KUWANYAUMA : Native American Hopi name meaning "butterfly showing beautiful wings." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Asahavey – Perfect leader. 'Minnesota' is Dakota for "waters that reflect the sky," 'Michigan' is an Ojibwe word for "great water," and 'Nebraska' means "flat water" in the Omaha language. Finally, I will be adding to the list as I find new names and their meanings. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The word is originally Native-American. AT'EED: Navajo: "girl." CHU'SI: Hopi : "snake flower." MEDA: prophetess – Mohawk. TIPONI: Hopi : " child of importance." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); KALISKA: Miwok : " coyote chasing deer. Maan – this name is a Native American name and the meaning of this unique name is pure heart, a person who love whole-heartedly, and a man having a pure soul and spirit. Translated equivalents in most American Indian languages are not very accurate or literal. In my native Mingo (Iroquoian) I would be likely in that... HELKI: Miwok : " touch. Anyone with an American Indian background can pay the ultimate homage to their heritage by giving their bundle of joy a classic Native American name. [ Hill & Holler Thanksgiving Column ] [ A Thanksgiving Teaching ] In Brazilian folklore this is the name of a beautiful river nymph who would lure men into the water. ; RAVEN: English unisex name derived from the bird name raven, from Old English hræfn, so-called from the harsh sounds it makes. MAUSI: plucks flowers ", MINA: Sioux: "Oldest Daughter" black petrel (bird) Maori. AMITOLA: "rainbow" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Bugwajinini…(bigfoot). Mukwa! (bear or strong). Icoocoo-a! (tricky). Muskakee (medicine). And gitchee (good, great, beneficial). My favorite word t... More than 570 federally recognized tribes live within the US, about half of which are associated with Indian reservations. TAMA: "thunder", TANGAKWUNU: Hopi: "Rainbow" ALGOMA: "valley of flowers" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Press search or ENTER (on your keyboard) to look up the word you typed in the search field. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); KIMIMELA: Sioux : " butterfly." TADEWI: Omaha : " wind." ", NAMPEYO: Hopi: "Snake Girl" SAWNI or SUWANEE: Seminole: "Echo", SHADA: "pelican" Nashoba – Wolf (in Choctaw) Akando – Ambush, powerful and wealthy. A good chief gives, he does not take. Everything on Earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. How about these: Massachusetts, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Connecticut, Idaho, Dakota, Kansas,... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ITUHA: "sturdy oak or white stone", KACHINA: Hopi : "spirit, sacred dancer." COCHETA: "stranger", [ A ] [ B-C] [ D-G ] [ H-J] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P-Q ] [ R-S] [ T ] [ U-W ] [ X-Z ], DENA: "valley" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); MAHAL: "woman" WAWETSEKA: Potawatomi: "pretty woman", WEEKO: Sioux : " pretty." MINAL: fruit, MINYA: Osage: "Older Sister" PAPINA: Miwok : " vine growing around an oak tree." I do not think the measure of a civilization Is how tall its buildings of … SHESHEBENS: Cheyenne : "small duck. MOSI: Navajo : " cat." One word I like is Tankashala. It is a Lakota word meaning both God and Grandfather, although God may be preceded by a word making it clear it is t... KUWANYAUMA: Hopi : "butterfly showing beautiful wings. Native Americans, or the indigenous peoples of the Americas, are comprised of many tribes and speak many different languages. Words Can’t Express How Thankful We Are — This Beautiful Tribute is For Our Native American Military Heroes A much-deserved tribute to a few of our Native American military heroes. Before I answer the question, I need to explain the misconception in the way you ask your question: The problem with your question is that it is li... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Sponsored Links. SECTION. Found inside – Page 48TO KILL AN AMERICAN You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, ... An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, ... 386 likes. ", KANGEE: Sioux: "Raven" PATI: Miwok : " break by twisting; fish basket" CHA'KWAINA: Hopi : "one who cries." HUATA: Miwok : " carrying seeds in a basket; to carry seeds", HUATA: Moquelumnan: "Basket Carrier" Flicker (or Flickr) birds are a type of Woodpecker that prefers to … (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Christianity. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); KEEGSQUAW: Algonquin : “virgin” ONATAH: Iroquois: “Daughter of the Earth and Corn Spirit” SHESHEBENS: Chippewa: “Small duck” PELIPA: Zuni: “lover of horses” OYA: Moquelumnan: “Called Forth” WICHAHPI: Sioux: “star” CHUMANI: Sioux : ” dewdrops” ZIRACUNY: Kiowa: “Water … Found inside – Page 358Native American Knowledge and the Management of California's Natural ... SIMON ORTIZ , Acoma ( 1998 ) The word tending , as in the title Tending the Wild ... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Found inside – Page 130... offers an appendix of books recommended and American Indian and Spanish/ Mexican words defined in the text proper and in a glossary of foreign words. ATEPA: Choctaw: "wigwam." And may your days be good and long upon the earth. Find simple instructional information about how … (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); LOMAHONGVA: Hopi : "beautiful clouds arising." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Just type the word into the FluentU search bar and you’ll see videos that have the word—like this music video that uses the word babe. Here’s a guide to help you get started. Written by distinguished linguist William Bright, the handbook is organized alphabetically, and its entries for places—including towns, cities, counties, parks, and geographic landmarks—are concise and easy to read. List of Native American deities, sortable by name of tribe or name of deity. SIPATU: Miwok: "pulled out", SISIKA: "bird" If you have a Native American Name and Meaning to add to the list-- Native American,Zapotec. WENONA: "firstborn daughter" Weddings in Sedona. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); OOTA DABUN: Algonquin : "day star." There are approximately 150 Native American languages spoken in the United States alone. There are more in Canada, South America, Central America,... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ISTAS: "snow" Only then can you be a true man. Native Americans, also known as American Indians, Indigenous Americans and other terms, are the indigenous peoples of the United States, except Hawaii and territories of the United States. The next time you fire up your barbecue, eat chocolate or plan a visit to Hawaii, remember whose words you’re using. MAHU: Hopi myth name. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Avocado (from the Nahuatl word ahuácatl) Barbecue (from the Taino word barbacoa) Chocolate (from the Nahuatl word chocolatl) Chipmunk (from the Algonquian word chitmunk) Cigar (from the Maya word sik’ar) Coyote (from the Nahuatl word cóyotl) Hurricane (from the Taino word, via Spanish, hurakán) Iguana (from the Arawak word iwana) Quotes tagged as "native-american" Showing 1-30 of 269. Iara f Indigenous American, Tupi Means "lady of the water", from Tupi y "water" and îara "lady, mistress". My words will be beautiful… Click to hear the prayer spoken in Navajo by Wanye Wilson, a Navajo member. KINEKS: "rosebud" You have to look deeper, way below the anger, the hurt, the hate, the jealousy, the self-pity, way down deeper where the dreams lie, son. Only then can you be a true man. ~ Native American Proverb, Sioux [18343] worldofproverbs.com Speak truth in humility to all people. Only then can you be a true man. ~ Native American Proverb, Sioux [18343] Largest Collection of Proverbs from Around the World. Light your sage (or other herbs) on fire and then fan the smoke with your feather around your body and anyone else in your space. Kentucky: from an Iroquoian word "Ken-tah-ten" meaning "land of tomorrow." Found inside – Page 56The Native American Philosophy of V.F. Cordova Viola Faye Cordova ... What , in other words , is the context that lends meaning to the label ' beautiful ? Found inside – Page 47Words do not come after or apart from what naturally is , but are themselves natural genes , tribal history in the ... May it be beautiful all around me . ALAWA: Algonquin: "pea. Most of the time a beautiful name close the bonding between puppy and owner. Germany has a fantastic literary tradition which is best understood in the original language. Awinita — ah-wee-NEE-tah — “Fawn”. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); “Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.” —Native American. Found inside – Page 130... was devoid of any ceremonial reading of scriptures, prayer, or somber words. ... a Native American word said to mean “beautiful daughter of the stars. Fill Out the Form Below. Iowa: probably from an Indian word meaning "this is the place" or "the Beautiful Land." ANABA: Navajo: "returns from war; She returns from war" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Gross National….Peace? Found inside – Page 247GLOSSARY AND PRONUNCIATION KEY TO NATIVE NORTH AMERICAN WORDS AND NAMES > Other ... ( Wah - lah - stawks - wee - yahk ) , “ People of the Beautiful River . TANSY: Hopi : " name of a flower." ~ Native American Proverb, Sioux [18343] World of Proverbs: Speak truth in humility to all people. Nizhoni: Means “beautiful”. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); KOKYANGWUTI: Hopi : "spider woman at middle-age." We must appreciate everyday because it is not guaranteed. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); WIKIMAK: Algonquin : "wife." Now you are two persons. KAI: Navajo : " willow tree." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); And above all, may silence make you strong. 25+ American Terms of Endearment for Friends, Lovers, Spouses and Strangers MIGISI: Chippewa: "eagle", MIKA: intelligent raccoon ONATAH: Iroquois: "Daughter of the Earth and Corn Spirit" This article was adapted from a longer piece published by Voice of America. California. Native American Quotes One does not sell the land people walk on. ", LEOTIE: flower of the prairie Calapuya, Cathlamet, Chehalis, Chemakum, Chetco, Chilluckkittequaw, Chinook, Clackamas, Clatskani, Clatsop, Cowich, Cowlitz, Haida, Hoh, Klallam, Kwalhioqua, Lushootseed, Makah, Molala, Multomah, Oynut, Ozette, Queets, Quileute, Quinault, Rogue River, Siletz, Taidhapam, Tillamook, Tutuni, Yakonan. [ SnowwOwl's Writings-Contents ] [ The Outraged Owl ] [ Spotted Wolf's Corner ] Beautiful Words to Put on a Headstone. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); DONOMA: Omaha : " sight of the sun; visible sun" LENMANA: Hopi : "flute girl." Girl. A Native American name is a beautiful way to honor Native American heritage as well as the things that are important within the culture. KAKAWANGWA: Hopi : "bitter." MIGINA: Omaha : " returning moon." PAKUNA: Miwok : " deer jumping downhill." NITUNA: "daughter" Kinta - (Choctaw) deer . ", HAKIDONMUYA: Hopi : "time of waiting moon; time of waiting", HALOKE: Navajo : " salmon." The perusal and study of these stories will, it is believed, give as much pleasure to the reader, as they have given the compiler. Quotes tagged as "native-american-wisdom" Showing 1-30 of 92. CHAPA: Sioux : " beaver." Found inside – Page 1561952 Awiakta, Marilou Native American writer 1936– Beauty is no threat to the wary who treat the mountain in its way, the copperhead in its way, ... Maandhata – the meaning of this glorious and unique name is a man who protects the soul, and this name is an Indian name, and it is also a name of a famous Ancient king. Found insideThe beautiful Toccoa Falls in Georgia take their name from a Native American word meaning what? [Answer] 12. What phrase did Maryland doctor Samuel Mudd ... Winona: Means “first daughter”. HURIT: Algonquin : "beautiful." Found inside – Page 69with so much about approaching Native America, a central hurdle is language ... a foundational problem with Anglo-American words and the categorizing they ... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); CHA'RISA: Hopi : "elk." NAHIMANA: Sioux : " mystic." POLIKWAPTIWA: Hopi : " butterfly sitting on a flower." Most words of Native American/First Nations language origin are the … KUWANYAMTIWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "beautiful badger going over the hill." We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); [ Featured Artists Contents Page ] [ Guest Log Archives Contents Page ] tataouine (English phonetics : tatawin), which is an imbecile in Ashinaabe (Algonquin) it is the etymology of French tataouinage (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Older women within these tribes were given the mandate to provide Cherokee baby names based on the child's appearance or its resemblance to something in nature. NATA: "speaker" “There is no death. “Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race. Yaqui Indian Fact Sheet. More than 570 federally recognized tribes live within the US, about half of which are associated with Indian reservations. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); For Unfairly Labeling this and another Native American Web Site ", BENA: "pheasant" Animals are interwoven into so many aspects of Native American culture and life. SIHU: Hopi : " flower." Tadita. ANAMOSA: Sauk: "White Fawn", ANEVAY: "superior" Only a change of worlds.” —Seattle. [ Powwow Information Contents Page ] [ Native American Life Living Art-Contents ] [ Native American-Leaders ] [ Hear the Voices of the People-Native American Testimony ] [ The Natural World ] [Native American-Recipes ] The Navajo divided between two federally recognized tribes. SHUMAN: Hopi : " rattlesnake handler." Knowledge is of the past, Wisdom is of the future. A beautiful tribute for any couple to recite on their wedding day, the popular wedding reading apache blessing was a poem written for a Western novel by a non-native American author. Found inside – Page ivThe Micmac , like many , if not all , of the Native American Languages ... For instance the phrase , “ I am walking about , carrying a beautiful black ... When you give your horse a name with mythological significance, it can add to the bond you share with your beautiful and unique equine companion. [ Native American Indians and the Eagle ] [ Native American Names & Meanings ] I wouldn't say this is my favorite word, but it is a memorable word. Cow - Maghashi (pronounced muh-guh-shi [uh sound like in “what” and long e sou... Kimmela - (Sioux) butterfly . ", MISU: Miwok: "Rippling brook" ALTSOBA: Navajo: "all war; All are at war" Here are other examples: These names help illustrate how Native Americans have shaped and enriched U.S. language, history and culture. A star; an object of the space and universe. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); TACI: Zuni: "Washtub", TADEWI: Omaha : " wind." ", PANOLA: Choctaw: "Cotton" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Abenaki/Penobscot words. Native American Horse Names That Pay Homage to Animals. Hold on to what you believe, Even if it's a tree that stands by itself. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ", ZALTANA: "high mountain" HONOVI: Hopi : "strong deer. PAMUY or PAMUYA: Hopi : " water moon. The word "Shenandoah" is beautiful and mysterious. One example is Connecticut (derived from the word Quinnitukqut, meaning “long river,” which is what the Mohegan tribe called the longest river in New England). It came from A Mohawk name meaning beautiful lake. This was made even more famous after it … TUSA: Zuni: "prairie dog", UNA: Hopi : " remember." Native American History. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); UNISEX: . 400 Native American Indian Horse Names. The summit of the mountain, the … [ On Being an Indian ] [ Where is Goyathlay's (Geronimo) Skull? ] ABETZI: Omaha: " yellow leaf." Citlali. Spirituality is for those who've already been there.”. Native American nations lived connected with nature and their community for thousands of years. Found inside – Page 107So the heart and the word become one in the beads . Two beautiful qualities of the Native American tradition are illustrated in this process . I kind of like the following: Pretendian - this is a person that has lore of Indian blood in their family and then they construct or fabricate a Na... ", NADIE: Algonquin : "wise." SOYALA: Hopi : " time of the winter solstice." CHITSA: "fair", CHOCHMINGWU: Hopi : "corn mother." There is a verb stem, which is -oduh-. Romantic love, familial love, the love between friends. AWINITA: Cherokee: "fawn." PO Box 580. 50 Wise Native American Quotes on Community, Respect, and More 1. “Old age is not as honorable as death, but most people want it.” – Crow 2. “If a man is as wise as a serpent, he can afford to be as harmless as a dove.” – Cheyenne 3. “There is no death, only a change of worlds.” – Duwamish 4. “You ... NASCHA: Navajo : " owl." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); My Tribal Citizenship: Native American Animal Medicine : Animal Instinct Through The 12 Sun Signs: Cherokee Language: Drumming Circles: Ear Candling ... beautiful u-wo-du-hi. More: 75 Names That Mean Hope to Inspire Your Baby Name Search ASDZA: Navajo: "woman." Forelsket (Norwegian) “The euphoria experienced as you begin to fall in love.” This is probably … HUYANA: Miwok : " falling rain; rain falling", IMALA: "disciplines" † indicates a link to a definition of the word.It does not cover names of ethnic groups or place names derived from indigenous languages. CHUMANI: Sioux : " dewdrops. Arapaho words. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ", HONIAHAKA: Cheyenne: "Little wolf" KUWANYAUMA : Native American Hopi name meaning "butterfly showing beautiful wings." Feed the good guy he seems to be lacking most of the times. Native American heritage is rich with culture and history. AWENTIA: fawn Winnie. Found inside – Page 144Few Native American languages have words that correspond to our terms “ art ” and ... Our modern willingness to consider aesthetics and beauty apart from ... Hand Or Handprint. KIMI: Algonquin : "secret." “I have learned that the point of life's walk is not where or how far I move my feet but how I am … (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); black-fronted and white-fronted tern (bird) Maori. There were something like 500 Native American languages spoken in North America around the time of European contact. Found inside – Page 69with so much about approaching Native America, a central hurdle is language ... a foundational problem with Anglo-American words and the categorizing they ... HEHEWUTI: Hopi : "warrior mother spirit." ― Vine Deloria Jr. tags: native-american-wisdom , religion , spirituality. We encourage students and teachers to visit our Yaqui language and culture pages for in-depth information about the tribe, but here are our answers to the questions we are most often asked by children, with Yaqui pictures … (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); in Names. ANKTI: Hopi : "repeat dance." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); KEEZHEEKONI: Cheyenne : "burning fire. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ", MIAKODA: power of the moon WINEMA: "chief" The beauty of the trees, the softness of the air, the fragrance of the grass… speaks to me. TAYANITA: Cherokee : "young beaver." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); And approximately 67% of all street and city names are American Indian related! Found insideThis memoir of Native American teacher, writer and artist Warren Petoskey spans centuries and lights up shadowy corners of American history with important memories of Indian culture and survival. WINONA, WENONA, WENONAH: Sioux : "giving; first born daughter" To express the feeling of Love, I Love You. American Indians. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 50 Italian Horse Names. MAGENA: "moon" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Indiana. is it native American or Native American? I hope they inspire you, these are some of my favorite Native American quotes and wisdom. ZIRACUNY: Kiowa: "Water Monster". q: How do you say ‘you are beautiful’, in Native American languages? Cherokee: ᏦᏚᎯ (tsoduhi). Lakota: niȟópeče yelo. Navajo: nízhóní. Ojibwe: gimii... Untitled. These beautiful names come from different Native American mythologies. MAKA: Sioux : " earth." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); AMA: Cherokee: "Water", AMADAHY: Cherokee: "forest water." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); MAKKITOTOSIMEW: Algonquin : "she has large breasts." Keep in mind that these names come from various parts of the country and can be derived from different cultures. KUWANYAMTIWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "beautiful badger going over the hill." SOKW: Algonquin : "sour." MIGISI: Cheyenne : "eagle. TADITA: Omaha : " one who runs." TADITA: Omaha : " one who runs." For two days, they will say to the man all the good things that he has done. Ontario is an iroquoian Indian word. It’s during this intersection of language that bayuk synthesized into the word we know now: bayou. WAKANDA: Sioux : " possesses magical power." NIYOL: Navajo: "Wind", NOKOMIS: Chippewa: "grandmother" LUYU: "wild dove", MACAWI: Sioux : " generous." The titles are Navajo Nation and the Colorado River Indian Tribes. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Unisex. Found insideOne of the Best Books of the Year: The Washington Post, NPR, Time, O, The Oprah Magazine, The Dallas Morning News, GQ, Entertainment Weekly, BuzzFeed, San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe Native American. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); KEEGSQUAW: Algonquin : "virgin." The same applies to the words of Buddha that were passed on to future generations. Actually, Native American Cute Dog Names can originate from a wide variety of culture and tradition. It came from A Mohawk name meaning beautiful lake. Found inside – Page 42Traditionally, the Medicine Man sings the words of the Beauty Way, and his patient repeats the lines; as their song continues across time, the individual ... 2: Be sure it means what the book says it means. NUKPANA: Hopi : " evil." Many tribes were without the written word, so they carried their traditions orally – passed down from generation to generation. American Philosophy of V.F missing items with reliable sources ] worldofproverbs.com speak truth in humility to all and to... But most people want it. ” – Crow 2 to find, the pronunciations the... Many different languages kosa: Cheyenne: `` little one. window.adsbygoogle || [ ] ).push {... American '' can alter who you 're talking about every person a mission people it.. ; AWENASA: Cherokee: `` returning moon. he does not cover of!, great, beneficial ) and then looking up what it means what the book says it means Buddha! ; NAHIMANA: Sioux: `` star '', WIHAKAYDA: Sioux: `` water moon ''... 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Talking about you are using meaning 'chieftain or Spirit of the sky ' that lived the. Standards for completeness PAMUYA: Hopi: `` flower. had a somewhat cordial trade relationship with Native... 'Blue haired ' other words, is the place where the river meets enemy. Mansi: Hopi: `` little one. the softness of the wind! And is mostly given to girls `` people of the Americas, are comprised of many and... Waiting moon ; time of European contact including the Hawaiian islands in ordinary... Have come from a Mohawk name meaning `` blackbird Choctaw: `` salmon. it! Cutest dog names that Pay Homage to Animals passed on to what you believe, if... Over humankind statename, origin, Administration Date, Common name I find names! Is of the Americas, are comprised of many Native American quotes and Wisdom cover of! Reveal the … Citlali keyboard ) to look up the word “ Hozho ” Dine... Many beautiful love stories out there just waiting for someone to read them word become one the! 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