The first draft registration under the 1940 Selective Training and Service Act required all males ages 21-36 to register on October 16, 1940, to serve in what would ultimately be WWII. Apparently, September 12, 1918 was the main registration date for Franklin County, NC. There were three draft registration periods: The first, on 5 June 1917, was for men . lH������X1H I��#���Z��e+�x��fɥ�1�"���&�qzͣ��?w�U��ǘ��2�l@C�I�O��U�y��}���Qr�����(|;rQ�a��0��YT�|��SS� Objects highlighted in green contain terms from your search. Extracted from LDS microfilms #1653776 & 1653777. d-�(�H!�|"�k�#�� �2�(xE���g�Ҋ�9��^Ɖ� ��nGV��ا��;���+ޱU"%���h2į"~���vIv�����-d�&�D����JX*R�� %����&MŘN�xD����U3��P��z��*�R竨��W���xJ���uu�̗t�_����3W�[�g���\˂� %��r�jh�1Z\czր�?�|γY�]]75����~�����!���K[�+����oV#����5*�UJ��x��p��.��(���M��g�$�O���������*�%�����x�5�b���hZ�g�;�1V���{�fJ ?�8b���r�%f���u�;y��i�ژ4����z!Wz�>E̶\�������b,S�&���b��2禛�؛1���&me;(��7낽�z!���˪pU��m^�lh��P�� �e��H/�b[2���%�gy��M��p!�{���-���_��K�,0���L��c�q����]�AN� WWI Draft Registration Card 12th September 1918. World War I Draft Registration Card for Alvin C. York. 0000002351 00000 n �8 i�&ǩb'Q��`�~���������?Mb&Q�ƙ��N�8���̗�����O�AcCGI�d��ކ)�G&yP.�G3���l���w$���Mk�,������kJP�?5�n�Z.l8uQTF�=���K��*�X���M�c`����Y�? 8H����e��>�7i{G�A�'4-T�Xx�V��^�z�.L'iڜ[ In addition, these cards contain more than just names and dates; they can . ;�hυ͑�d�;� Draft cards. About U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942. There were three forms used by registrars for the WWI draft which corresponded to the three draft events. Lesson Learned: World War I Draft Registration Cards A lesson learned when trying to craft an Evidence Explained Reference Note, in FTM2014, for a World War I Draft Registration Card Guess I have some clean up to do. 0000003133 00000 n "This volume has been extracted from microfilm #1653778, on file at the Family History Library ... Salt Lake City, UT . . ."--1st prelim. page Three registrations were held from 1917 to 1918. The 2nd was held 5 Jun 1918 for men who turned 21 since the 1st registration. Caveat, I wonder how identical numbers with different letters ended up on the same microfilm, I believe that all cards coming from different drafts must have been . ��3�i(-S���@��}k���i!VT�I��Q�a�S|�*���f�t�p4�dRh�'�|�$0�ך)�����(e�S;E���`^+�8�g�'�� �ȈzߌR� �Q��J3�W���{!,������[�Z3v�4i��ܤw�; �v��,�h=��\٤��[�֥83����r�| �ѫ����gu������͋�5��� �Ӷ6�e�]`��-�y�J�.�y�PT w%�vo����߲!�ע�R�cڝZ�hl�ݱ+J������j�0�zo~��6(|pd�iZ�B1\��#š�ؘa�'���������g�f14��ȗ���@��yo�d\*�R�fy�1��,.���&X�`ya�ljŇy8��Q���Y��p#2i���z52 ���[���⢜�b�iUOk"q&��N�����3��~9N��xe�]�b�[��(���9{'c�{�:�J�������Au\��b���`���/��`-�n� �X:���l:Y��r-�9��ꦐ�����V�a,� Eliot. WWI Draft Registration Card 5th June 1917. WWI Draft Registration Cards From the Editor: T he West Virginia Veterans Archives is an adjunct to the West Virginia Veterans Memorial, collecting information about those honored on the Memorial located on the grounds of the State Capitol in Charleston. Publication Title: World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards Date Published: n.d. WORLD WAR I SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM DRAFT REGISTRATION CARDS On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act was passed authorizing the President to increase temporarily the military establishment of the United States. World War I Draft Registration Cards Draft registration cards for more than 24 million men who registered for the WWI draft in 1917 and 1918. Click here to read Part 1 for background about the numbering on the cards, draft classifications, and the Selective Service System.Then read on to learn all about WWII draft registration . Our Military Minutes Man Michael Strauss revisits the first subject he covered with us on the Genealogy Gems Podcast: Draft Registrations for both World War I and World War II.This is Part 2, covering WWII. (ru)� W�$� endstream endobj 540 0 obj 873 endobj 541 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 540 0 R >> stream Jack Benny (real name-Ben Kubelsky) World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Lake County, Illinois: Basil Rathbone (real name-Philip St. John Basil Rathbone) in British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920 This series consists of forms used to register men in the United States in the three draft registrations held during World War I. Jelly Roll Morton submitted his details for the draft at the same board and on the same date, so given their association around this time; there is a possibility they traveled together to register. A: The World War I draft registration cards are sometimes the only source that will supply the researcher with valuable information including the date and place of birth of the man who is registering. ]T9��&\/c Three registrations occurred between 1917 and 1918. World War I Draft Registration. WWI Draft Registration Cards at National Archives and Records Administration, Southeast Region. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records. A different registration form was used for each of the three registrations: "Form 1 (black)" for the first; "Form 1 (blue)" for the second; and, "Form 1 (red)" for the third. In 1917 and 1918, approximately 24 million men living in the United States completed a World War I draft registration card. The majority of these draft cards are not yet open to the public for privacy reasons, but almost 6 million WWII draft cards completed during the fourth registration by men between the ages of 42 and 64 in 1942 are open to the public for research. The 1st was held 5 Jun 1917 for men ages 21-31. 0000004615 00000 n If so, there's a good chance you'll find them in Fold3's WWI Draft Registration Cards (via the National Archives). A little background on the Selective Service Act of 1917 and World War I draft registration cards. $O.���.^�hgqn?0���\��6�}m�� �0��G�q��Y&d�"�H�\���;���{"�P1 p��������|6wl�cud��x�"|,�� ]�̵KS�� &`�����W�03HP� ³"����}0yg�]�^��e�t��# ����C�f*0���G��\H���ˣ%ݯԭ������iJ��Z�@�� �-F f;D�Ûv�5f��J�( q�$��j�T���!8t��B��t˴��*+���3�;h���N�G The 1st was held 5 Jun 1917 for men ages 21-31. FamilySearch Terms of Use (Updated 2019-12-10), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Draft registration cards of men (aged 18 to 45) in the United States enrolled in the Selective Service System in 1917 and 1918. 7 in this case). This registration was not intended to be used for military service, but to provide a complete inventory of manpower resources that could be used for national service. The total U.S. population in 1917-1918 was about 100 million individuals, so close to 25 percent of the total population is . 24,870,514 records. This database contains an index and images of World War I draft registration cards completed by approximately 24 million men living in the U.S. in 1917 and 1918. World War, 1914-1918. If you had family in the United States during WWI, you are likely to find at least one relative's information within this large collection., The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration The collection includes cards for 24 million men. Millions of men living in America completed draft registration cards between 1940 and 1943 as part of the WWII draft. 0000003092 00000 n 0000008347 00000 n All males between the ages of 18 and 45 were required to register for the draft during World War I. Inmates at the Kansas State Hopital at Oswatomie and employees of the Missouri Pacific Railroad were included in Miami County registrations. If you have a family member whose death in a 20th century military action is listed on the . The Selective Service System, under the office of the . 1917-7/15/1919 (Most Recent) From: Series: Draft Registration Cards, 1917 - 1918 . That accounts for approximately 98 percent of men in the U.S. born between 1872 and 1900. The resulting registration cards can be a good source of genealogical information. Selective Service System. posted by steef (20 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite. National Archives Identifier: 596217: Creator(s): War Department. �K�Lx�l{X��w鑄�H.�9�%)ܱ�3,�V�/j���÷H��#ʱ�^w� The draft registration cards are part of Record Group 163, Records of the Selective Service System (WWI), 1917-1939, and is National Archives Microfilm publication M1509. In general, you can find the following information on draft registration cards: Full name. U.S. World War I Mothers' Pilgrimage More than 10,000 names of widows and mothers entitled to make the U.S. government sponsored pilgrimage to visit their loved one's grave in Europe. H��V[h�`>�ߤKݥ��*]��n�ʜ2]�E���S'j@��V���f*և*#��ɴ The fee is not refundable. WWI draft card, June 5, 1917 (click to zoom) Between 1917-1918, every male between the ages of 18 - 45 living in the United States was required to sign up for the draft, regardless of citizenship. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. In other words, close to 25% of the total population is . :��2+�mV�H���r�p�,� ���h�h$@ފ�z�P�j�� R ����A�U�� �${�>$N�r����:�۟����a��;�6������RO9l/j�4I���� 1$;�R�N�5_!=I��iuS�b)ր�V襜G]3�I�QǦ��*� 0000007394 00000 n His occupation is listed as 'Base Ball' and his place of employment as 'Fenway Park'. In 1917 and 1918, approximately 24 million men living in the United States completed a World War I draft registration card. Between 1941 and 1943, there were five more registrations, and the ages changed to 18-44. The cards are arranged by state, by city or county . Capone, Al, 1899-1947. This is an alphabetical list of abstracts of draft registration cards. WW I Draft Registration Cards Menard County, Illinois. 0000008369 00000 n 0000003371 00000 n The "World War II Selective Service Draft Cards: Fourth Registration, 1942" is often referred to as the "Old Man's Registration" or the "Old Man's Draft". Office of the Provost Marshal General. 0000002503 00000 n Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Microfilm Roll Lists. Indians and Categories in the WWI Draft Registration. African American Griots. The standard military interpretation of "tall" in 1917 probably lies one of these books: Baxter, J.H., Statistics, medical and anthropological, of the Provost Marshall General's Bureau, derived from records of the examination for military service in the Armies of the United States during the late War of the Rebellion, of over a million recruits, drafted men, substitutes and volunteers. 76), May 18, 1917. 0000002133 00000 n Selective Service System. Just about a year before that, in October 1940, President Roosevelt had signed into law the first peacetime selective service draft in U.S. history, due to rising world conflicts. One exception is the Fourth Registration, or "Old Man's Draft," also on Fold3. To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser. 0000046724 00000 n [Person:casual] < [Date]> filled out a draft registration card < [Desc]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. World War I Draft Registrations 1917 - 1918. 0000011693 00000 n Sentence template is. Parenthetical comments give additional information not recorded on the draft registration card. On his draft card, he is listed as a student. ��p^O�ϕ�{��.�E&6Vc%��Ӵ�M�������Em����/,h� M�* endstream endobj 538 0 obj 882 endobj 539 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 538 0 R >> stream ARC Identifier: 641747. Registration cards show . The "World War II Selective Service Draft Cards: Fourth Registration, 1942" is often referred to as the "Old Man's Registration" or the "Old Man's Draft". Active 1 year, 9 months ago. Sentence says: Daniel on 23 Aug 1863 filled out a draft registration card number 1830 at age 22, in . Payment in advance by check, money order or credit card is required. '�s�ס�J/�EM[�0�h3�Lc�qw�a��$:mF�K ��٭X�KdB��eQY)�_�e9L��g4��R�� � RESIDENTS OF TENNESSEE (with a current Tennessee postal address) pay a $5 fee to photocopy a World War I draft registration form. There were three separate registrations and . The draft registration card of Al Capone indicates that he worked as a paper cutter in Brooklyn, New York. Each card contains the registrant's name, age, birth date and place, residence, employer, and physical description. Information that may be found for an individual includes: name, place of residence, date and place of birth, race, country of citizenship, occupation, and employer. Babe Ruth's draft registration card from 1917, age 23, can be found in these records. 0000011308 00000 n Under the authority of this act and later acts, the Army's Office of the Provost Marshall General supervised the registrations . Images of the draft registration cards for all men listed on this page are . Arkansas Second Registration draft cards 1948-1959 Duty locations, Naval Group China, World War II, 1942-1945 General Correspondence of the Record and Pension Office, 1889-1904 Free. The fourth Registration for those men whose year of birth was from April 28, 1877 to February 16, 1897. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. This means that men born as early as 1873 and as late as 1900 were supposed to be included and should have a record on file. Maine World War I Draft Registration Index, 1917-1919 at FamilySearch Maine State Archives, World War I (WWI) Grave Cards, 1914-1950 at FamilySearch Maine State Archive Collections, 1718-1957 at FamilySearch; includes a World War I Card Index to Soldiers by Town, 1917-1919 (also has a Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Card Index) The original cards, in excess of 24 million, were received at our facility a number of years ago. Selective Service System. "During World War I, all males between the ages of 18 and 45 were required to register for the draft. Five different cards were used, each with different information, except for age and date of birth. Legacy Tip: How to add a Citation for a World War I draft registration card April 13, 2015 If you have a male relative born between September 13, 1873 and September 12, 1900 and living in the United States between June 5, 1917 and September 12, 1918, there is a good chance he will be listed in the United States World War I Draft Records at . All males in the United States, born between the years 1872 and 1900, were required by law to register for the draft throughout 1917 and 1918. Extracted registration cards from microfilm #1653499, on file at the Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150. Age. ~� endstream endobj 534 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 0 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -558 -307 2034 1026 ] /FontName /CDCMGB+TimesNewRoman,Bold /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 133 /FontFile2 553 0 R >> endobj 535 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 122 /Widths [ 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 0 722 722 667 611 778 778 389 500 778 667 944 722 778 611 0 722 556 667 722 722 1000 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 556 444 556 444 333 500 556 278 0 556 278 833 556 500 556 0 444 389 333 556 500 722 500 500 444 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /CDCMGB+TimesNewRoman,Bold /FontDescriptor 534 0 R >> endobj 536 0 obj 974 endobj 537 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 536 0 R >> stream There were three WWI draft registrations that occurred in 1917 and 1918 - the first two registered men between the ages of 21 and 31 and the third, at the end of 1918, recorded men ages 18-45. 0000005334 00000 n Viewed 782 times 13 My great-uncle Lester Clifton of Springfield, Illinois registered for the WWI draft and on the bottom left side of the draft card is a large zero or uppercase 'O'. trailer << /Size 556 /Info 524 0 R /Root 526 0 R /Prev 583839 /ID[<0f6bec5cf1c56eedf9c9b6f40f78fe37><0f6bec5cf1c56eedf9c9b6f40f78fe37>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 526 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 515 0 R /OpenAction [ 527 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone /PageLabels 503 0 R >> endobj 554 0 obj << /S 2235 /L 2323 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 555 0 R >> stream The U.S. officially entered World War II on 8 December 1941 following an attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. H��UKo�@��+�[��>ll�+U�T�R�zhr @�L$����ǂ������o`�y4y7r���lT�L^G?��FW�fm;��ߚ�G|�Z_z�?�X������l��VU96��#�~FX��Dۏ���\�6�2G�O� The second group contains the Selective Service Records of the remainder of . In 1917 and 1918 all men born between 1873 and 1900 had to register for the draft. �b��#} �;��/��H�`��%32ň]L�a@y��%ar�^R��Ԥ��oոj�4�Y�Y��B� The information on the individual draft cards varies, but all of them include age and date of birth and most of them give the full name of the man registering. If you are interested in researching military service records, this article will provide you Rapides Parish Draft Cards, Partial Listing: 1917-18; Oscar Harrell - Draft Registration Card; Eugene Harrell - Draft Registration . World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Partial listing on African American Griots. They are also available on microfilm (National Archives publication M1509) at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, local Family History Centers , the National Archives and its Regional Archive centers. FamilySearch. Office of the Provost Marshal General. The 2nd was held 5 Jun 1918 for men who turned 21 since the 1st registration. I found a second set of 60 microfilms for the city of . "The information included on each registration differs somewhat but the general information shown includes order and serial numbers (assigned by the Selective Service System), full name, date and place of birth, race, citizenship, occupation, personal description . World War I Draft Registration Cards. These registration cards represent approximately 98% of the men under the age of 46. Via Great War Fiction. INTRODUCTION: Over twenty-four million American men registered for the draft for the First World War in 1917 and 1918. ��.mO T��B�C;��=:��y���t���;d�(�Y���F�s��D�Z�P��\� 0000005312 00000 n Name index and images of draft registration cards for World War I. Draft Records [edit | edit source]. Join the community of family history enthusiasts and FamilySearch employees to ask questions and discuss potential product enhancements. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Registrants for the draft in Comanche County, Kansas. Additional Information About this Item . About 98 % of men present in America and born 1873-1900 provided draft card information in 1917 or 1918. Aliens were required to register. Persons already in the military did not register. National Archives Identifier: 641760: Creator(s): War Department. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Database with images. H��U=o�0��+8��%��dIc�,�Z����.l9�h���O�r�t��;{w|2��Ee Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. H��V�n�F}�W��na���=o��.�8��A�[��,!m���Ε����ٙ3g�����i��Y�|'�I����`�:�}]��it~�f��}b��vt~5��%��㿷�5��^#{_�xB\�"��5��������)�������$I 2N|R �?������/��8�-?殎3{�"�ٷ����O/. 0000011614 00000 n A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Of course there are approximately 24 million cards, and the original cards are found on more than 4,000 rolls of microfilm. Accompanying CD-ROM includes maps, newspaper copies, draft board lists, lottery numbers, and population estimates. #1 - June 5, 1917 - Men ages 21 to 31 - born June 6, 1886 to June 5, 1896 #2 - June 5, 1918 - Men turning 21 since the last registration and a supplemental registration August 24, 1918. Part 1: Introduction Historical Background. The 1920 U.S. Census entry indicates a birth year of 1888, while the 1930 entry supports the 1891 year of birth. Ӌ?����$`�t"oWX� �ZY�Qh�zЛ^�(ܲ�'sy1� ����o�(�f �r��$ ���JV�-�xs/��NG_�aO���\��'F�_�`�S�X.q2�EY4�4��*H���Q��0���^M[�� ��*pG*���X��;�|�]',�*��+f��ʡ�����#�k%�SEwD���B�P{��i�(l���HL���LY$X3�>�R�Tˁ4�l���O���sV˜Q����'�1�-�ED~�G��{Y�|�F4���҆����FL�b-�!^o�GX�[� There were three separate draft registrations held--the first on June 5, 1917 for men aged 21-31, the second on June 5, 1918 for men who had turned 21 since the first registration or who had not registered the . Nearly all men between the ages of 18-45 registered during the years the draft was implemented, about 23% of the U.S. population. On June 5, 1918, registered those who reached age 21 after June 5, 1917 . h.m2��G� In 1917 and 1918, approximately 24 million men born between 1873 and 1900 completed draft registration cards. On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act was passed authorizing the President to increase temporarily the military establishment of the United States. The original WWI draft registration cards are in the custody of the National Archives - Southeast Region near Atlanta, Georgia. In 1917 and 1918, approximately 24 million men living in the United States completed a World War I draft registration card. Draft registration. On this card from the first draft: 1251 is the serial number. This database contains an index and images of World War I draft registration cards completed by approximately 24 million men living in the U.S. in 1917 and 1918. For the 101st anniversary of the beginning of the Great War, let's take a closer look at these draft registration cards. World War I Draft Registration Card for John Blythe Barrymore. In 1917 and 1918 approximately 24 million men registered for the draft in the United States. }ɷ!a^��V�elҔ`}����XQ 4���'�tY����Z����Bf��e��+U W8��Uzb���`��W�P;�'D��x#Ú�f��TZ^�&-�����e^�73��W�@���j��Z�U�P�� ���4� ���b���SOpȘR������4����_x�u�x/5�}zt�� �k( endstream endobj 544 0 obj 860 endobj 545 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 544 0 R >> stream Variant Control Numbers. 1917-7/15/1919 (Most Recent) The draft registration card of Ty Cobb indicates that he worked as baseball player, employed in Detroit, Michigan. 0000011286 00000 n ���@Ρ��AW�z�1W� �P��o�G5�!��}S�b�S�?�N��Z4�YF�� |�ˍD f�A:�v���@ׇl��r3�K���@j ��JᛊT���\��:+�K+ך��aJ`{�}�6�y9��*��Bi�|2�H�5$I��w�;����0 � Additional Information About this Item . Genealogy how-to research tips, ideas, and suggestions with a concentration on research in the United States. Upon their receipt, they were boxed and arranged by NARA employees. H�|VKo�@��W�8y����GD�"�� Twenty-four million men who were born between 13 September 1873 and 12 September 1900 (between the ages of 18 and 45) registered with with the Selective Service.The registration cards for all of the states and territories have been microfilmed in National Archive Microfilm Publication M1509 World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards and . These registration cards represen. WWI Draft Registration Cards 1917 - 1918 . 훞�k����T:oS��0�2�>w:��'�� ,�;�.�����^`�;I�X��ƯW��)aU鉔��Ѣ�Ģ�잣*N��������8�p�S�NΗ��bn�U\����+Ջ�ٱ=O���a�*�`4�:�.�/��� ��T�&���1i�Rh+ж�U�RR͕�-�w3�5���7���B̟������#��%�k9z��� �Li�R��%͍�c���iD�l�(��a��\��K���jԷ�GݞH��h�� The collection consists of an index and images of draft registration cards for World War I. The second and third forms used included the name and location of the nearest . 0000006410 00000 n "This volume has been extracted from microfilms #1653351 & 1653352, on file at the Family History Library ... Salt Lake City, UT ..."--1st prelim. page Brian Gross Jul 1, 2017 12:45 AM. Information found on these cards generally included, birth date, birth location, father's birthplace, and the address of next of kin. The number is the 'registration' number. 0000007372 00000 n Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005. (these numbers where assigned to each local board) The letters numbers the draft, i.e. Ѥh$>/� Kansas state Hopital at Oswatomie and employees of the draft during World War I, for... Can find the following information on draft registration card for Alvin C. York months. Approximately 24 million men registered for the WWI draft which corresponded to the first draft, i.e 21 31. And arranged by state, by local draft board, then alphabetical surname! His second registration: Operations Inc, 2005 MI152 are WWI draft registration cards created at this have... 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