This may Vodoun, Voudou, Voodoo, Sevi Lwa) is commonly called Voodoo (vû'dû) by the public. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. It has influenced or given birth to a host of thriving ways of life . In addition to being a spiritual state, Olodumare is the name of the divine, supreme being who is the creator of all things. Yoruba Orishas (commonly translated unique/special/selected heads”) are often described as intermediaries between humankind and the supernatural. There is a specific cult of Olodumare in Y orubaland. Another being, Obatala, asked Olorun for permission to create dry land for other creatures to live upon. 1996. The Basics of Yoruba - An African Spiritual Tradition. Measure content performance. The religions practiced among Yoruba People dates medieval times. Create a personalised content profile. They are this also referred to as Imole. Found insideThis book explores the resacralisation of space on the mountains, highlighting how humans and the divine interact in Yorubaland. Yoruba divinities have been identified with Catholic saints 3. According to Kola Abimbola, the Yorubas have evolved in robust cosmology. When it's time for the festival, they make offerings of snails, kola nuts, palm oil, pigeons, and dogs to soothe Ogun's destructive wrath. Throughout the book prominence is given to the intentionality of actors as knowledgeable agents who transform ritual itself through play and improvisation. Foreword Acknowledgments 1 Concepts and Theories on Women in Yoruba Religious Sphere 2 Women in Yoruba Culture and Society 3 Women in Yoruba Christian Tradition 4 Identity, Power, and Gender Relations in Yoruba Religious Traditions 5 Women and Rituals in Yoruba Religion Conclusion Notes References Index v. Vii xi. Drumming and dancing in Santería aren't just for entertainment. Afro-Cuban religions have long been an integral part of Cuban society. Prayers are said to ward off premature deaths, and to offer protection and blessings to the entire village for the coming year. It emerged in Cuba during the 17th century, and has been embedded in Cuban society ever since. Whatever their motives, they came, observed and wrote The earth, being one of these, was visited but considered too wet for conventional living. He threw the bag over his shoulder, and began to climb down from the heavens on a long gold chain. The wisdom and secrets that provide guidance and answers to all mankind. Found insideLooks at the ritualistic art, religious writings, and philosophy of the Yoruba people in Africa Babalao Cubano de la Religión Yoruba libera de una Daño Poderoso a una mujer.--Hello my friends.! Only those who live a virtuous and good existence earn the privilege of reincarnation; those who are unkind or deceitful don't get to be reborn. For serious problems, the Yoruba go to an ifa diviner to consult Orunmila, the god of fate. Santeria devotees came to the United States in increasing num- The Spiritual Life © 2020. Many people find themselves drawn to Yoruba because it offers them a chance to connect to a spiritual heritage that predates colonization and the Transatlantic slave trade. The Yorubas as a tribe regard Olodumare as the principal agent of creation. This is not to be confused with one’s spiritual Ori, which contains personal destiny, but instead refers to the coming back to The Marketplace of one’s personal blood Ori through one’s new life and experiences. In Yoruban religion, female priests are known as: iyalawo. Drumming and Dancing Rituals. The Yoruba traditional religion believes that all human beings pass through what is known as Ayanmo which translate to destiny or fate. It comprises the beliefs of the Yoruba people, whose homeland is in the South Western part of Nigeria and adjoining parts of Benin and Togo. Santeria curses are an Afro - Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions, with some Roman Catholic elements added. Finally, the Yoruba religion also has Ashe, a powerful life force possessed by humans and divine beings alike. They are a religious group of people who are mainly Christians, Muslims or of Traditional beliefs. Found insidePowerfully communicating an unparalleled understanding of religious conversion, education, progress, modernity, new movements in Christianity and Islam, religious co-existence and violence, this great book restores value and merit both to ... Yoruba, from the Yoruba people of Nigeria, has been spreading across the U.S. for the last 50 years. Its roots may go back 6,000 years in . Basic Beliefs . This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. This book seeks to bridge these gaps. Vodou in the Haitian Experience studies comparatively the connections and relationships between Vodou and African traditional religions such as Yoruba religion and Egyptian religion. 1. The Yoruba religion has its own unique creation story, in which Olorun lived in the sky with the orishas, and the goddess Olokun was the ruler of all of the water below. Some orishas appear in the form of a natural feature—rivers, mountains, trees, or other environmental markers. [1] The Yoruba pantheon was extensive, diverse and was formed by gods and goddess denominated Orishas. Facts About Yoruba Tribe In Nigeria: Yoruba Tribe History, Culture, Religion & Traditions. Surveys previous works on Yoruba religion and outlines a typology of beliefs, as well as offers an interpretation of religious rites as elements of . The religion flourishes in the Caribbean, and South America where it has been transplanted along with the peoples who followed this religious path, from Africa. four new world yoruba ritual the the bible for the heritage minded person whom has enter into the world of the orisa this book is your gate way learn the prayers you will need hands on training with and elder but you will get a head start with understand the process with book find yourself a house to worship like the Heritage Village you will . Basic Yoruba belief involves ritual practices such as singing, dancing, drumming, spirit possession, ritual healing, respect for ancestors and divination. It is estimated that some 20% of Yoruba practice the traditional religion of their ancestors. The most interesting aspect of the Yoruba culture was their mythology and their religious practices. Santería is African at its core. Ifa divination is the process of divination associated with Ifa, an ancient indigenous religion and spiritual tradition conceptualized by the Yoruba people many centuries ago. Most people try to avoid the Ajogun; anyone who is afflicted by one might be sent to an Ifa, or priest, to perform a divination and determine how to get rid of the Ajogun. Santería Spiritual Practices. Much like the Catholic saints, the Yoruba orishas work as the intermediaries between man and the supreme creator, and the rest of the divine world. Obatala leaped onto a high-ground and named the place Ife. Secret rituals are prohibited, as are any practices that include a prohibited act. Olodumare is seen as somewhat remote and difficult to approach; hence He is not the object of shrines, rituals or prayers. Associated with virility, masculinity, fire, lightning, stones, Oyo warriors and magnetism. Some of these people pro- ceeded to Yoruba country to confirm their previously held accounts about "pagan" worship and animist beliefs among the African peoples. Select basic ads. For example, the book moves beyond ethnographic descriptions and interpretations of core beliefs and practices to look at how African religion has engaged issues of socioeconomic development and power relations. Origins of the Term, Marie Laveau, Mysterious Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, Exploring the Different Branches of Satanism, Sami People: Religion, Beliefs, and Deities, The Orishas: Orunla, Osain, Oshun, Oya, and Yemaya, different kinds of orishas in the Yoruba religion, festival of Ogun, which also takes place on an annual basis, where it is resonating with many Black Americans, The Yoruba religion includes the concept of. It is believed that the Yoruba people started their religious practices as far back as the 1st b.c. Yoruba masks, ceremonies and rituals where once a very important and central part of African culture and life and it is in some villages still nowadays. In African cultures, the spiritual and the physical exist in close communion. During a tambor (drumming ceremony) the sacred batá drums are played. While the slave owners insisted that slaves convert to . Irunmole, from “Erinrun” – 400, “Imole” – Divinites or Divine Spirits, An Egungun masquerade dance garment in the permanent collection of The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. Also, women in Yoruba society are forbidden to perform and sort of ritual (this includes prayers). Hence, it is common to hear references to “it” or “they” (although this is meant to address something of a singularity). Yoruba religious celebrations have a social purpose; they promote cultural values and help to preserve the rich heritage of the people who follow them. In the suburbs of Seattle, an ancient West-African religion is gaining followers. Some Yoruba myths have a pair of gods, _____ and Odudua his wife, as the gods who created the world. ISBN 096387835. A second way in which the world religions have been adapted to Yoruba society is religious leadership, especially where the boundaries of religious groups and descent groups coincide. The school-of-thought integrated into what now constitutes the core of the “New World lineages”: Main article: West African Vodun (Voodoo). Yoruba religion is the basis for a number of religions in the New World, notably Santería, Umbanda, Trinidad Orisha, Haitian Vodou, and Candomblé. Yoruba religion is the basis for a number of religions in the New World, notably Santería, Umbanda, Trinidad Orisha, Haitian Vodou, and Candomblé. We will use the term Lucumi to distinguish Cubans of Yoruba descent from both African Yorubas and non-Yoruba-descended Cubans who are not adherents of Santeria, and also to refer to Santeria's ritual language. It is a view that finds human destiny "rooted in the breath of God Almighty". Wigington, Patti. It originated in Africa (chiefly in Nigeria and Benin), and in the New World, where it has influenced or given birth to several Afro-American religions such as Lucumí in Cuba and Umbanda and Candomblé in Brazil in addition . Santeria (Way of the Saints) is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions, with some Roman Catholic elements added. Respecting the ritual primacy of the holy city of Ife legitimizes both a royal hierarchy and the basic pantheon of Yoruba gods, estimated variously at 201, 401, 601, or more. It was at this point that Olodumare released the “breath of life” to blow across the land, and the figurines slowly came into “being” as the first people of Ife. In the 1949 documentary Fiestas de Santiago Apóstol en Loíza Aldea, anthropologist Ricardo Alegría noted a similar tendency at Loíza, Puerto Rico, arguing that the affinity between the black population in the municipality and the Catholic saint Santiago Apóstol may derive from the way in which he is depicted as a warrior; a similar theme to some depictions of Shango. Often ill-translated as “The Devil” or “The Evil Being”, Eshu is in truth neither of these. Ashe is the energy found in all natural things—rain, thunder, blood, and so on. The Yoruba religion has become widespread throughout the western hemisphere as well as its native Africa. Well-balanced people, it is believed, are able to make positive use of the simplest form of connection between their Oris and the omnipotent Olu-Orun: an adura (petition or prayer) for divine support. Best referred to as “The Trickster”, he deals a hand of misfortune to those that do not offer tribute or are deemed to be. Furthermore, the thoughts and actions of each person in Ayé (the physical realm) interact with all other living things, including the Earth itself. In the Yoruba religion, gender is not an issue when it comes to reincarnation, and it is believe to change with each new rebirth. He is seen as the source of all and the creator of the first 16 human beings. The Yoruba religion system comprises of traditional practices and spiritual concepts which has evolved into a robust religious system. In the sky dwells Olodumare, the High God, a number of associated deities (the Orishas), and the ancestors. One’s Guardian Ori, which is represented and contained in the crown of the head, represents not only the spirit and energy of one’s previous blood relative, but the accumulated wisdom he or she has acquired through myriad lifetimes. ritual practitioners who specialize in the art of divination; very important among the Yoruba divination The use of various techniques, such as throwing bones or shells and then interpreting the pattern in which they fall, for gaining knowledge about an individual's future or about the cause of a personal problem; important among many religions . The Yoruba religion is also known as Santeria and has its origin in Africa, but has gained many adepts in the American continent since it came to these lands during the Colony. They held a belief system in common: the Ifa religion. Found insideSeminar paper from the year 2019 in the subject Theology - Practical Theology, grade: 7 (UK Higher Education), London School of Theology, language: English, abstract: This essay will utilize an integrative theological method to examine the ... The diviner then recites the verses related to the numerical pattern. During this period, many Yoruba were captured and sold into the slave trade and transported to Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, Uruguay, Venezuela, and other parts of the Americas. During Yoruba religious festivals, participants are intensely involved in the ritualistic-re-enactment of folktales, myths, and other events that help explain mankind's place in the cosmos. Although many Yoruba people have become Christian and Muslim since colonization, those who practice the traditional religious beliefs of their ancestors have managed to coexist peacefully with their non-traditional neighbors. In addition, Yoruba has had significant influence on other belief systems that are considered a part of the African diaspora. In this way the teachings transcend religious doctrine, advising as they do that a person must also improve their civic, social and intellectual spheres of being; every stanza of the sacred Ifá oracular poetry (Odu Ifa) has a portion covering the importance of “Iwa”. Irunmọlẹ are entities sent by Olorun to complete given tasks, often acting as liaisons between Orun (the invisible realm) and Aiye (the physical realm). It is a complex system dependent on an oral corpus known as odu Ifa. Santeria is practiced throughout Latin America and in the United States, but Cuba is its birthplace. Awolalu, J. Omosade. Yoruba religion is a blend of indigenous beliefs, myths and legends, proverbs, and songs, all influenced by the cultural and social contexts of the western portion of Africa. Image: Yoruba Divination Board, photographed by Ji-Elle licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License. Some of these people pro-ceeded to Yoruba country to confirm their previously held accounts about "pagan" worship and animist beliefs among the African peoples. Whatever their motives, they came, observed and wrote African traditional religions like Santeria, Candomble, and Trinidad Orisha all can trace many of their roots back to the beliefs and practices of Yorubaland. 4. Starting in the 16th century, large numbers of Yoruba natives were transported as slaves to the Caribbean and the Americas. A brid survey would be attempted here. The Yoruban [religion] divides the cosmos into Orun, the sky, and Aiye, the earth. Chrislam also occupies a distinct geographical space; Nigeria is often understood to be geographically and religiously polarized, with a predominantly Christian base in the South, and a Muslim base in the North. Originally published in 2003 Santería Enthroned combines art, history, cultural anthropology, and ethnohistory to show how Africans and their descendants have developed novel forms of religious practice in the face of relentless oppression ... Olodumare is the most important “state of existence”. Yoruba Religion . It shares some parallels with the Vodun practiced by the neighboring Fon and Ewe peoples to the west and to the religion of the Edo people to the east. The practices, songs, liturgical language, initiations, rituals and prayers of the religion are all Lucumí. Thereafter, the petitioner may be satisfied with a personal answer. There are four main contexts established for meditation in the Yoruban religion. Retrieved from This book will teach you the remarkable secrets of the Yoruba people. In this book, you will: Discover how to invoke the orishas and the seven African Powers. Master the art of divination to foretell your future. Early-20th-century Yoruba divination board. Found insideThe book also includes prayers, dances, songs, offerings, and sacrifices to honor the Orisha. The festival of Ogun, which also takes place on an annual basis, involves sacrifices as well. Learn Religions. The places where they are located are called Yorubaland. The contents were emptied onto what soon became a large mound on the surface of the water and soon after, the winged-beasts began to scatter this around until the point where it gradually made into a large patch of dry land; the various indentations they created eventually becoming hills and valleys. As time has passed, modernization, colonization, heavy migration into the cities and out of the countryside and small villages have made these rituals and ceremonies rarer occurances. Many of them are said to have been present when the world was created, and others were once human, but transcended into a state of semi-divine existence. accounts of Yoruba religious beliefs and practices were produced by missionaries, travellers and explorers. However, the Yoruba peoples that occupy the South-Western Yorubaland region of Nigeria are almost evenly divided between Christian and Muslim populations. He was the. Image Source The Yoruba strongly believe every man possesses "Ayanmo" (destiny, fate) and that Olodumare is the principal agent of creation. The combination of Yoruba religion and French Catholicism produced. Lukumi (often spelled Lucumi), popularly known as Santeria, or La Regla de Ocha is a religious system brought to the New World island of Cuba by Yoruba slaves from Africa in the area that is now Nigeria. The movement was pioneered by Yoruba peoples in south-west Nigeria. The first book to explore the history, methods, and thinking behind sacrifice in the growing Santería faith • Explains the animal sacrifice ceremony in step-by-step detail • Shares the ancient African sacred stories that reveal the ... Seminar paper from the year 2019 in the subject Theology - Practical Theology, grade: 7 (UK Higher Education), London School of Theology, language: English, abstract: This essay will utilize an integrative theological method to examine the ... The traditional African religions (or traditional beliefs and practices of African people) are a set of highly diverse beliefs that include various ethnic religions.. Generally, these traditions are oral rather than scriptural, include belief in a supreme creator, belief in spirits, veneration of the dead, use of magic and traditional African medicine. This last denomination is very common in Cuba . Eshu Elegbara initiates contact with spiritual realm on behalf of the petitioner, and transmits the prayer to Ayé; the deliverer of ase or the spark of life. Thus far we have seen examples of "Palo elekes" being given for the mpungos, "orisha signatures" culturally appropriated from Brazilian traditions, people being . Meanwhile, as this was happening on earth, Olodumare gathered the gases from the far reaches of space and sparked an explosion that shaped into a fireball. Yet, Alao Luqman, who was born in Ilorin state, Nigeria, to Yoruba parents who were converted to Islam, said these negative attitudes are born out of ignorance . 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