The Clearing Member Variation Margins is calculated separately for Marginable Futures Contracts and Novated Contracts other than Marginable Futures Contracts. 3.1. Post-trade Data Feeds, Data Social & Sustainability Fixed Income Securities, Delayed Analysts say that the short term uptrend remains intact and the market is now taking a breather before showing further upside. A Resilient Singapore maps out what Singapore has done and will continue to do to build its resilience. Having been in the Malaysian market since 2003, CGS-CIMB iTrade is the first online trading platform in Malaysia to offer a single ID with a single trading limit to trade eight exchanges, namely Bursa Malaysia, SGX, HKEX, SET, IDX, NYSE, NASDAQ, NYSE MKT LLC. Actions, Private Fixed Income d) determine spread margin requirement by multiplying the number of spreads formed by spread margin rate and valuation price of the underlying security. Network 1. 3.2 Clearing Members are to ensure that the contact information provided to CDP is updated on a semi-annual basis. Real-Time iNAV 2.1.3.A Clearing Member will be notified if concentration margin add-on is to be imposed. 2.1 Critical Elements of a Business Continuity Plan. Broader markets outperformed as the BSE Midcap index closed with a gain . The origin of a Position Account shall be reported as "Remisier" if the Position Account holder is a Remisier of the member, as defined in SGX-ST Rules. "There's a lot of interest in going back to bare metal to get the most performance and control," he told DCK. Listings, Sustainability Singapore and US government debt securities of varying maturities are acceptable as collateral. Services, Offshore The Clearing Member's Aggregate Net Buy Position or Aggregate Net Sell Position are derived by: a) calculating the value of the Clearing Member's buy and sell positions in each security which have not been settled, based on the Valuation Price and quantity of securities in the buy and sell trades; b) in respect of each security, netting the total value of the Clearing Member's buy positions, against the total value of its sell positions to arrive at a net buy value or a net sell value in respect of that security; c) aggregating the net buy values and the net sell values separately in respect of all of the Clearing Member's unsettled Novated Contracts to arrive at the Aggregate Net Buy Position and Aggregate Net Sell Position. The ownership type of the account shall be reported as "Officers and employees of Member (excluding Trading Representatives)" if the account holder is. • The add-on for a Clearing Member is equal to the sum of its applicable add-on arising from Threshold 1 and/or Threshold 2. 2 Procedures for Suspending a Trading Member, Notification of Suspension of Trading Member. 3. Alternates should be identified to cover the responsibilities of absent key personnel. Toolkit, Catalist Large Trade, Custom Index Please call and alert Market Control before releasing the request via SGXNET. 3.7. Data, Company Services for Trade matching control. 3.8. (i) maintain adequate business continuity arrangements; (ii) document business continuity arrangements in a business continuity plan; (iii) test and review business continuity plans regularly; and. 2.2 For the following types of information, each Clearing Member shall report in accordance with the criteria set out in the tables below: (b) an officer or employee of the Clearing Member, but not a Trading Representative of the Clearing Member. Services for (c) the ability to intercept orders that exceed credit limits and trigger error-prevention alerts on a real time basis. or search "SGX" in the app to follow. Cash denominated in Singapore Dollars and US Dollars are accepted as collateral. (b) such other price, based on such methodology, as CDP shall in its discretion determine. and Executive Officers' Watchlist, Public & Warrant Presently, CDP clears securities denominated in Singapore Dollars, as well as the following foreign currencies: Australian Dollars, Chinese Yuan, US Dollars, Euros. The potential tail risk exposure is considered to be significant if: (a) the potential tail risk exposure of any Clearing Member and its affiliated Clearing Members (“Member Group”) exceeds a percentage (a threshold as determined by SGX) of CDP Clearing Fund resources ("Threshold 1"); or, (b) the aggregate potential tail risk exposure of any Member Group, together with Weak 1 and Weak 2, exceeds a percentage (a threshold as determined by SGX) of CDP Clearing Fund resources ("Threshold 2"). Information, Retail Such scenarios may include prolonged power outages, IT system software or hardware failures, loss of voice or data communication links, acts of terrorism, and outbreak of infectious diseases; (ii) Business impact analysis: This is an evaluation of the impact of the risks and threat scenarios identified in (i) above. 1.1 Rule 3.9.2A states that a Clearing Member who wishes to suspend its qualification of a Trading Member, shall notify CDP of its decision to suspend its qualification of that Trading Member, . 1.1 Rule 3.9.2A states that a Clearing Member who wishes to suspend its qualification of a Trading Member, shall notify CDP of its decision to suspend its qualification of that Trading Member, . 3.3.4. Settlement Price, Negotiated Income Securities, Evaluated Dialogues, Fund Flow Policy, Market 1.3 CDP conducts daily stress testing of Clearing Members' positions under a comprehensive range of stressed scenarios, to monitor Clearing Members' exposures and to ascertain the adequacy of the CDP Clearing fund. 2.1. & Corporate Timelines for Position Account reporting. 2 Composition of Clearing Member Required Margins, 3 Calculation of Clearing Member Required Margins for Novated Contracts other than Marginable Futures Contracts, Calculation of Clearing Member Maintenance Margins for Novated Contracts other than Marginable Futures Contracts, Calculation of Clearing Member Variation Margins for Novated Contracts other than Marginable Futures Contracts, Calculation of Clearing Member Required Margins for Novated Contracts other than Marginable Futures Contracts, 4 Calculation of Clearing Member Required Margins for Marginable Futures Contracts, Calculation of Clearing Member Required Margins for Marginable Futures Contracts, Calculation of Clearing Member Maintenance Margin for Marginable Futures Contracts, Calculation of Clearing Member Maintenance Margin in respect of a single account, Calculation of Clearing Member Variation Margin in respect of a single account, Calculation of Clearing Member Required Margin, 2 Forms of Monies and Assets Acceptable by CDP as Margins, Singapore and US government securities, and selected common stocks, 3 Collateral is subject to appropriate hair-cuts. Income Securities, Evaluated Real-Time Price Gateway (b) Before or after trading hours Please call and alert Market Control between 7.30 am and 8.30 am although the SGXNET request can be released anytime after the close of the previous market day and before 8.30am on the day of the Trading Halt or Suspension. The marked-to-market gains and losses of a Clearing Member's Novated Contracts are aggregated to determine its Clearing Member Variation Margins: 3.6. Technical Fault and Withdrawal by SGX on Reasonable Efforts Basis, 3. (i) Actual Clearing Fund resource is $100. on Listing 2. Compliance Submission, Data 2.6 If the caller is authenticated as the Clearing Member's Designated Officer, Market Control will effect the suspension of the Trading Member. This threshold. But Intel SGX has a major advantage over the virtual machine-based approaches when it comes to deploying on bare-metal serviers, according to Ron Perez, a fellow at Intel's Data Platform Group. Services, SGX The Clearing Member Required Margins for Novated Contracts other than Marginable Futures Contracts cannot be met by collateral belonging to customers of the Clearing Member, as defined under the SFA in relation to Part III of the SFA. 9. Fixed There may be circumstances where a Clearing Member is unable to directly ensure that its Authorized Trading Member performs the relevant obligations in relation to the Authorized Accounts in compliance with Rules 5A.1 and 5A.2 or with Rules 5A.1, 5A.2, 5A.3 and 5A.6 (as may be applicable). This Practice Note sets out the general principles CDP may consider when deciding which buy trade(s) to cash settle when there are insufficient securities available to CDP to settle its delivery obligations. This provides a balance between mutualization and the defaulter pay principle. You can change your settings at any time. The Clearing Member Required Margins that a Clearing Member is required to place for Novated Contracts other than Marginable Futures Contracts is calculated with reference to all outstanding settlement obligations of such Clearing Member. ], Practice Note 7A.01A.2A — Apportionment of Clearing Fund Contributions across Contract Classes and across OTCF auctions [This Practice Note has been deleted. Warrant 3.1 CDP may impose a default fund risk add-on for Clearing Members with significant potential tail risk exposure under CDP's stress testing regime. 3.3.6. Clearing Members should also conduct refresher courses for existing staff where appropriate. Real-Time Price Actions, Listing Rule Clearing Member Variation Margins gains decrease the Clearing Member Required Margins and Clearing Member Variation Margins losses increase the Clearing Member Required Margins. Post-trade Data Feeds, Data 4.4. Disciplinary 2. & Corporate & Gateway 5. Relations. Reports, Analyst Surveying the global community’s multi-year effort to cut off terrorist funding, this volume offers a much-needed analysis of a complex, widely discussed, yet poorly understood subject. Indices, Market If you click "Accept Cookies", or continue without changing your settings, you consent to their use. Mark to market gains will not be paid out, but can be used to offset the Clearing Member Maintenance Margins for the same account. 3.11. ], Investor We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The monetary sum to be paid or received pursuant to such cash settlement shall be as set out in this Practice Note. Contract Months - 2 nearest serial months and Mar, Jun, Sep and Dec months on a 1-year cycle. All Rights Reserved. Social & Sustainability Fixed Income Securities, Delayed E-Mail Address : Market Control Hotline : 6236 8820 CDP Client Services Hotline : 6236 8250 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rule 3.9.2A states that a Clearing Member who wishes to suspend its qualification of a Trading Member, shall notify CDP of its decision to suspend its The Clearing Member should obtain an undertaking from the Authorized Trading Member stating that the Authorized Trading Member will put in place adequate internal controls and processes to comply with all rules relating to Authorized Accounts. This book addresses the core challenges currently faced by traditional companies. Submission, SGX Warrant Please click herehere to view Appendix A to Practice Note 3.5.4 Business Continuity Management Emergency Contact Person(s). Rules 5A.4.2 and 5A.4.3 requires a Clearing Member who authorizes an Authorized Trading Member to open and maintain Authorized Accounts, or to open, maintain and allocate positions to Authorized Accounts, to ensure that the Authorized Trading Member performs the relevant obligations in relation to the Authorized Accounts. The relevant spread margin rate for each underlying security is based on the volatility for the spread differential between different contract months of the corresponding Marginable Futures Contracts. Found inside – Page vThis book discusses the strategic shift in ownership of Aramco, the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, and its potential impact on Aramco's role in a post- privatized world. The monetary sum to be paid pursuant to such cash settlement shall be a fair and appropriate sum as determined by CDP. Such additional margin requirements will typically be one of the following: 1.5 This Practice Note provides guidance on the additional margin requirements set out in paragraph 1.4. Singapore: The Encyclopedia contains over 2,500 alphabetically arranged entries on a vast range of topics ? practically everything the general reader might want to know about Singapore, four decades after the achievement of full ... Clearing Member Variation Margins will be collateralised. Where the Clearing Member Variation Margins is greater than the Clearing Member Maintenance Margins, the Clearing Member Required Margins is zero. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Notes, Prices Events, Educational Click here to book now; Amend or Cancel An Existing Appointment 2.3 The Trading Member indemnifies and will keep indemnified SGX-ST against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and any other amounts against or incurred by SGX-ST arising out of or in connection with any action taken or any inaction by any of SGX-ST, or its officers, employers, agents, delegates or contractors with respect of such order withdrawals. 3.10. Information, Market Prices - Futures, Delayed Track, Secondary Even so, the market still has doubts about whether the increase can be sustained as Chinese demand declines amid an improved supply outlook. When such declaration is made, CDP may require a Clearing Member to submit status reports to CDP. Large Trade, Custom Index 6. Actions, SGX Depending on the nature of the discrepancy, SGX Securities Market Control would generally rely on the voice recording for its post-withdrawal investigations. Compliance • Hypothetical member's outstanding positions for cash securities (in S$), • Clearing Member MM requirements = S$12,000 × Maintenance Margin Rate. Prices - Futures, Delayed 2.4 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Practice Note should be construed as limiting a Trading Member's obligation to install and maintain a robust and technically sound system, risk management processes or business continuity plans as required under the Rules or any applicable laws. Reports & You can change your settings at any time. 4.8. 2.1. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Events, Educational 1.2. 1.2 Rules 8.2.2 (1), (3) and (4) state that withdrawal of orders are allowed . Image: Reuters. Dialogues, Fund Flow Schedules, Corporate 2.9 For clarifications, the Clearing Member may contact CDP Client Services at 6236 8250. 3 The threshold is currently defined as 15%, but may be revised from time to time. 5.1 CDP may impose a specific security add-on if there are concerns that trading in the security may be unfair or disorderly. Reference Data, SGX Market Data Internet, RegCo Reports, Analyst In addition, sufficient checks and procedures should be in place to ensure that all limits and parameters set and modified by the credit control administrator are accurate and have been approved. Services, Offshore E-Mail Address : Market Control Hotline : 6236 8433 1 Introduction. 4.1. (ii) Maintain critical functions and fulfill obligations to customers and counterparties in the event of major operational disruptions. Exchange Where the Intended Settlement Day of a Novated Contract falls on a day with half day trading, there will be no buying-in conducted on the first day scheduled for buying-in (i.e. Screener, Historical The origin of a Position Account shall be reported as "Customer" if the Position Account holder is a customer, as defined in Part III of the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations. Securities, Wholesale Actions, Private 2.1 The purpose of separating a Clearing Member's various key functions is to minimise and manage conflicts of interests among these functions. Large Trade, Custom Index b. Applications, Guides & Submission, Data Information, Market In addition, as part of its continuing risk management process, CDP monitors news and developments which may affect Clearing Members, and conducts risk-based inspections on Clearing Members' risk and credit management practices. Disciplinary Internet, RegCo 1.1 Rule 2.28A.3 states that a Clearing Member who wishes to suspend its clearing arrangement with a Trading Member, . Please scan the QR code or search "SGX" in the app to follow. on Listing 2.2 For each Designated Officer, the Clearing Member shall submit to Market Control the Designated Officer's name, identification number, contact details, and a sealed envelop containing authentication information stipulated by Market Control. • For Weak 1, add-on = 15/(65+15+15)*5 = 0.8, • For Weak 2, add-on = 15/(65+15+15)*5 = 0.8. Handbooks, Regulation of In addition, Marginable Futures Contracts that fail to settle on the Intended Settlement Day are added to the Clearing Member Required Margin in respect of House Accounts. It will be subjected to the same online commission rates for odd lot trades done through our Trading Representatives. The Clearing Member Required Margins for Novated Contracts other than Marginable Futures Contracts is the sum of the Clearing Member Maintenance Margins and Clearing Member Variation Margins for such Novated Contracts: Clearing Member Required Margins = Maximum of (Clearing Member Maintenance Margins − Clearing Member Variation Margins, 0). Rule 5A.3.1 requires each Clearing Member to allocate the position of each trade cleared by the Clearing Member for a Customer to that Customer's Position Account or in accordance with that Customer's instructions, as soon as practicable, and in any event no later than such time as may be required for timely and orderly settlement of the relevant trade into the intended Securities Account. Exchange 3.2.5 For guidance, the potential tail risk exposure is the worst loss estimated from different stressed scenarios, net of margins and any add-ons. CDP also accepts constituent stocks of the MSCI Singapore Free Index and FSSTI Index as collateral. This is the first work to examine the fundamental aims and principles of data privacy law in an international context. Submission, Data Waivers, Evergreen Waivers, Directors' Clearing Member Variation Margins will reset to zero when all outstanding positions are settled. It contains the text of the Model Competent Authority Agreement and the Common Reporting Standard, and the Commentaries thereon, as they read on 15 July 2014. Companies, SGX Fast COOFANDY Men's Casual Short Sleeve Button Down Dress Shirt Denim. In particular, the factors that CDP considers, in decreasing order of priority, include the following: (a) Whether CDP has been informed of any onward sell trade in respect of the buy trade, in which case that buy trade will not be selected for cash settlement. The ownership type of the account shall be reported as "Statutory Board/Government Body" if the account holder is a statutory board or government body, including those of a foreign jurisdiction. Actions, Decisions • Clearing Member Required Margins = Higher of [ (Maintenance Margin − Variation Margin), 0 ], • Examples of Clearing Member Required Margins (in S$). ], Practice Note 7A.01A.2B.2 — Apportionment and application of Clearing Fund Contributions when one or more auctions are held in respect of a Contract Class, Practice Note 7A.01B — Illustrations of the Application of Clearing Member's Clearing Fund Deposit and Further Assessment Amounts in respect of OTCF Contracts [This Practice Note has been deleted. for Listed ], Practice Note 9.01.1 — OTCF Product Groups [This Practice Note has been deleted. Information, Retail Mark to market gains for Novated Contracts other than Marginable Futures Contracts cannot be used to offset margin requirements for Marginable Futures Contracts, and vice versa. % increase work seeks to take an important step in diagnosing the problems and in pointing towards their solutions and. 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