Before the answers are found more lives are threatened. The Byzantine Empire was influenced by the Hellenistic culture created by the conquests of Alexander the Great. What did the Byzantines preserve and where was it preserved? How did religion affect the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire continued on for 1000 years after the Western Roman Empire, including Rome, collapsed in 476 CE. The reign of Justinian was an extremely significant period. Learning and trade thrived in the Byzantine Empire. Apple Ordered to Pay Optis Wireless $300 Million in Second LTE Patent Trial. As a result, they made the Justinian’s. But historian Edward Luttwak argues that the U.S. should look to the Byzantines — the ancient empire… The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Army, under the command Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II on 29th May 1453. Found inside – Page 184did. the. Byzantine. Empire. preserve. the. Greco-Roman. legacy? The emperor Constantine (see page 151) had tried to maintain the unity of the Roman Empire, ... The Byzantine Empire preserved the forms, institution, and traditions of the old Roman Empire. Although it lost some of its eastern lands to the Muslims in the 7th century, it lasted until Constantinople—the new capital founded by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great in 330—fell to … This collection, written by an international team of scholars, presents a fundamental reassessment of how ancient libraries came into being, how they were organized and how they were used. -7th century, Emperor Heraclius reorganized the empire along military lines. 30. Can fetal age be more than gestational age? How did the byzantine empire preserve greek and roman ideas? The Byzantine Empire was the first to create a “Bureau of Barbarians” and use it to great effect. Found inside – Page 1This compilation, translated by S.P. Scott into English, and formatted into Three volumes, contains: The Twelve Tables, The Institutes of Gaius, The Rules of Ulpian, The Opinions of Paulus, The Enactments of Justinian, and The Constitutions ... Also, they studied and memorized Homer. Found inside – Page 188did. the. Byzantine. Empire. preserve. the. legacy. of. Rome? q Barbarian migrations and Christian conversions occurred throughout all of Europe in late ... • What caused the collapse of the Byzantine Empire? The Byzantine Empire was the eastern half of the Roman Empire, and it survived over a thousand years after the western half dissolved. How did the Byzantine Empire Preserve Roman Culture: These codes preserved Roman Culture. How did the Byzantine empire preserve the heritage of Greece and Rome and help to shape the cultures of Russia and Eastern Europe? 3. The Law Code of Justinian. As a result of this collapse, the empire served to preserve the majority of the Greek and Roman achievements for Western Europe. Intended as a complementary text to other classics on Byzantine Jews, this new work emphasizes multicultural cooperation in the study of this time period. What were some achievements of the Byzantine Empire? As Russia traded with the Byzantine empire, the Byzantines influenced both Russian and eastern European development. Found inside – Page 188did. the. Byzantine. Empire. preserve. the. legacy. of. Rome? q Barbarian migrations and Christian conversions occurred throughout all of Europe in late ... What happened after the Jews rebelled against the Romans in 132 c.e.? Byzantine, emperors also organized and preserved Roman law. Found inside – Page 3Not only did these scholars preserve and advance scientific knowledge ... but the Arabic-inspired collapse of the Byzantine empire is argued to be one of ... • In what ways was Byzantine civilization superior to that of Western Europe? Russia has a unique history, and the influence of Byzantium on Russia's culture, society, and politics cannot be understated. It served as a sturdy roadblock for aggressive powers in the East. Within the Byzantine Empire, Islamic scholars still did science. Procopius was a prominent Roman scholar who accompanied the general Belisarius during the wars under the Roman Emperor Justinian. Family was at the center of society, and marriage, chastity, and … Textbook for New Law Students THE INSTITUTES Panel of Legal Experts compile new uniform code of laws for the Empire JUSTINIAN CODE 1. Ceramics, linen, and woven cloth were also items of. Which was not a major accomplishment of Byzantine Culture? 6. Byzantine Empire, however, continued to prosper, and survived until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. When we say "Byzantine" today, we usually mean complicated and disorganized. How did the Byzantines preserve Greco-Roman learning? The Byzantine Empire had kept Greek and Roman culture alive for nearly a thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire in the west. The Byzantine (Or Eastern Roman) Empire preserved the forms, institutions, and traditions of the old Roman Empire and its people even called themselves Romans. With that they reconquered Italy and North Africa that were part of the, Roman Empire. In what ways was Procopius a biased historian? 28. The Byzantine Empire was located close to the Slavs of Eastern Europe. 3) Describe the structure of the Byzantine navy and the ships they used. What caused the schism (split) between the Eastern (Orthodox or Greek) and Western (Catholic or Roman) branches of Christianity in 1054? This book takes a provocative long view of Byzantium, one that begins in the early Roman empire and extends all the way to the modern period, to argue that Byzantium was the most stable and enduring form of Greco-Roman society. Around 500 CE, the Byzantine Empire encompassed the Greek and Balkan Peninsula, Asian Minor, Palestine, and Egypt. Codified Roman laws = Justinian's Code (basis of European law codes) Reconquered former Roman territories in the west. The Byzantine military also did more than just preserve the Eastern Empire. … A 19th-century painting of the baptism of Prince Vladimir. This classic account shows how the fall of Constantinople in May 1453, after a siege of several weeks, came as a bitter shock to Western Christendom. schism. Explain how Byzantium helped preserve Greek learning. A History of Byzantine Art. The subject will be here treated under the following divisions: 5) What types of weapons and fortifications did the Byzantines use? Byzantine Empire - Byzantine Empire - Estrangement from the West: The extension of Byzantine interests to the Adriatic, furthermore, had raised again the question of Byzantine claims to South Italy and, indeed, to the whole western part of the old Roman Empire. They continued the Imperial system established by Emperor Augustus in 27 BC. Throughout most of its history, the Byzantine Empire was one of the leading economic, military, and cultural powers in Europe. It existed between 395 AD and 1453 AD. It is a popular misconception that Christianity was ever fully united or that even Christians in the Byzantine Empire were united throughout the Empire’s history. go to the market, to church, or to the baths. Definition. What language did they use for liturgy (services)? How did the monastic practice of copying manuscripts help preserve the legacy of the ancient world? The Byzantine empire hoped to preserve Greek and Roman culture and also strongly influenced the first Russian state. hide. Byzantine code of laws. Found insideThrough this book, Gibbon offers an explanation for the fall of the Roman Empire, a task made difficult by a lack of comprehensive written sources, though he was not the only historian to attempt the task. The Byzantine preserved many ancient Greek Classics, many Byzantines recopied the classics into minuscule scripts with cursive letters thanks to the Byzantine classics such as Homer, Sophocles, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, and Hippocrates were preserved so we can still read them today. How did the Byzantine Empire preserve Greek and Roman culture? As a continuation of the Roman Empire, it preserved the form of Roman Government and Roman Law. What does it mean if something is byzantine? 5. Where was this church centered? women who did not have jobs outside the home. As you read in a previous chapter, Emperor Constantine ended the persecution of Christians, and Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire. Made Constantinople more beautiful. This army managed to defeat the Turks and eventually conquered Jerusalem. The Byzantine Empire has a very strong connection to Greek culture. As a continuation of the Roman Empire, it preserved the form of
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