Found inside – Page 30AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar"> スタイルファイルではstyleタグ ... Para entender cuál es la diferencia entre Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar y Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar marque esta respuesta Asegúrese de hacer los cambios en todos sus valores de la carpeta, como 'valores-v11', 'valores-v14', etc. That toolbar theme specifies a textColorPrimary and textColorSecondary to change the color of the title text and of the menu overflow button. You can customize the theme with your own colours. Android 5.0 Lollipop introduced a complete refresh, known as Material Design, to the Android user interface, which generated rapid adoption throughout the development community. colorButtonNormal and colorControlHighlight inside the Application’s theme are applicable only on the Buttons with default styles. If Holo themes are available on the current platform version they will be used. Change the theme of the app back to AppTheme, which is a child of the Theme.Appcompat.Light.DarkActionBar theme as can be seen in styles.xml. Changing the color of … Found inside同样resource标签作为父标签, Kita bisa ganti dan tambahkan ... Found inside同樣resource標籤作為父標籤,