Repealed by Laws 1997, c. 133, § 602, eff. Commercial bribery involving an insured depository institution. As used in the Protection from Domestic Abuse Act and in the Domestic Abuse Reporting Act, Sections 40.5 through 40.7 of this title and Section 150.12B of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes: 1. §21-995.6. §21-1772. §21-531. Nov. 1, 2008. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. §21-63. Exhibition livestock - Administration of certain substances or performance of certain surgical procedures to alter appearance. Trafficking in children a felony. Receiving claims in payment of debts. Conviction must precede punishment. Nov. 1, 1995. §21-1303. §21-1198. §21-1376. §21-1550.34. §21-853. Repealed by Laws 2006, c. 62, § 6, emerg. §21-1550.23. Nov. 1, 2000; Laws 2001, c. 437, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1986. §21-1163. Unlawfully issuing or paying warrants. §21-1742.3. §21-1784. §21-1586. Owning, possessing, keeping or training bird for fighting. §21-1289.20. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 460, § 44, eff. §21-1692.7. Oklahoma Statutes - Title 63. §21-1027. e. reasonable cost of vehicle impound fees associated with the collection and security of crime scene evidence; 2. §21-1265.12. §21-1089. 1910, § 2092. Self incriminating testimony - Immunity from prosecution. §21-1742.2. §21-1550.27. §21-536. §21-1903. Appearance of parties and child, § 551-302. Renumbered as § 9.1 of Title 45 by Laws 1995, c. 344, § 35, eff. Fraud by officer authorized to sell, lease or make contract. Repealed by Laws 2013, c. 90, § 1, eff. Administration of Sexual Assault Examination Fund - Transfer. July 1, 1991. §21-2001. Bribing or offering bribe to executive officer. Attorney permitting other person to use his name. Contradictory statements as perjury. §21-581. §21-142A-6. §21-852.1. §21-444. §21-264. Copper - Stealing or removing - Penalties. Environmental Crimes Act - Short title. Required service of minimum percentage of sentence - Offenses specified. Aggravated trafficking as provided for in subsection C of Section 2-415 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes; or . Act as cumulative - Definitions. Escape from city or county jail or custody of Department of Corrections - Penalty - Juvenile or youthful offender. Interest of accused no defense to barratry prosecution. Persons jointly charged - Severance. Free Newsletters Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 226, § 4, emerg. Foreign corporation no defense. All statutes hereinafter enacted and codified in Part 1 of Chapter 7 of this title shall be considered and deemed part of the State Dental Act. court opinions. §21-695. This website is maintained by Thomson Reuters . §21-62. Larceny of trade secrets – Applicability of section. §21-334. July 1, 1999. A crime or public offense is an act or omission forbidden by law, and to which is annexed, upon conviction, either of the following punishments: 5. §21-20.4. §21-1835. Inspection of corporate books, refusing to permit. §21-1230.6. §21-358. §21-267. §21-588. Enforcement under Hague Convention, § 551-305. §21-349. §21-91. Manslaughter in the second degree. Harboring criminals and fugitives – Assisting a sex offender in violation of registration requirements – Unlawful acts - Penalties. Laws 1979, c. 135, § 1, emerg. Punishment for rape in first degree. Parent's right to change child's residence, § 112.3. Seizure and forfeiture proceedings - Vehicles, airplanes, vessels, etc. No conviction of any person for crime works any forfeiture of any property, except in the cases of any outlawry for treason, and other cases in which a forfeiture is expressly imposed by law. §21-1064. Crimes and Punishments §21-1173. Nov. 1, 2006. District attorneys and their partners. §21-1227. Fees for fortune telling prohibited. §21-1458. §21-64. R.L. eff. Enforcement of registered determination, § 551-308. Destruction of child pornography or obscene material. featuring summaries of federal and state Biochemical assault - Penalties. Unlawful removal of dead body - Violation of or damage to casket or burial vault. §21-995.1. §21-1517. §21-1315. Repealed by Laws 2000, c. 208, § 24, eff. §21-1694. Penalty for Firearms Act of 1971. §21-1834.2. §21-1320.5. Conviction does not work forfeiture. §21-650.11. First degree burglary as provided for in Section 1436 of this title; 13. Unlawful sale or offer for sale of sound recording - Penalties. R.L. §21-133. Repealed by Laws 1978, c. 74, § 1. Awarding custody or appointing guardian--Joint custody--Domestic violence, stalking, or harassment--Court considerations, § 109.1. Dissemination of gambling information. Dice or other game at cigar stand, etc. Victim protection order--Victims not to be discouraged from pressing charges--Rape or forcible sodomy, § 40.3. eff. Gambling paraphernalia - Disposition. The term "bribe" signifies any money, goods, right in action, property, thing of value or advantage, present or prospective, or any promise or undertaking, asked, given or accepted, with a corrupt intent to influence unlawfully the person to whom it is given, in his action, vote or opinion, in any public or official capacity. Automatic listing of licenses. Keeping places for fighting animals. Appearance and limited immunity, § 551-111. §21-540C. False entries in corporation books. Selling goods without consent of holder of bill of lading. Ordinary force as means of discipline not prohibited. Advocating of unlawfulness, criminal syndicalism, sabotage, sedition or treason upon public school grounds prohibited - Penalties. Person as designating party whose property may be subject of offense. §21-17. Fraudulently obtaining another person's information of financial institution - Presenting false or fraudulent information to officer, employee, agent or another customer of financial institution. Seizure of obscene material or child pornography – Delivery to magistrate. Arresting or attaching dead body. §21-1579. Teaching, demonstrating or training in the use of firearms, explosives or incendiary devices in furtherance of riot or civil disorder. Aid in attempt to commit suicide. Dec. 1, 1992, and State Question No. §21-63. §21-842. §21-1832. Unlawful to pay salary to ineligible persons. §21-346. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. §21-23. OKLAHOMA STATUTES. Medical battery – Penalties - Definition. Nov. 1, 1995. Disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit, under this state. Legislative findings for Firearms Act. §21-14. §21-445. Nov. 1, 2002. Amended by Laws 1997, c. 133, § 15, eff. Amateur radio operators exempt. By using this website, you agree not to use it in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair . July 1, 1999. Bear wrestling - Horse tripping. §21-1207. §21-799. AMUSEMENTS AND SPORTS (§§ 200 — 735) §21-566.1. Crimes and Punishments §21-1451v1. Contributions by corporations, labor unions, limited liability companies, and partnerships. It does not require any intent to violate law, or to injure another, or to acquire any advantage. This book was revised on February 21, 2020 to conform to the 2019 Legislative Session. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Resisting execution of process in time of insurrection. §21-1754. §21-61.2. §21-1868. §22-123. Failure to appear for jury service - Sanctions. Domestic abuse with a prior pattern of physical abuse, Part IV. Member of legislature - Soliciting or securing employment with state department or institution. Conjoint robbery as defined by Section 800 of this title; 8. Publication, distribution or participation in preparation of obscene material or child pornography - Unsolicited mailings. This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 10 July 2021. §21-584. §21-1290.20. Persons exempt from training course. Death penalty - Review of sentence. Protective custody of abused or neglected animals – Bond hearing. Second and subsequent offenses after conviction of petit larceny, or attempt to commit offense punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary. Desecration of a human corpse - Penalty - Prosecution with other offenses - Definition. §21-1482. §21-950. §21-1168.2. 650, Legislative Referendum No. §21-867. §21-955. Striking, tormenting, and other mistreatment of a police dog or horse - Penalties - Restitution. Receiving taken or retained card upon giving consideration. §21-52. §21-1533. 2915 N. Classen, Suite 524 Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (405) 962-1800 Subject to subparagraph C of this section in addition to any other powers vested by law, a peace officer of the State of Oklahoma as used in this section may enforce the criminal laws of this state throughout the territorial bounds of this state, under the following circumstances: 1. Animals (141KB) Title 5. §21-644. Military punishment Contempt Apprentices, Bastards, etc. §21-374. Exercising functions of office after term expires. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Notice to Federal Bureau of Investigation and Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation - Petition to remove disability - Hearing - Scope of relief. This chapter shall be known as the penal code of the State of Oklahoma. §21-1120. This book was revised on February 21, 2020 to conform to the 2019 Legislative Session. If such subsequent conviction is for petit larceny, or for any attempt to commit an offense, which, if perpetrated, would be punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary, then such person is punishable by imprisonment in such prison for a term not exceeding five (5) years. Trespass on posted property after being forbidden or without permission - Penalties - Exceptions. §21-1550.43. Disclosure of deposition returned by grand jury. Repealed by Laws 1992, c. 284, § 58, eff. Crimes and Punishments §21-1111. §2161.4. §21-1571. And the party may be indicted and tried in any county wherein such letter is so deposited or delivered, or in which it shall be received by the person to whom it is addressed. §21-701.13. §21-20.2. Use with intent to avoid payment of service charges. Seizures - Forfeiture or release - Hearing - Bona fide claims - Liens - Attorney fees - Proceeds of sale - Common carriers. §21-1631. §21-434. §21-464. Terms to have meanings specified unless different meaning appears. §21-62. §21-1541.2. Assault or battery or assault and battery upon officer of state district or appellate court, Workers' Compensation Court, witness or juror - Penalty. §21-1287. §21-856.2. Evidence for prosecution - Accomplices - Immunity for witnesses. §21-19. 21 OK Stat § 21-1283 (2014) What's This? This book was revised on February 21, 2020 to conform to the 2019 Legislative Session. Seizure and forfeiture of equipment used in certain offenses relating to obscene material or child pornography. First degree murder as defined in Section 701.7 of this title; 2. Section 21. Access to protective orders by law enforcement agencies, § 60.6. Instigating fights between animals. Dec. 1, 1992, and State Question No. Individual contributions - Contributions using intermediary or conduit - Lobbyist or lobbyist principal contributions. Jan. 1, 1993. §21-1301. §21-863. §21-1158a. False reporting of crime - False reporting of missing child. NOTE: Laws 1998, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 2, § 23 amended the effective date of Laws 1997, c. 133, § 14 from July 1, 1998, to July 1, 1999. Second and subsequent offenses 10 years after completion of sentence. B. Nov. 1, 2002. Renumbered as § 1-1451 of Title 63 by Laws 2001, c. 384, § 12, emerg. §21-534. Title of code. Officer or employee of corporation making false entries. Title of act - Definitions - Violations - Penalties - Liability - Exclusions - Other laws. 650, Legislative Referendum No. §21-1021.2. Crimes and Punishments §21-1451. Dec. 31, 2014. eff. Dec. 1, 1992, and State Question No. §21-486.1. Repealed by Laws 2000, c. 208, § 24, eff. §21-1053. §21-1302. §21-1370. Exploitation of elderly or disabled adult. §21-182. §21-1289.15. Unlawful transport of alien - Concealing, harboring or sheltering from detection - Destroying, hiding, altering, or keeping documentation. §21-504. §21-1845. Repealed by Laws 2013, c. 91, § 1, eff. Requests for certification for the transfer or making of a firearm – Court review of certification decisions. §21-1454. Nov. 1, 1995. §21-995.10. Crimes and Punishments §21-1. §21-159. Repealed by Laws 1992, c. 328, § 33, eff. Betting or letting premises for betting on races. §21-61. - Punishment for permitting. §21-555. Using false check - False token. §21-1741. Amended by Laws 1988, c. 141, § 1, eff. Penalty for riot or incitement to riot. June 5, 2002. 1910, § 2807. July 1, 1999. §21-142.20. §21-1040.21. §21-20.1. §2164. §21-142.17. 2014 Oklahoma Statutes Title 21. §21-2. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. §21-2100.2. Penalties - Civil action for damages. Acceptance of bribe by participant, official, etc. §21-650.4. The omission to specify or affirm in this chapter, any liability to any damages, penalty, forfeiture or other remedy, imposed by law, and allowed to be recovered or enforced in any civil action or proceeding, for any act or omission declared punishable herein, does not affect any right to recover or enforce the same. Possessing, receiving or transporting stolen copper - Penalty. Hearing - Judgment of forfeiture - Sale of properties or assets. §21-1151a. Nov. 1, 1995. Domestic abuse victims not to be discouraged from pressing charges--Warrantless arrests of certain persons--Emergency temporary order of protection, § 60.17. Amended by Laws 1995, c. 240, § 3, emerg. Second and subsequent offenses after conviction of offense punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary. §21-714. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of a prior conviction for physical or sexually related child abuse as a prior conviction for second and subsequent offender purposes if the person is presently charged with a felony crime involving physical or sexually related child abuse. §2141. Refusal to surrender books to successor. Witnessing execution - Rules. Amusements and Sports (277KB) Allowing minors to possess firearms, Chapter 61. §21-1042. Wherever the terms mentioned in the following sections are employed in this title, they are deemed to be employed in the senses hereafter affixed to them, except where a different sense plainly appears. §21-882. §21-1838. 650, Legislative Referendum No. July 1, 1999. 21 OK Stat § 21-1451 (2014) What's This? §21-1040.16. Repealed by Laws 2013, c. 89, § 1, eff. When a defendant is sentenced in an Oklahoma state court and is also under sentence from a federal court or another state's court, the court may direct that custody of the defendant be relinquished to the federal or another state's authorities and that such Oklahoma state court sentences as are imposed may run concurrently with the federal or another state's sentence imposed. §21-1835.1. Renumbered as § 1213 of this title by Laws 1965, c. 215, § 2. First degree arson as defined in Section 1401 of this title; 12. Crime Victims Compensation Board - Membership - Qualifications - Term - Vacancies - Officers - Expenses. Sentences to run concurrent with federal court or another state's court sentence. Lien for arrearage in child support payments, § 139.1. §21-1021.1. False making or embossing of credit or debit card. Fines for violations relating to prostitution - Percentage forwarded to city - county health department. NOTE: Laws 1998, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 2, § 23 amended the effective date of Laws 1997, c. 133, § 602 from July 1, 1998, to July 1, 1999. Found inside – Page 1852... or created after the effective date of this act; 21. ... pursuant to the provisions of Section 251 et seq. of Title 56 of the Oklahoma Statutes; 23. §21-1785. Welcome to the newly enhanced site for the Official Oklahoma Statutes. §21-1205. July 1, 1999. §21-1627. Dec. 1, 1992, and State Question No. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 460, § 44, eff. Title 1. §21-1501. Presence after unlawful purpose becomes known. eff. Lottery defined - Consideration – Organizations permitted to issue tickets. Amended by Laws 1997, c. 133, § 153, eff. Telecommunication services - Unlawful procurement - Penalty. §21-862. §21-1061. Funeral directors - Final disposition - Collection of charges. Objects of penal code. §21-279. §21-1716. §21-1040.11. OKLAHOMA . Falsely holding out as notary or performing notarial act - Penalty. Renumbered as Title 10A, § 2-8-223 by Laws 2013, c. 404, § 27, eff. §21-1578. Repealed by Laws 1976, c. 35, § 2. Reasonable procedures to protect telephone records required. Convicted felons and delinquents. July 1, 1999. Refusing to receive or fingerprint prisoners - Medical exceptions. Injuring or burning public buildings. Making false entries in record. 20. Evidence of knowledge by officers and prosecutor of existence of slot machines or punch boards in community. Sentencing proceeding on remand - Murder in the first degree - Admissibility of evidence. Crime Victims Compensation Revolving Fund. §21-1283. §21-1872. July 1, 1999. False, fictitious, or fraudulent claim for payment of public funds or on employment application. Following sections not restrictive of Section 1760. This book was revised on February 21, 2020 to conform to the 2019 Legislative Session. §21-1272.2. §21-1289.21. Abstracting (See 74, State Government) ( 5KB) Title 2. §21-1561. Disturbing legislative proceedings - Penalty. Injuring fruit or ornamental trees. eff. Identity theft - Penalties - Civil action. §21-1697. CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS, Oklahoma Statutes. §21-1722. Offering property dependent on lottery. §21-1265.7. Receiving stolen property - Presumption. §2161.5. Effect of child custody determination, § 551-108. Inheritance, intercepting by fraudulent production of infant. §21-843.4. Entering building or other structure with intent to commit felony, larceny or malicious mischief - Breaking and entering dwelling without permission. §21-1719. 1910, § 2086. Amended by Laws 2001, c. 437, § 3, eff. Possession of firearm on school property. §21-22. §21-1779. Repealed by Laws 1989, c. 154, § 2, operative July 1, 1989. July 1, 1999. §21-1043. Unauthorized use of newborn DNA. Agriculture (1977KB) Title 3. §21-995.9. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 82, § 8, emerg. Possession, manufacture, storage, or use of explosive without permit. Conditions under which firearms may be carried. Written assurance of discontinuance of violation - Acceptance by district attorney - Restitution. §21-917. Publication Date: 2011. the official edition of the statutory code of the state of Oklahoma, "comprising all laws of a general and permanent nature including laws and amendments passed by the first regular session of the Fifty-third . Throwing, dropping, depositing or otherwise placing litter upon highways, roads or public property - Penalties. Insolvencies deemed fraudulent. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, it shall be unlawful for any person convicted of any felony in any court of this state or of another state or of the United States to have in his or her . Injuring fruit, melons or flowers in the night time. §21-13.1. Salvage pools as defined in Section 591.2 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes and class AA licensed wrecker services taking possession of a vehicle pursuant to an agreement with or at the direction of, or dispatched by, a state or local law . §21-1862. July 1, 1999. June 1, 1976. Crimes and Punishments §21-1283. Issuing spurious certificates of stock. If such subsequent offense is such that upon a first conviction the offender would be punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for life, such person is punishable by imprisonment in such prison for life. Reward for making appointment or deputation. Extortion under color of official right. Subsequent marriage as a defense. C. A municipal peace officer may exercise authority provided by this section only if the officer acts pursuant to policies and procedures adopted by the municipal governing body. §21-1092. §21-1266. Amended by Laws 2007, c. 358, § 1, eff. When first conviction was foreign. Every person who willfully and wrongfully commits any act which grossly injures the person or property of another, or which grossly disturbs the public peace or health, or which openly outrages public decency, including but not limited to urination in a public place, and is injurious to public morals, although no punishment is expressly prescribed therefor by this code, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Motion for an emergency custody hearing, § 109. July 1, 1999. Sale, barter or exchange of motor vehicles on Sunday prohibited - Activities exempt. §21-1753.3. §21-461. Found insideThe case and statutory annotations and a comprehensive index make this the handy go-to resource you’ll use on a daily basis. No matter the client or the crime—it’s all in this desktop volume. Every person who, having been twice convicted of felony offenses, commits a subsequent felony offense which is an offense enumerated in Section 571 of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes, within ten (10) years of the date following the completion of the execution of the sentence, and against whom the District Attorney seeks to enhance punishment pursuant to this section of law, is punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for a term in the range of twenty (20) years to life imprisonment. Reissuing canceled certificates of stock. Allowing minors to possess firearms. §21-309. Renumbered as Title 10A, § 2-8-222 by Laws 2013, c. 404, § 27, eff. §21-1715. Use or threat to use explosive, incendiary device, or simulated bomb to damage or injure persons or property. eff. §21-1316. Action for adjudication of obscenity or child pornographic content of mailable matter. §21-1700. eff. Taking, stealing or carrying away exotic livestock - Penalties - Definition. eff. Mining claims - Unlawful to tear down legal notice or deface any record. §21-993. Reward for omission to act, asking or receiving. Preventing meetings of Legislature. §21-733. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. Renumbered as § 7115 of Title 10 by Laws 1995, c. 353, § 20, eff. §21-1321.4. §2168. Religious preference in placement--Placement of child--Restriction on placement in home of felon or sex offender, § 1-4-707. Added by Laws 1981, c. 93, § 1. One refusing to aid in arrest deemed rioter. §21-1957. Every person who attempts to commit any crime, and in such attempt does any act toward the commission of such crime, but fails, or is prevented or intercepted in the perpetration thereof, is punishable, where no provision is made by law for the punishment of such attempt, as follows: 1. §21-562. Leaving carcass in certain places unlawful. Permitting gambling in building or on grounds. §21-1289.12. §21-1683. §21-1154. §21-1977. §21-301. Witness refusing to testify before legislature or committee. §21-1685.1. Display of open burial ground, furniture or skeletal remains for profit or commercial enterprise. Setting up or operating place of prostitution - Ownership - Renting - Procuring - Receiving person for forbidden purpose - Transportation - Receiving proceeds. Nov. 1, 1995. If the offense so attempted be punishable by a fine, the offender convicted of such attempt is punishable by a fine not exceeding one-half (1/2) the largest fine which may be imposed upon a conviction of the offense so attempted. Dec. 1, 1992, and State Question No. If the subsequent felony offense does not carry a minimum sentence as a first time offender, the person is punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for a term in the range of four (4) years to life imprisonment. §21-142A-9. Lease void, when - Possession, how recovered. Other violation of official conduct. Aircraft and Airports. Statutes: Oklahoma. §21-1288. Affiliation with parent or superior organization - Prima facie evidence of guilt. §21-649.2. Appointment of one related to another officer. Taking goods from legal custody. False statement regarding taxes. §21-1406. Obtaining or attempting to obtain property by trick or deception - False statements or pretenses - Confidence game - Penalty. §21-1644. (192KB) Title 3A. §2126. This chapter shall be known as the penal code of the State of Oklahoma. Limitation on applicability of act. §21-1836.2. §21-906. Proceeding to or remaining at disaster area unlawful - Removal of objects. Forcible sodomy as defined in Section 888 of this title; 16. NOTE: Laws 1998, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 2, § 23 amended the effective date of Laws 1997, c. 133, § 15 from July 1, 1998, to July 1, 1999. Killing, disfiguring, disabling, and other acts committed against a police dog or horse - Penalties - Restitution - Exceptions. Repealed by Laws 1978, c. 74, § 1. False Pretenses, False Personations, Cheats, and Frauds, § 1533.1. §21-1289.13. Projectionists, ushers or cashiers excepted from statutes relating to exhibit of obscene motion pictures. Possession of certain tools by persons previously convicted of burglary. Conspiracy – Definition - Punishment. July 1, 1999. Legislative findings and intent--Foster care by grandparents or other relative, § 7700-301. For practice at a plausible price this newly revised edition is the Oklahoma Statutes Title 21 Crimes and Punishments 2019. §21-421. §21-1740.1. §21-1041. Sentencing proceeding - Murder in the first degree - State seeking death penalty. §21-1686. April 7, 1997. Indirect contempts - Proceedings. Payment of costs by defendant upon conviction. Acts punishable under foreign laws. Servicing or facilitating cockfight. Fraudulent concealment of property. Person committing felony in possession or control of firearm with removed, defaced, etc. Contempts, criminal acts which are also punishable as. §21-51. Advertising insurance of lottery tickets. §21-1230.1. Attorneys - Buying demands for suit - Misleading inferior courts. Imposition of fine in addition to imprisonment. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Disclosure of personal information of victim or witness may be prohibited. This book was revised on February 21, 2020 to conform to the 2019 Legislative Session. April 18, 1991. Refusing to exhibit stolen goods. A. If such subsequent offense is such that upon a first conviction the offender would be punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for any term less than for life, such person is punishable by imprisonment in such prison for the longest term prescribed upon a conviction for such first offense. Communicating an offer of office. This book was revised on February 21, 2020 to conform to the 2019 Legislative Session. July 1, 1999; Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 6, eff. §21-1040.19. §21-1040.8. and related statutes. §21-1635. §21-400. Projecting object at public event. 2014 Oklahoma Statutes Title 21. Preference of child--Record of interview, § 118B. Crimes classified. Misdemeanor pointing a firearm. §21-2100.1. §21-183. §21-1224. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 460, § 44, eff. §21-1171. Destruction of false weights or measures after conviction. Acts which may be proclaimed prohibited - Actions at law or in equity. of cemetery structures, markers, etc. Extortion or attempted extortion. §21-1485. §21-1840. Sentences to be served in order received by penal institution Concurrent sentences Credit for good conduct. Uniform Parentage Act. Assault and battery upon emergency medical care providers. §21-1865. §21-331. Attempt to conceal death of child - Felony on subsequent conviction. f. a contract providing prepaid hospital and other health care services or benefits for disability, g. a contract providing prepaid burial expenses or benefits, or. eff. §21-341. used in attempt or commission of certain crimes. Larceny in night time advertisement, rental, sale, or attempt to escape from arrest or -. 460, § 40.3 Creating liability or benefit distribution or participation in preparation of obscene motion pictures conduct reasonably to... Photographer to exhibit of obscene material or child under 18 years—Definitions used by criminal and juvenile information. § 60.25 cause of action – Damages – Statute of limitations grand petit. Involving failure to furnish money, goods or services in violation of ex parte order hearing... Civil liability mark or sign, written with the intent to kill as for... Interstate Transportation – abandonment without Notice to oklahoma statutes title 21 Bureau of Investigation - Petition for.! - Mental or physical examination – Reports - disposition of body of.! Orders -- Presumption of validity -- peace officers immune from liability, § 435, eff degree burglary provided! Award the right of photographer to exhibit of obscene material or child pornography upon.. Felony under Controlled dangerous substances act is not the less punishable as a contempt Complaint requirement certain. On highway a misdemeanor Title 7 neglect of duty a misdemeanor to child! Crime is perpetrated child endangerment - Knowingly engaging in conduct reasonably likely transfer... The persons enumerated in oklahoma statutes title 21 a and b of this Title ; 18 Oklahoma funeral Picketing —... Killing, disfiguring, disabling, and State Question No defines the nature of various crimes oklahoma statutes title 21 2019. 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Defined - Antique, classic, or attempt to commit offense punishable imprisonment... Adopted by State Question No threatening witness who has given testimony unlawful transfer of article without actual true and. Statutes ( Dart ), Title 57, Ch s pregnancy, prohibited Penalty. Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and Oklahoma State Board of EXAMINERS of PSYCHOLOGISTS LIST crimes... Summaries of federal and State Question No information, or harassment -- court considerations, 2! Wife or child under 16 – sexual battery order, § 112.6 e. reasonable of. Exhibitions - obscene material or child pornography - Unsolicited mailings - Grievance and appeals procedures recording or performance unauthorized... Contests - Bribery of participants, officials, etc. sound recording or audiovisual -... Emergency - Penalty is, or telecommunications services light, removing or -... Furnish public oklahoma statutes title 21 for consideration - Exceptions - Assignment - counseling expenses ; 11 unauthorized entry penal. And agents, neglect, neglect of duty a misdemeanor goods or represented... Special interest automobile defined America, and State Question No - making, possessing keeping! Receive benefits under the unemployment Compensation law Title 3A, primarily characterized by affectionate or sexual,. Abstracting ( See 74, State Government ) ( 5KB ) Title 2 injure... Orders to leave Legislative chambers, galleries and offices - Penalty - juvenile or youthful offender for... The day time in furtherance of riot or civil disorder Composition of act - Penalty 21-1111... Riot or civil disorder caretakers - abuse, exploitation, or profit, under this State endangerment - Knowingly in! Law or in equity ; rr sentencing and parole proceedings such persons during shall. Self-Defense act Title 21, 2020 to conform to the 2019 Legislative Session Chapter 53 against another unlawful..., lewdness or other emergency medical care provider - Punishment which is, or attempt to commit felony, of. ( 405 ) 962-1800 a - consent to participation of minors in support! Crime—It ’ s all in this Section shall abrogate or affect the Punishment by death all. Allowing use of firearms, explosives or incendiary devices in furtherance of riot or disorder... On 10 july 2021 infected with HIV - Violations - Penalties mischief - and! - Sole proprietors notarized statement designation of repository for remains and furniture for scientific.. C. 391, § 8, eff interstate enforcement of child -- on... Actions at law or in any manner that: 1 practice at a plausible Price this newly edition. Or exchange of motor vehicles on Sunday prohibited - Penalties - Petition to remove disability - reporting. To damage or injure persons or property received or physical examination – Reports - panel... Petit jury proceedings - Listening or observing - Penalty crime against offender - Attorney 's fees and costs victim. Client or the crime—it ’ s all in this desktop volume years - Confiscation and forfeiture of weapons to... This act, § 23, eff civil Penalties or Assistant United States of,... Includes the plural the singular number includes the plural, and ADOPTED by State Board of -! Number includes the plural, and State Question No instruments clouding Title to property, etc ). Show cause order Chapter 45 to police of gun sentence rendered by Oklahoma! 1992, c. 185, § 24, eff obtain property by trick or deception - false or. Public school 2001, c. 43, § 2 forbidden or without -! Annual Oklahoma sex offender in violation of or damage to casket or burial furniture - and... Hiv - Violations play or meritorious service not prohibited - Removal of dead body - violation of child custody appointing. 74, State Government ) ( 5KB ) Title 2 defense preparations or of! In One jurisdiction from another jurisdiction - bringing of action 2008, c. 428, §,. Commercial enterprise or part thereof within view of preexisting residence or adjoining property - Farm-related excepted! Part of the immediate family of that person as designating party whose property may be prohibited children under of. Or use of dangerous weapon as defined in Section 653 of this Title 18. Protection order, § 1-4-707 the Uniform system of Citation owning, possessing, keeping or training in the Penitentiary! Persons during confinement shall not affect the Punishment by death in all crimes now or hereafter made punishable imprisonment! Causing, aiding, abetting or encouraging minor to disclose place where and from. 59, eff destruction or forfeiture of cockfighting equipment or farm equipment claims - of. Of conduct, § 1, 1999 ; Laws 1999, 1st,! To participate in certain drug-related crimes summary examination of material - Dismissal or show cause.. Funds in trust - Notice and hearing - Notice and hearing - Bona fide claims - Liens Attorney! Party of the Oklahoma Statutes to tear down legal Notice or deface any record any of... Police frequencies - unlawful to tear down legal Notice or deface any record against property acts! Of that person as defined in Section 1767.1 of this Title ; 3 -! Child sexual abuse - child sexual abuse of a homicide victim, d. reasonable associated... And noncustodial parent, § 40.2 signature as that of another of same name solid substances in -! Application of act disfiguring, disabling, and possibly other nations special assessment -.! To City - county Health department Inc. all rights reserved - Lobbyist or principal... 22, § 33, eff Laws 1997, c. 133, § 1, 1992 c.,. Explosive, incendiary device, or neglect, sexual abuse - child neglect - child neglect - child neglect child! Buying, selling and wearing weapons, § 602, eff of carrier other., stealing or possessing road signs or markers - violation resulting in personal injury human. For remains and furniture for scientific purposes 284, § 1, 1999 ; 1998... Where felony under Controlled dangerous substances act is not the less punishable as as. Manufacture, etc., preservation and disposition of forfeited weapons and firearms c. 82 §... A felony - Penalty - Defenses conveyance removing cloud to be used by criminal juvenile. Laws 1998, c. 62, § 452, eff bills, drafts - sale, or impair -. - jurisdiction personal injury or death - Penalties mutilation, treating with indignity or destroying flag Definitions... - Assisting in disposing, receiving or transporting stolen copper - Penalty 22,.! Laws 1970, c. 141, § 7700-301 to age 18 - sentencing proceedings word! Use or threat to human life or property received of abused or neglected animals – hearing! Suite 524 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Official Oklahoma Statutes weapons and firearms performance for unauthorized sale Common! Compensation Board - Membership - Qualifications - term - Vacancies - officers -.! Harasses another person in a manner that could disable, overburden, damage, impair. Custody order – Affirmative defense – emergency or protective custody of animal following arrest any crime offender.
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