Written around 380 BC, The Republic work is an important contribution to the age old question of how to best structure a society in a just way. I suspect there may be a number of readers who will relate to your question as sadly, viewing the younger generation as spoiled and impertinent is nothing new. Stop slandering the millennial generation. This quote is taken from Socrates, circa 470BC. To comment on this story or anything else you have seen on BBC Capital, please head over to our Facebook page or message us on Twitter. You may also be aware that complaints about disrespectful, entitled young people these days date back at least as far as Socrates. How the next generation of young adults entering the labor force adjusts to automation may bear even greater economic consequence than technology's effects on existing, incumbent workers. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. Several people have asked me the exact reference of a quotation often ascribed to Socrates and circulating in educational institutions under a more or less loose form, on the evils of children no longer respecting their parents and teachers and of the excess of freedom. These stereotypes about old men made their way into Greek New Comedy, and thus into Roman comedy. I get really angry when people my age (soon to be 60) complain about today's young people. It is a thoroughly bogus quote made up recently by someone with a large. Please read the rules before participating, as we remove all comments which break the rules. This is about one generation removing all hope from the men of a younger . Older people love to gripe about the entitled, lazy millennial generation. The counts of the indictment are luxury, bad manners, contempt for authority, disrespect to elders, and a love for chatter in place of exercise. "Young people today have bad manners.". - He was sentenced to death. Mastering the Millenial Mindset A NMA LiveOnline webinar Thursday, September 17, 2020, 12:00 pm & 3:00 pm EDT September webinar is complimentary as the web payment plug-in is disabled for new website construction. A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Capital and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. And most of those OF's who complain about the younger generation do so while looking at their own generation through rose-colored glasses. my god, even Socrates was complaining about the lazy ways of the youth back in his time, what . But I don't think that the younger generations should blame themselves for the occasional hostility from a grandparent because more than 1000 years ago Socrates did say "this generation has no respect for authority" and other things that said exactly what they are stating to us. Report Post. March 16, 2021. From complaints that the next generation are both too cautious and yet downright dangerous, too worried about the world and at the same time too self-absorbed to care, here are some of our favourites. "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. People have been complaining about younger generations forever "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. A concise survey of the culture and civilization of mankind, The Lessons of History is the result of a lifetime of research from Pulitzer Prize–winning historians Will and Ariel Durant. This book provides all the tools necessary to read and understand Plato's Phaedrus in the original Greek. Similarly, Socrates had its own notion about youth. There were, of course, many distractions such as the cinema…” Young People and Politics, Kirkintilloch Herald, 1938, “…almost every major branch of Christianity in the United States has lost a significant number of members, Pew found, mainly because millennials are leaving the fold… The alacrity of their exodus surprises even seasoned experts. And because those same children are growing up to be parents they are teaching there kids to be just as or more misbehaving as their parents. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”, (EDIT: As /u/piper06w points out, this is actually not a quote from antiquity, but "a summary of general complaints about the youth by the ancient Greeks, as written in a 1907 dissertation by a student, Kenneth John Freeman"). Older generations have been complaining about younger generations quite literally since recorded history. It's not just today's younger generation — young people aren't interested in history until they grow old enough that events they remember are part of history. This is a bit off your track (and specifically about an American religious group to boot), but Chapter 11 of Michael Hicks' Mormonism and Music is all about how each generation thinks the next generation's type of music/dance is evil-evil-evil, than 20-30 years later that previously evil music is now the norm and the new type of music is evil--invariably described in almost exactly the same . In contrast, older firefighters often grew up with the idea that no news was good news, and thus . They’re doing the kinds of things our society used to expect from 25-year-olds.”Not Ready for Middle Age at 35, Wall Street Journal, 1984, Modern technology has made them useless at decision-making…, “The endless choices millennials face have also proven paralyzing. They no longer rise when elders en. "Millennials leaving church in droves, study finds, CNN, 2015, “How to bring young people into membership of the Church was a pressing problem raised at a meeting… Sunday School teachers in the audience had found that children were apt to leave Sunday School when they had completed their day school education. Found insideReproduction of the original: The Clouds by Aristophanes Found insideAcclaimed philosopher and novelist Rebecca Newberger Goldstein provides a dazzlingly original plunge into the drama of philosophy, revealing its hidden role in today's debates on religion, morality, politics, and science. The son of a stonemason, born around 469BC, Socrates . Yes, every last generation; Boomer, Silent (the other white Gen-X), Gen Z, Greatest Generation, Millenials. It is also said that "Ever since the Greeks, people have been complaining that the next generation is a disappointment" (Gopnik, 2019). They no longer rise when elders enter the room. Such complaints were probably always common. "Youth Were Never More Sawcie". There is a famous quote by Socrates a quote often misattributed to Socrates complaining about younger generations: "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Many are spoiled, entitled, or both.”A Boss’s Guide to Managing Bratty Millennials, Momzette, 2016, “Whither are the manly vigour and athletic appearance of our forefathers flown? Found insideThe generation of young people who grew up after the First World War were ... From Socrates complaining about written language to William Tyndale and his ... The volume offers a range of essays on themes providing further insights into this masterly literary piece: on the historical, religious and philosophical background and on thematic connections with other works by Plutarch. --Book Jacket. Yes they are. Children are now tyrants.". masters and slaves, all the way down to animals, when too much freedom is left Look, Boomers do suck because they did . They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise." Suffice it to say that Socrates and Hesiod were already complaining about the younger generations, claiming young people would lead humanity to perdition… Greek philosopher Socrates, back around 400 BC, said . When we are tempted to criticize youth, let us remember that complaining about the younger generation is as old as ancient Greece. It’s always on to the next thing.”They can’t even: Why millennials are the ‘anxious generation’, New York Post, 2016, “They have trouble making decisions. It is either a case of waiting goodness knows how long, and we've waited all the war, or, going to live with Mary's mother.’ How often is a similar remark heard in those days, for it is the problem that young people all over the country have to face. Every generation is criticized by the previous one who believes that "things were better before". Then they will be old, and be faced with a new generation of young people who have a different culture and different manners. It is not true that the new generation is worse than the previous generation but because of the "stereotype" we always tend to complain about the new generation and think that what they are doing is wrong. While this quote could be taken directly from Joel Stein's infamous Time magazine piece dissing millennials, it's attributed to Greek philosopher, Socrates, who was ironically sentenced to death in 399 BC for corrupting the youth of his day. ), and often paraphrased to adapt it to our time by getting rid of what is too specific of ancient Athenian civilisation (such as the mentions of "metics", that is, resident aliens, and of slaves). Theophastus' satirical portrait of old men attempting to act like young ones ("late learners") might reflect youthful criticisms: "At the festivals of heroes [the late learner] will match himself against boys for a torch-race....he will go into the gymnasia and try wrestling matches....Riding into the country on another’s horse, he will practice his horsemanship by the way; and, falling, will break his head.....he will have matches of archery and javelin-throwing with his children’s attendant, whom he exhorts, at the same time, to learn from him, — as if the other knew nothing about it either. They… Thousands of young fellows have come home from the war intent on setting up a home with the girl of their heart only to find that there are no homes to be had… Many men, of course, have not waited for houses, but have got married and gone into rooms or to live with relatives, but neither course can be considered very satisfactory.” Nowhere to Set Up House, Dundee Courier, 1920. . I don't farkie people here, but if I did, I'd have you under " Pardon him, Theodotus; he is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature." etc. Just ask their parents. Millennials may be the world’s most hated generation – at the moment. They crave entertainment, but their attention span is as short as one zap of a TV dial.”Proceeding with Caution, Time, 2001, “…Emory University English professor Mark Bauerlein demonstrates how the internet is making young people increasingly ignorant about almost everything except online video games and the narcissism of self-authored internet content… The more skilled kids become in using the tools of the digital revolution, he demonstrates, the more ignorant they become about the objective world around them.” Digitally Addicted Kids Threaten to Return Civilisation to the Dark Ages, The Independent, 2008, “Cinemas and motor cars were blamed for a flagging interest among young people in present-day politics by ex-Provost JK Rutherford… [He] said he had been told by people in different political parties that it was almost impossible to get an audience for political meetings. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress." (From a . Matt Bors has an outstanding cartoon where he takes to task those who dump on today's younger generation as whiny, needy, lazy, self-absorbed, narcissistic and tech-immersed, who demand instant and constant gratification. They tyrannised over the paidagogoi and schoolmasters. " ~Socrates The older generation has been complaining about the younger generation for quite some time now. As a parent or grandparent, aunt or uncle you are members of the biggest club in the world. We know this because the ancient Greeks and others wrote their complaints down on stone or clay tablets. Currently, it's today's Millennial Generation which is being saddled with this proverbial character judgment. In his famous fifth poem, for example, Catullus, addressing his mistress, says: and let us judge all the rumors of the old men, [in other words: let the old people gossip; let's make love], Thanks! Socrates, who was ironically sentenced to death in 399 BC for corrupting the youth of his day. I'll probably get new blinds and new carpet in my apartment within a few weeks. In fact it is a whole section of a dialogue between Socrates and Adeimantus (one of Plato's own brothers) on the origin of tyranny, itself part of a broader discussion on the decay of constitutions and men alike from "aristocracy" (in the etymological sense of the "government of the best") to tyranny through "timocracy" (the "government of the famed"), "oligarchy" (the "government of the few", that is, of the rich) and "democracy" (the "government of the people"). The Warriors shrug off the complaints of older generations. ax to grind about today's "permissive society," etc., etc. So, but their attention span is as short as one zap of a TV dial. Young People Who Spend Too Much, Dundee Evening Telegraph 1945 "How to bring young people into membership of the Church was a pressing problem raised at a meeting… Sunday School teachers in the audience had found that children were apt to leave Sunday School when they had completed their day school education. Found insideAttributed to Socrates by Plato, according to William L. Patty and Louise S. ... .com/2500-years-of-people-complaining-about-the-younger-generation/. 9. The same stereotypes are at work in Theophrastus' Characters, a short treatise that attempted (in good Aristotelian fashion) to categorize people into moral "types." The youngest generation at work grew up getting lots of feedback and they expect it. All of them. That makes me think: surely that means the reverse must also be at least as old then? " Before she knows it she is enrolled in a correspondence course with a mysterious philosopher. Thus begins Jostein Gaarder's unique novel, which is not only a mystery, but also a complete and entertaining history of philosophy. Maybe now, we can vote and still complain about how "the children" run things; they have been doing it to us for too long. They contradict their parents, Chatter before company, Gobble up dainties at the table, Cross their legs, And tyrannize their teachers. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. One expert suggests that millennials stay children for so long because they have been coddled by their parents and have had things 'too good'.”Will they ever grow up?, Daily Mail, 2017, “A few [35-year-old friends] just now are leaving their parents’ nest. 10. Dislike of young people is perennial: waves of moral panic about a decadent next generation are age-old. 16-08-2012, Delhi, India I read similar but larger passage exendining to about 200-300 words on younger generation attributed to Socrates in a volume published somewhere between say, 1940 to 1985, (older volumes from superbly preserved treasure trove in my grand-parents' home) of reputed Hindi monthly literary magzine 'Navaneet'. There is a reason why you're colored "warning yellow" to me. This does not answer your question, but it is important to point out that is not an actual quote from Socrates, or indeed any ancient Greek. Children began to be the tyrants, not the slaves, of their households. Found insideThe young complain against the old and the old condemn the behaviour of the young. This has been going on for many thousand years. Socrates, too, complained ... And they’re actually pretty OK. “And while [millennials] vary internally as much as any age cohort, I’ve generally been struck by the disconnect between the way they’re portrayed in the media and the way they go about their business. Socrates on the Forgetfulness that Comes with dog New. Found inside – Page 2Complaints about the next generation have been made for centuries . Socrates observed that children were more disobedient , had less respect for authority ... He is attributed to have made the following statement concerning the youth of his day: The children now love luxury; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. alone, but the whole society, young and old, men and women, citizens and foreigners, A New Study Reveals the Surprising Reason Why Every Generation Complains About 'Kids These Days' Since at least the ancient Greeks adults have complained about the youth. Further, their experience makes them distrustful and therefore suspicious of evil. You could read this as Homer saying that old men have always felt that way, or that the generations have been in decline since time immemorial. Viewed by many as the founding figure of Western philosophy, Socrates (469-399 B.C.) The reason I have referenced such a quote is that, although it may be 2,488 . They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. They want to eat out every day, they want travel to Europe every year.”Australian mogul Tim Gurner on 60 Minutes Australia, 2017, “The beardless youth… does not foresee what is useful, squandering his money.”Horace, 1st Century BC, A typical self-absorbed millennial (Credit: Alamy). Kids do not know how to act these days. There's a speech like this in The Iliad, set in the mouth of an ancient character of the epic, about how much greater an earlier generation was and young men should be more respectful to their elders. Joe Gillard April 17, 2018. “Somebody is buying houses in the United States – but it sure isn’t millennials. Its actual origin is in dispute, but the dispute is an interesting one: "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. But it's nothing new – by delving into the archives, we found plenty of parallels stretching back 2,000 years. In its second edition, this work has been updated and expanded to reflect important new discoveries and the most recent scholarship. My Mum loves to complain to me (and worse still, to my teens) about how entitled this generation of kids are. In the fifth century BC, Socrates famously griped about children loving luxury, having bad manners and showing contempt for authority. "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Socrates > Quotes > Quotable Quote. And there was a lack of respect for their elders and, and just being too, you know, too much of everything. This is in striking contrast to the historical Socrates, who spawned the careers of Plato, Xenophon, and other authors of Socratic dialogues. - His influence on human thought. Older generations have been complaining about younger generations quite literally since recorded history. They frequently failed in their obvious duty to teach self-control and discipline to their own children.” Problems of Young People, Leeds Mercury, 1938, “They are the most threatening and exciting generation since the baby boomers brought about social revolution, not because they're trying to take over the Establishment but because they're growing up without one.” Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation, Time, 2013, “Probably there is no period in history in which young people have given such emphatic utterance to a tendency to reject that which is old and to wish for that which is new.” Young People Drinking More, Portsmouth Evening News, 1936. Rude kids may be everywhere, but it's also true that complaining about the younger generation is an age-old rite of passage. Surely, no; a race of effeminate, self-admiring, emaciated fribbles can never have descended in a direct line from the heroes of Potiers and Agincourt...”Letter in Town and Country magazine republished in Paris Fashion: A Cultural History, 1771, “The tragic truth is that America’s millennials are a bunch of phone-addicted, selfie-obsessed, hashtagging, snapchatting, kale-munching, twerking, lazy, whining, ill-informed, politically correct, cossetted narcissists who find absolutely everything mortally offensive and believe there are 165 ways to sexually identify.”Memo to millennials, that awful feeling you’ve got is called losing, Daily Mail, 2016, “We defy anyone who goes about with his eyes open to deny that there is, as never before, an attitude on the part of young folk which is best described as grossly thoughtless, rude, and utterly selfish.”The Conduct of Young People, Hull Daily Mail, 1925, Artistotle contemplating the know-it-all youth of his day (Credit: Getty Images), “My huge generalities touch on… their insistence that they are right despite the overwhelming proof that suggests they are not…”Bret Easton Ellis in ‘Generation Wuss’, Vanity Fair, 2014, “They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.” Rhetoric, Aristotle, 4th Century BC, “Millennials have been called the most cautious generation – the first to grow up with car seats and bike helmets, the first not allowed to walk to school or go to the playground alone.”‘There really isn’t anything magical about it’: Why more millennials are avoiding sex, Washington Post, 2016, “It’s an irony, but so many of us are a cautious, nervous, conservative crew that some of the elders who five years ago feared that we might come trooping home full of foreign radical ideas are now afraid that the opposite might be too true, and that we could be lacking some of the old American gambling spirit and enterprise.”The Care and Handling of a Heritage: One of the “scared-rabbit” generation reassures wild-eyed elders about future, Life, 1950, “Many of the millennials in today's workforce have more confidence than they do competence.”Millennials: ‘Their overconfidence at work can look delusional’, Irish Independent, 2017, “[Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances.”Rhetoric, Aristotle, 4th Century BC, Millennials are defined by their flighty, entitled approach to work – or is that just young people in general? They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.". In his 1624 book The Wise-Man's Forecast against the Evill Time, Thomas Barnes, the minister of St. Margaret's Church on New Fish Street in London, complained . There is a reason why you're colored "warning yellow" to me. So, it is time to pass the torch to the younger generation. The exact Stephanus references (the universal way of quoting Plato, available in all editions of his works) for the section including the quote are Republic, VIII, 562b-563e. Fear of change, of the future, of getting old can make you say a lot of silly things. Many friends are getting married or having a baby for the first time. Found insideThe elderly had always been complaining about the younger generation. Didn't Socrates decry the ignorance of the youth? These complaints are found on ... We might wonder why then about their ancient greece complaints about youth. Even mine, Gen-X. Found insideProvides a broad framework for engaging with ideas relevant to ancient Greek and Roman science, medicine and technology. It is indisputably true that old people have indeed been complaining about young people since the time of Socrates. People slightly older or younger than you: what bizarre and despicable customs do they adhere to? They no longer rise when elders enter the room. People have always whinged about young adults. The man was Socrates, the philosopher from ancient Athens and arguably the true father of western thought. It was just what is admired in which imitates the complaints baby boomer generation. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. Consequently they neither love warmly nor hate bitterly....They are small-minded, because they have been humbled by life: their desires are set upon nothing more exalted or unusual than what will help them to keep alive.
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