The only dex based fighter worth it, is an armored rogue. But that seems like the exact attack you could do on someone who is prone. I know i would not allow this feat if i am using the flanking rule set as listed as an optional rule, but I would if I made it work like cover with a +2 to attack on flank and +5 when surrounded. In general though I wish this feat would just be errata’d out of existence. The casters have way more tools in their kit besides direct single-target damage, martials *should* be able to put up big numbers with their attacks since it is where they are supposed to excel. When burns are made during inefficient parts of the orbit, where does the lost energy go? to have a specialty is very useful in certain specific situations? For simplicity sake I will discount how critical hits effect the maths, and assume there is no advantage on these rolls for now. Besides you can't use Great Weapon Master with a rapier ( : Also if you take Polearm master your offhand strike goes from 1-4 (2.5) to 3-4 (3.5) which takes the whole damage from 8 average to 10 damage on average. This is a benefit of 0.8 extra damage points per hit. Great Weapon Fighting. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a4aea7c1c6a69f8c381dcf79bcd26983" );document.getElementById("h505b647cd").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Ted has to a hit bonus of +11, meaning he needs a 6 to hit AC 17 (93.75% chance with advantage). Found inside – Page 328H. H. KIMBALL . ons which do the most damage in Maine are not the target ... and child in his immediate vicinity , unless he is a master of his weapon . Polearm Master fighter. This project calculates the average damage that tabletop rpg character in the d20 roleplaying system will produce per round of combat. Obviously if Ted were actually a barbarian he can get it any time he wants to use the Reckless Attack ability, which pairs a bit too well with this feat IMHO. Great Weapon Master Calculator. I guess the problem with enforcing disadvantage instead of a -5 to attack is that disadvantage doesn’t stack. Since combats generally last around three rounds, in most cases you can except to get your combo set up and start using the Bonus Action attack from Crossbow Expert an average of once per encounter. Too bad you only have level 1 divine smites left. Since +1 attack increases the threshold by 1 and +1 damage decreases it by 0.5, a +1 weapon ends up increasing the threshold by a net 0.5. This project is for tabletop RPG players, with a focus on players of dungeons and dragons 5th edition. Still high damage to keep the maxers happy, scales so you don’t one shot everything early levels. The Crit Fiend is all about dealing damage and de-buffing his enemies, in that order. It scales much better with character level and allows the feat to work with any weapon but with an edge to two-handed weapons. Found insideTo the average man, such phrases as '3-pounders' and '6-inch' guns are ... by the 'pound,' but the majority of large guns made today are 'inch' weapons. For example, if a goblin only has 3hp left, a greatsword only does 3hp of damage. When To Use Great Weapon Master In 5e Wizard Of The Tavern from Damage is your weapons damage dice plus the ability 5e damage calculator from . Calculating Damage 5E : Damage Estimate Dnd 5E / Great Weapon Master And . Even if it does “give them the ability to out-DPS the casters” it is still fine. I think it is a powerfull option but only if you can take full advantage of it, also it have some big cost, like using both of your hands and a feat you could be using for something more versatil like Lucky hah, yes I say the same, I would bann that no brain boring feat (I must take a look to your article about that feat), option 4 you provide seem more powerfull to me , since the fist benefit don’t require to use a heavy weapon that mean I can use my bonus action to atack with a secondary weapon and if I get a crit with any of my 3 atacks I would be able to use that extra action for one more ? Weapon Master is a prestige class in NWN2. In general I like the concept… take a risk, and get a reward… I probably wouldn’t go far to say the feat is broken, but with 5th edition’s low AC monsters and its frequently employed advantage mechanic, the risk / reward dynamic doesn’t feel quite right, and it does come over as overpowered. Have you done the analysis with your proposed results? Another way of approaching a fix, would be to say, you can only land these killer +10 blows when you have advantage on the attack roll. "A Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of levels 1-15"--Back cover. Found inside – Page 98... who examines his weapon on ed great damage , and bad crops are expected this ... and knowing well his master , cautiously Tho Mexican government refused ... Working similar formulas for the other dice, we get this table: \begin{array}{lccc} How does 一回だって in this sentence mean "not even once" when there's no negative? Here is how the probability distributions of two common damage dice, d12 and 2d6, change. The real question is, does this give them the ability to out dps the casters? The True Damage per Round: Each attack is a normal attack 81% of the time and a crit 19% of the time and you have the the Great Weapon Fighting Style allowing rerolls so that is an average of 33.3 per hit, with +6 and advantage on attack rolls. Great Weapon Master imposes a -5 penalty to hit in exchange for its +10 damage per swing (it's basically a non-scaling version of Power Attack), so you have to consider whether this is really worth it against any given opponent. How would we proceed? Found inside – Page 105Charger With this feat, the question is whether to deal damage or shove. ... Great Weapon Master When should you take the attack roll penalty in exchange ... With +2 Dex from an ASI, a +9 attack bonus and 1d8+4 damage results in 12.75 DPR. Though the damage per hit is smaller, you hit more often. Hello Description: For a Weapon Master, perfection is found in the mastery of a single melee weapon. Exception might be when fighting a horde (although the feat’s bonus action attack is great for hordes), or facing a tonne of archers, but generally speaking you will take less damage fighting with this style than any other, by virtue of wrapping up fights quicker. We would do this by: Subtracting 1 and 2 from the sum of the numbers on the faces of the original d\$X\$. With that last round advantage the numbers are in the feat’s favor, 68.25 for Ted 20 STR no feat, to 73.485 with the feat, but that is about a 8% increase in expected value, and as I’ll explain that is at an additional cost. You choose the weapon's form each time you rage: Bite. Converting spell-slots to sorcerer points is a bonus action. These days I find the feat inelegant and time consuming (since every attack provokes a decision as to whehter or not to use it) as much as OP’ed. I see it mostly on Barbarians since they can easily get advantage with Reckless Attack, in exchange for advantage against themselves for an entire round. It makes sense, as putting all of one’s weight into a single, mighty blow can leave one off-balance and out of position. Using vengance for advantage or devotion for sacred weapon? Here the base damage values by weapon type: for level 5: - all onehanded swords/axes/maces had 11-12 base damage - all twohanded swords/axes had 17-19 base damage - all twohanded maces 18-19 base damage At higher level the damage range is different for each weapon type, but average damage is always the same: for level 20: shooting over an ally), which reduces the baseline DPR to 11.05 but does not affect Sharpshooter DPR, we yield a, If the target has three-quarters cover, which reduces the baseline DPR to 8.5, we yield an. & \Delta \\ With respect to Sharpshooter and Great Weapon Master, the primary gripe is the -5 Attack/+10 Damage mechanic. Found inside – Page 78Referred to Committee on Good of the Order . ... The average annual damage to the apple crop by the codling moth is $ 2,000,000 , while millions of damage ... Does the Dueling fighting style work with versatile weapons while wielding them with two hands? Thanks for the detailed comment and analysis Cmag, even if you failed your diplomacy check with the opening gambit. An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals 1d4 damage (the GM assigns a damage type appropriate to the object). Def. Great Weapon Master is one of the keystones of dealing effective damage in 5e. \text{d4} & 2.5 & 3.00 & 0.50 \\ He does 2d6 + 7 (14) per hit. Of course if strength is constant the character with the feat will do more damage! \text{Weapon} & \text{Avg. Crossbow Expert Ted 18 Str with feat: I didn’t want to break down millions of examples with and without advantage etc., just wanted to glance at some situations regarding why most players think this feat is broken, as per this survey: More than just a combat-focused adventure, Dragonbowl is a Bacchanalian-style festival with its own economy and ecology.”. There you go! 1d4: average of 2.5 damage; 1d6: average of 3.5 damage; 1d8: average of 4.5 damage; 1d10: average of 5.5 damage; 1d12: average of 6.5 damage; 2d6: average of 7 damage; If you want to calculate any average for damage from any dice combo you can use the follow equation: 1/2 (nx+n), where x is the number of sides on the die and n is the number of . The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. For starters, the control (without feat) does not get the bonus damage from two strength (as you previously assumed would be taken instead of the feat.) I’m sorry, but really theres no reason to do any of this. They have to take the feat, Power Attack, to get the advantage. The first part of the feat works just fine in my experience, and is especially fun when mopping up low level mooks in a fight. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. below graphs are arrays showing to hit and damage for corresponding enemy armor classes . A 20 AC opponent will give you a lower damage average than a 10 AC opponent because they are much harder to hit. › Posted at 2 days ago \end{eqnarray}. What about with disadvantage? I also disagree with the notion that the expected outcome between this feat and taking two strength should be the same on a conceptual level, nevermind that with appropriate AC for higher levels the GWM has lower expected damage. Healing 14 average health is much better, and dealing 14 average damage is actually quite painful. Well, let's look at the bright side. . Additionally, you’ve randomly given advantage one turn at level 10, but not at 5. \text{Die} & \text{(standard) Avg.} \text{d6} & 3.5 & 4.1\bar{6} & 0.6\bar{6} \\ How does the damage possibly affect your to hit (and thus determine when to PA?) I also feel compeled to mention those feats are completely broken with the -5/+10 being worth almost as much as the ASI before you even factor in the powerful second benifits (bonus attack on crit/kill and ignore cover) and synergy with x-bow expert and polearm master (also two of the most powerful feats before synergies). I mean, how can using a great sword vs a dagger (if a dagger were heavy and two handed - I know how GWM works) affect when to use it? Just thought of a fourth option. In 2020, Hipsters & Dragons was featured in the mainstream UK media, talking about D&D. Sorry never got back to you on this. Here’s Why…. Are there any front-line fighters who don’t take it? Found inside – Page 78Referred to Committee on Good of the Order . ... The average annual damage to the apple crop by the codling moth is $ 2,000,000 , while millions of damage ... \hline If a character uses a ranged weapon to make a melee Attack, or throws a melee weapon that does not have the thrown property, it also deals 1d4 damage. My answer to GWM is Power Attack, where you can give yourself a penalty of up to your proficiency bonus (-2 at 1st level) to do your proficiency bonus extra damage if your weapon is one-handed or twice your proficiency bonus extra damage if your weapon is two-handed. The lower the AC the better. Using the same math as AceCalhoon, here is your relative damage increases in percentage. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Role-playing Games Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, \$ (3.5 + 3.5 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) / 6 = 4.1\bar{6}\$, is delta the increase in average damage from GWF? Of course, if you use a glaive, for example, you can combine both feats, and there’s nothing in the rules to stop you using the -5/+10 when you attack with the butt of the polearm. Polearm Master provides this for the glaive, halberd, quarterstaff and spear, though the glaive and halberd are of special note as these are Heavy weapons, therefore also eligible for the -5 to hit, +10 damage feature of Great Weapon Master. GWF dmg} & \text{improvement w/ GWF}\\ \hline here's a formula to figure it out. The best form of defense is to attack, as they rightly say. What does the project do? The worst fighting style is for two-handed weapons. 2D6: Here the effect doesn't look linear. Bu ocourse you need to be sure to ahave a good fighting ship. It assumes that you DO or HAVE TO reroll each '1' or '2' rolls and thus a 1d2 would not benefit, you can also choose to reroll only '1' rolls, increasing your average damage by 50% (half of your 1s become 2s). I think two-handed weapons is the worst choice without a feat. mostly because the first benefits don’t seem so bad in conbination with the hex curse which give me crits on 19s and 20s and Thirsting Blade. So in Three rounds he does .45*23*6 = 62.1. Re: Great Weapon Mastery: How to -5/+10 Like a Pro. This is important to remember if you're attacking a particularly vulnerable target (one whose . So for a maxed Warlock Pact Blade (2 attacks, 4-5 each in Str/Cha) with +Str/Cha to damage (3d6+8-10 = 18.5-21.5) and a bonus from +8-+11, you'd be looking at Max AC of 15-17? Instead of merely hitting an enemy really hard, they hit an enemy where it really hurts. An extra attack as a bonus action gives you the action economy of two-weapon fighting with the damage output of a single two-handed weapon, effectively adding 50% to your damage output (100% until you get Extra Attack, but that only applies at levels 3 and 4 so 50% is a better explanation). You can now really consider using Arcane Jolt to harm now. There are a limited number of finesse weapons in 5e, and they tend to do a bit less damage (1 or 2 points less on average) than non-finesse weapons. Great Weapon Master. Those other players are going to feel useless in combat. \text{d12} & 6.5 & 7.3\bar{3} & 0.8\bar{3} \\ How to pronounce /ɹɾɚ/ in American English? Presents an introduction to Dungeons and Dragons with information on the rules, characters, weapons and gear, and game etiquette. \text{d10} & 5.5 & 6.30 & 0.80 \\ One thing to consider that evens the damage a bit: In a killing blow, half the damage you do will be wasted, on average. This leads us to the great strength of the class. Then it’s fine. Don’t miss Faerûn’s action-packed sporting extravaganza in the bowels of Mount Waterdeep – where the booze and the blood flow in equal measure! Mostly right. Easy to read and apply, The Monsters Know What They're Doing is essential reading for every DM. Do they need the feat for that? Turkey e-visa official website to avoid phishing. So that’s “0%” in our sample set. A Paladin can cast Bless himself (and usually will, since it is the optimal use of a 1st level slot). With his -5 penalty, Ted now has a hit bonus of +5, meaning he needs a 10 to hit AC 15 (55% chance), and with advantage (79.75%). Works for us. Found inside – Page 20510On - site Automatic Launcher , and Sniper Weapons to Foster care children need ... timated to average $ 9.3 million annually from MCDERMOTT , my good friend ... You could make dealing the extra damage reliant on a using a bonus action as well. The weapon must have the Two-Handed or Versatile property for you to gain this benefit. Players constantly have to debate whether to use it or not. Aside from taking on up to 16 gladiatorial teams in Dragonbowl Arena, there are 30+ festival locations to visit, scores of side plots to unravel and (if the players win) a confrontation with the Games Master himself at the Breakfast of Champions. However, I see no issues at all with Sneak Attack and a two-handed finesse weapon. \text{d8} & 4.5 & 5.25 & 0.75 \\ Step up and strike for a surprise sneak attack on the enemies turn. When you bear in mind that most characters using Great Weapon Master feat will also have selected the Greater Weapon Fighting Style that allows you to reroll 1s and 2s, then the average damage is actually 8.33 (not 7), so only slightly nerfed from 10. Good analysis, I didn’t think about that, and interesting to see how close the performance of Ted is with and without the feat when you consider wasted damage. Your mouth transforms into a bestial muzzle or great mandibles (your choice). The accompanying damage for such a low ability score is also problematic, and GWM is a way to offset a low ability score that would otherwise eat up a lot of ability score bumps for mediocre benefit over the course of the character’s life. In general, if you use a greatsword, you can expect around a 10% to 15% overall damage boost from this fighting style. You need to adjust the armor class to the average of monsters likely to be faced by a level 10 party, ideally also using the average for level 5 in that test group (which was indeed 15). You could however give extra attack as a free action on those occasions. He does 2d6 +16 (23) per hit. I’m doing this on the fly… in other words I haven’t drawn a definitive conclusion about the feat myself yet. One thing that seems to get lost when people do the maths on the damage output is that you never have to use the feat. Oh by the way, did you check these 5e magic weapons I homebrewed? You're attacking people whom are only interested in crunching the numbers with your counter-arguments. Why is the 777 fuel burn rate graph U shaped and skewed to the left? Level 12 & Level 14 - Str + 2. How much does this ability increase the average damage of its wielder? I have yet to use GWM, much, so I can’t attest to its brokenness, much, but when you factor in the damage of the rogue’s sneak attack, the high damage of single target spells, GWM might actually be necessary to balance the scales. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. One of them is Lucky, the only feat to get banned on my table and one which I discussed previously on this blog (and which in turn generated scores of conflicting comments, with many people rushing to its defense. \qquad \text{(+ weapon damage)} \\ \hline This feat provides a higher variance but more damaging option, at the expense of two strength. Interesting that you let players do it with a one handed weapon too for a simple -bonus/+bonus trade off. All it need do to miss, is side step. Found inside – Page 133the selection of the master and crew ; and it Upon the whole we think that in ... hold that the relation of the al average contribution , where the loss is ... $$. That means GWM is basically -6/+9, which is significantly worse. I’m kind of a new player to 5e and don’t really have to much experience on rol games (also my english is not so polish), was wondering how you get that +8 on atack roll, was looking more information about this feat. Just enter your email to get notified of new posts: Enter your email and CLICK HERE to subscribe!! Great free D&D content... it's your for the taking! By level 10, if you cast Magic Weapon before battle and don't lose your concentration in the melee, you'll average more than 100 damage if all your attacks connect, or more than 150 damage if you use Great Weapon Master and manage to hit anyway. However this only applies to damage dice, not flat damage bonuses. At lv 11 your nova gets six attacks in a round, which is not unlikely to turn into 7 with GWM, especially if you're given advantage. Found inside – Page 184Weapon Master This advantage gives your character special aptitude with a ... you a bonus to your damage: +1 per die of damage if you know your weapon at a ... The "cleave" feature of the feat works well against low-HP or badly-wounded targets. This spreadsheet I created will help you gauge when you should be using Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter. Imagine Ted with advantage in every round, even against a high AC. Found inside – Page 475The use of large numbers of modern nuclear weapons could, over a number of ... The damage was so great that the communities totally disintegrated. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack’s damage. That might change it to something you only use when you do have advantage, because when you don’t you have better bonus actions. It can range from a -2 to a +10 on 2D6, for example. So in three rounds he does 0.75 x 14 x 6 = 63. 7. It's a known mathematical formula that the sum of numbers from 1 to \$X\$ is equal to \$(X^2 + X)/2\$. And that’s not even with the feat that quadruples your damage output. Blue Phoenix is a webnovel inspired by a popular genre from China called Xianxia. Why does Mathematica not give the simple solution of the given equations? Also available on Fantasy Grounds. Buy this 5e adventure with an old school flavour for $5.95 on the DMs Guild. This isn’t broken, and to be honest I don’t think it’s actually very good. When you roll a 2, you reroll the die and keep the result (even if it's lower). – Most feats are about half as powerful as before. I would have to criticize both your insistence that feats excelling in situations that they’re specifically designed for are unbalanced because of the aforementioned reasons. How much damage does Great Weapon Fighting add on average? So where your 5th level fighter has a +8 to attack, and only needs a 7 to hit a 15, my 7th level fighter only has a +5, and needs a 10, significantly lower odds to hit the target. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. It’s too dull, and too guaranteed, and it doesn’t scale on a critical (annoying from a player’s perspective!). =&\frac{Y}{2} \cdot \frac{X-Y}{X}\\ \hline Being completely. Find out more on the DMs Guild. When you roll a 3, you keep the result. So many enemy are resistant to slashing damage anyhow. In fact, by reducing the power of the OP’ed stuff my goal is to give players more options, by making previously sub-optimal options as useful as previously OP’ed ones. (The intent was to let some of the “weaker” feats such as Actor actually become more viable, while separating out the feats that are like double feats, like Great Weapon Master basically being both Power Attack and Cleave from 3e / Pathfinder.) MathJax reference. Putting this together, the number we are looking for (the difference between the original d\$X\$ average and our modified GWF die average) is equal to, \begin{eqnarray} But the solution I’m looking for now is based around taking away a decision for every attack (during supposedly fast paced combat) and just having a fixed situational damage bonus for those that take GWM. This means you don’t get to use it so often, but when you do, it tends to pay off big. Putting this together, the number we are looking for (the difference between the average for the original d\$X\$ and the average for the modified d\$X\$ [the one where we re-roll if the first roll turns up any of the \$Y\$ lowest values]) is equal to: \begin{eqnarray} One of the best options, in general. So i thought, maybe instead of a -5 it just gives disadvantage. You get hit for 7, you take 4. I think I mention that in the post, or maybe I forgot and it’s been brought up in the comments. I like craft beer, vintage clothes, street festivals and Dungeons & Dragons. Can you reroll both dice or only one when Great Weapon Fighting with a Greatsword? Hexblade's curse allows you to . Found inside – Page 24... which allows the Master Chief to make accurate hits - even headshots - over greater ... long range and average damage make it a great all - round weapon ... The distributed abilities in the phb list the highest score as a 15, so you shouldn’t assume exceptional stats as the basis for the analysis. I’d be willing to bet more than 75% of all fighters have taken this feat. With sharpshooter damage jumps up to 55.5 and action 92.5. Great Weapon Master. Weapon Masters have above-average intelligence and dexterity, and a knack for critical hits. Booming Blade + attack with anything short of Great Weapon Master does more single-target damage than the typical 3-attack routine past Lv. This makes that -5 penalty significantly harder to swallow and greatly reduces the effectiveness of the feat. Is this "Ronin" Fighter Subclass balanced. If the target has half-cover (e.g. I’ve got some art house movies to watch with a locally brewed IPA later tonight (ok, the next episode of Vikings, with some cheap Spanish wine…), but let’s do some simplified sums. The real takeaway here is that GWM is situationally better than +2 Strength when the enemy is lightly armored, incapacitated, you can consistently generate advantage, or have a to hit bonus from something like Oath of Devotion Paladin’s sacred weapon. Found inside – Page 32A huge barbarian wielding a great axe is unlikely to be a subtle character, ... Damage Dice: The damage the weapon deals on a successful attack. Regarding AC, tougher monsters in 5e are generally tougher because they have more HP and abilities than because they have a higher AC in my experience. Those strength points are significantly more versatile. So an average total of 9.82 damage, I believe. Thanks for the comment. Crits modify your damage per round, but they modify it equally for both sides of the equation.
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