Abbreviation for barrels of oil per day. bcfe Billion cubic feet equivalent. Gas . "scaleFontColor": "#DADDE0", The Platts industry glossary covers common terms and abbreviations from the oil, power, petrochemicals, nuclear, gas, coal and metals markets and industries. See also Delay-Rental Clause, "Unless" Lease, "Or" Lease, and Paid-Up Lease. ", The following cross-references are used in this glossary: See refers you from a term to a preferred synonym, or from an acronym or abbreviation to the defined full form. CCC. "Based on A Dictionary for the Petroleum Industry, third edition revised." To connect the Xmas Tree to the Manifold, HIPPS – High Integrity Pressure Protection System, HIRA - Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, HNGS - flasked Hostile Natural Gamma-ray Spectrometry tool, HPHT – High Pressure High Temperature (same as HTHP), HRLA - High Resolution Laterolog Array (resistivity logging tool), HTHP – High Temperature High Pressure (same as HPHT), HWDP – Heavy-Weight Drill Pipe (sometimes spelled Hevi-Wate), HUET - Helicopter Underwater Escape Training, ICoTA – Intervention and Coiled Tubing Association, ICSS - Integrated Controls and Safety System, ICSU – Integrated Commissioning and Start Up, ICV – Integrated Cement Volume (of Borehole)(in Cubic Metres), ID – Inner or Internal Diameter (of a tubular component such as a, IHEC - Isolation of Hazardous Energy Certificate, IHUC - Installation, Hook-Up and Commissioning, IHV – Integrated Hole Volume (of Borehole) (in Cubic Metres), IMPP - Injection Molded Polypropylene Coating System, IOM - Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual, ISFP – ISF Sonic True Vertical Depth Playback Log, ISFPB – ISF True Vertical Depth Playback Log. Produced water is usually high in salinity. An observed change, usually uncontrolled, in meter performance, meter factor, etc., that occurs over a period of time. RSmyth.shr.glossary.doc Glossary of Oil and Gas Terms The definitions used in this abbreviated glossary are taken from a comprehensive "Dictionary for the Petroleum Industry" 3rd Edition 2001, published by the Petroleum Extension Service of the Classification, Labeling and Packaging. ITT - Internal Testing Tool. }. Found insideNatural Gas Liquids. ... 1 Heating Oil. ... It is intended for use in atomizing type burners which spray the oil into a combustion chamber where the tiny ... Glossary. "s": "OANDA:NATGASUSD", log, CHCNC – CHCNC gamma ray casing collar locator, CHECK – checkshot and acoustic calibration report, CHESM – contractor, health, environment and safety management, CHOPS – Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand, CHP – casing hanger pressure (pressure in an, CHOTO - Commissioning, Handover & Takeover, CITHP – closed-in tubing head pressure (tubing head pressure when the well is shut in), CNFDP – CNFD true vertical-depth playback log, CNCF – field-normalised compensated neutron porosity, CO – change out (ex. 2 AN OVERVIEW OF OFFSHORE LICENSING "locale": "en", These are some of the most commonly used oil and gas terms. Found inside – Page xiv... APPENDICES A. A - 1 B. B - 1 Glossary Abbreviations and Acronyms Oil Spill Response Capabilities for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations Assumed Mitigating ... Additionally, this glossary may be a valuable resource for educating key stakeholders within the oil and gas, utilities and mining industries, including employees, customers, shareholders and . In order…, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, FMI – formation micro imaging log (azimuthal microresistivity), FMS – formation multi-scan log; formation micro-scan log, floating production storage and offloading vessel, International Association of Drilling Contractors, International Marine Contractors Association, Independent Petroleum Association of America, 2C – Proved and probable Contingent Resources, 3C – three components seismic acquisition (x,y and z), 3C – Proved, probable and possible Contingent Resources, 3P – proved, probable and possible reserves, 4D – multiple 3Ds acquired over time (the 4th D) over the same area with the same parameters (, 8rd – eight round (describes the number of revolutions per inch of pipe thread), AADE – American Association of Drilling Engineers, AAPL – American Association of Professional Landmen, AAODC – American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (obsolete; superseded by, ABSA – Alberta Boilers Safety Association, ADE - Advanced Decision Making Environment, ADEP – Awaiting Development with Exploration Potential, referring to an asset, ADT – Applied Drilling Technology, ADT log, AFE – Authorization For Expenditure, a process of submitting a business proposal to investors, AL – appraisal license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued before 1996, ALAP – as low as possible (used along with density of mud), ALC – aertical seismic profile acoustic log calibration report, AMS – auxiliary measurement service log; Auxiliary Measurement Sonde (temperature), APWD – annular pressure while drilling (tool), ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials, ASCSSV – annulus surface controlled sub-surface valve, AV – annular velocity or apparent viscosity, AVGMS – Annulus Vent Gas Monitoring System, B or b – prefix denoting a number in billions, Bcf – billion cubic feet (of natural gas), Bcfe – billion cubic feet (of natural gas equivalent), BGL – below ground level (used as a datum for depths in a well), BHA – bottom hole assembly (toolstring on, BHCT – bottomhole circulating temperature, BIVDL – BI/DK/WF/Casing collar locator/gamma ray log, boed – barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day, boepd – barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day, BOTTO – bottom hole pressure/temperature report, BPV – back pressure valve (goes on the end of coiled tubing a drill pipe tool strings to prevent fluid flow in the wrong direction), BRT – below rotary table (used as a datum for depths in a well), BSEE – US: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, BTEX – benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene, BTO/C – break to open/close (valve torque), bwd – barrels of water per day (often used in reference to, CAODC – Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors, CART – cam-actuated running tool (housing running tool), CCL – casing collar locator (in perforation or completion operations, the tool provides depths by correlation of the casing string's magnetic anomaly with known casing features), CCLBD Construction / Commissioning Logic Block Diagram, CCLTP – casing collar locator through tubing plug, CDRCL – compensated dual resistivity cal. "largeChartUrl": "", The listing includes common and technical terms to meet the needs of the public as well as energy specialists. It is important to understand these terms to understand the legal implications of contracts and other business transactions. Central Control Console. Glossary of drilling report abbreviations 1. "d": "Light Crude Oil Futures" Learn more about Glossary and Abbreviations on GlobalSpec. The Industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Examples are: methane, ethane, etc. Found inside – Page xviGLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS , ACRONYMS , INITIALISMS , AND SYMBOLS AAC ACC ACI ... Lands Conservation Act Alaska Oil and Gas Association Alaska Oil and Gas ... See forma-tion fracturing. "plotLineColorGrowing": "rgba(61, 133, 198, 1)", This position paper focuses exclusively on non-government, or non-centralbank-issued, crypto assets. Found insideDept. of Primary Industries and Energy. Bureau of Resource Sciences Petroleum Resources Branch. - - . Glossary . . Abbreviations Conversion factors . "s": "INDEX:IUXX", bcf Billion cubic feet. NRHP National Register of Historic Places . Help us to improve EnergyNow, Give us your feedback, Democrats Prep Carbon Tax Option to Pay for Their Spending, Europe needs long-term energy plan, Eni CEO says, U.S. drillers add oil and gas rigs for 14th month in a row – Baker Hughes, Quakes Tied to Fracking Spur Rare Crackdown From Texas Regulator, Biden Nearing Methane Crackdown Dreaded (and Dodged) by Industry, Oil Posts Fifth Weekly Advance as Global Markets Tighten, Worldwide energy shortage shows up in surging coal, gas and oil prices – John Kemp, EXCLUSIVE Oil producer Hilcorp eyes purchase of shut Louisiana refinery -sources, Analysis: Norway, Russia reap rewards from Europe’s flexible gas market, Starved of Gas, European Electricity Producers Snap Up Coal, UN Launches Pledge to Stop Building New Coal Power Plants, World’s Top Shale Oil Field Is Still Spewing Methane by the Ton, Russia’s New Pipeline Makes Ukraine Worry Less About Gas But More About War, ACE 2021 - AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Permian Basin International Oil Show (PBIOS 2021), Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference (ADIPEC 2021), Sub Saharan Africa International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (SAIPEC 2022), Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Barrels of Oil Equivalent (bbls of oil equivalent), Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, Freedom Of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Thousand Barrels of Oil Equivalent per Day, National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Occupational Safety and Health Administration [U.S. Department of Labor], [U.S.] Securities and Exchange Commission, Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement. Please email to let us know if there is an entry you would like us to add, clarify or expand, or if you think we have made a mistake in any of our definitions. Browse a comprehensive alphabetized list of natural gas terminology. © Columbia University, CITI 2016. 1. "belowLineFillColorGrowing": "rgba(60, 188, 152, 0.05)", The law is subject to change and no representation or warranty is made with regard to accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. Found inside – Page xvor Terms in this Glossary are taken from the online CCPS Glossary of Terms for Process Safety or the Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary, where available. Found inside – Page 8-1CHAPTER 8 - GLOSSARY ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 4WD AADT AMS APD ASQ AUM BACT BCI ... Slope Glossary RVD SHPO SLT SPCC SPM SPNM SUPO TES TL UDES Oil and Gas ... Reporting problems include differences due to the net result of conversions off low data . Found insideThis second edition of Historical Dictionary of the Petroleum Industry contains a chronology, an introduction, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. EVP Executive vice president. The 2nd edition of the Handbook of Petroleum Processing is an indispensable desk reference for chemists and engineers as well as an essential part of the libraries of universities with a chemical engineering faculty and oil refineries and ... NOTE: NO FURTHER DISCOUNT FOR THIS PRINT PRODUCT-- OVERSTOCK SALE -- Significantly reduced list price USDA-NRCS. Issued in spiral ringboundbinder. By Philip J. Schoeneberger, et al. LTP - liner shaker, tensile bolting cloth, perforated panel backing. 2. 6 fuel oil A heavy residual fuel oil used by ships, industry, and for large-scale heating installations. This industry uses a lot of HT, welding, etc. List of acronyms in oil and gas exploration and production ( from A to L ) 2017.06.17. Oil and Gas buyers constantly endeavor to explore and expand their supply base. The Digital Financial Services Observatory is a project of the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) at Columbia University Business School in New York. Lower Critical Temperature: This refers to the temperature HT must avoid reaching or exceeding because it may change a material's attributes and molecular structure. Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil. ] ALARP. "width": "100%", "symbols": [ "s": "NYMEX:CL1! Oil and Gas Terms. Found inside – Page 8104 APPENDICES A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Glossary Abbreviations and Acronyms Oil - Spill Response Capabilities for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations Assumed ... Historical oil: HOP Found inside – Page 1GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND INITIALISMS ( Includes Common Abbreviations and Symbols ) AAC ABSORB ACMA ACMP ACORP ACS ADEC ADF & G AEIDC AEWC AHF AINA AMSA ... Encompassing more than 20,000 terms, the fourth edition of this best-seller is updated by 20% and draws heavily from the editorial contents of Oil & Gas Journal Latinoamérica, as a source of new technical terminology and of the local usage in different Spanish-speaking countries.<br><br><br><br>Included are many new technical and general words, phrases, and abbreviations used in oil and gas . "d": "NYSE Composite" }, terms. acronyms related to our Oil & Gas industry is, therefore, to facilitate the life of all young engineers in their day-to-day activities. storage etc. { If you're a machinist who's planning to work on projects in the oil and gas industry then prepare yourself to hear an array of confusing oil and gas terms consisting of industry jargon and acronyms. }, Glossary. It is often the force that drives the oil and gas to the surface. Found inside – Page 4-121GLOSSARY ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS APD BLM CFR COA ... 7 5 21 12 14 16 15 DRAFT OIL AND GAS LEASING EIS 7-10 7-11 DRAFT OIL 6-1 DRAFT OIL AND GAS LEASING ... Mineral Owners Glossary of Oil and Gas Terms. Industry scale expressing the gravity or density of liquid petroleum products. BTU (British Thermal Unit) A traditional unit of heat defined as the the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree at sea level. GLOSSARY 6 Delay Rental A payment from the lease holder to the lessor to maintain the lease from period to period during the primary term without drilling. Please visit our Resources section for educational videos, charts, graphs, glossary, abbreviations, and even an oil and gas quiz to test your knowledge. Acidize v: to treat oil-bearing limestone or other formations with acid for the purpose of increasing production. } { They look for the most competitive price, superior product quality and an extremely efficient and flawless delivery service. 16. Glossary Abbreviations ADR American depositary receipt. "height": "700", MILAN, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Soaring gas prices as winter approaches are evidence that the European Union needs to work out a long-term energy security plan, the head of Italy's Eni has told La Repubblica newspaper. { Defines in non-technical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA pub's., news releases, & other Agency documents. . Glossary - Abbreviations. BASIN: A large bowl shaped depression in the subsurface under the land that has the potential to contain Oil & Gas. The User’s Policy for data centers includes Hosted services for web, application using Data Center’s facility and Services for installing client equipments in the Data Center for client’s internet services, backup, While the summary is a stand alone document, for the curious, some suggestions for further reading are included. CLEAR TITLE: A clear title is a chain of title without any kind of lien or levy from creditors or other third parties and poses no question as to legal ownership from rod equipment to casing equipment), cP – centiPoise (Viscosity unit of measurement), CPI separator – corrugated plate interceptor, CPI – CPI log (computer-processed interpretation), CPI (corrugated plate interceptor), CRP – common/central reference point (subsea survey), CsF – Caesium formate (coincidentally also an acronym of the sole large-scale supplier of caesium formate brine, cabot specialty fluids. 'Blow out Preventer' and a 'Derrick' is, then the chances are you're . The Central Bank of Nigeria responds to comments on its Feb 5 directive prohibiting DMBs and financial institutions from dealing with cryptocurrency exchanges. Glossary. Fax: (212) 854-1471. Found inside – Page 1GLOSSARY F ACRONYMS AND INITIALISMS ( Includes Common Abbreviations and Symbols ) AAC ABSORB ACMA ACMP ACORP ACS ADEC ADF & G AEIDC AEWC AHF AINA AMSA ANCSA ... v:1. This framework forms part of a series of measures adopted by the Bank to enable innovative application of technology in the financial sector. Found insidePART A: ABBREVIATIONS AND GLOSSARY ACFM ACH ACT APCD AFR AFS AICHE AIRS ALAPCO AMS Part A: Abbreviations and Glossary Abbreviations Glossary. Bunker "C " or No. These differences may be due to quantities lost or to the effects of data reporting problems. Fgor definition: Abbr. Natural gas that has been cooled and compressed into a liquid state in order to more efficiently transport it from producing regions to market. Acidizing A Well: Increasing the flow of oil from a well by pumping hydrochloric acid into the well under high - These figures are tabulated for a 24 hour production test. CLEAR TITLE: A clear title is a chain of title without any kind of lien or levy from creditors or other third parties and poses no question as to legal ownership Installation used by principal and collector pipeline companies, producers of crude oil, and terminal operators (except refineries) for storage of crude oil and oil products. Potential investors should consult their attorney, accountant, and financial advisors before investing in oil and gas. APPENDIX: GLOSSARY AP-3 Acid fracture v: to part or open fracture in production hard limestone formations by using a combination of oil and acid or water and acid under high pressure. A. Glossary of Petroleum Industry Common Terms & Symbols. A. Abel tester: A closed-cup flash tester for kerosene and other oils. Since 1998, the Oilfield Glossary has been helping technical generalists and experts alike increase their understanding of oilfield activities. The measuring scale is calibrated in terms of degrees API; it may be calculated in terms of the following formula: Degrees API = 141.5/°F/60°F -131.5. All Rights Reserved. litres. "d": "Brent Crude" The list of 100 most commonly-used Gas abbreviations in 2021. Abbreviations ix Glossary xi Overview xv Summary of issues and recommendations xx 1 About the review 1 1.1 The 10th Malaysia Plan: Modernising business regulation 2 1.2 What the MPC has been asked to do 3 . Balancing item: Represents differences between the sum of the components of natural gas supply and the sum of the components of natural gas disposition. Oil and Gas. It may also include slang terms used by oilfield workers to describe the same. The DFSO has been made possible by a grant graciously provided by the New Venture Fund, continuing assistance from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bcfe NRS natural resource specialist NSO No Surface Occupancy (a stipulation on an oil and gas lease) NSPS new source performance standards NSR New Source Review You are welcome to submit documents, laws, commentaries and regulations to be considered for publication. IBM Maximo for Oil and Gas, Version 7.6. Delay-Rental Clause An oil and gas lease clause giving the lessee the right to maintain the lease In this new edition of Fundamentals of Natural Gas, author Vivek Chandra thoroughly explains the massive evolution of natural gas and LNG, from technology advances and vast new reserves. Oil & gas show: OSGS: A well classed as exploratory or development in which oil and gas have been encountered but has not been proven or judged to be productive. Abbreviation for calcium. 100 Common Gas Abbreviations. How is it different from the glossary? 2. We know there are a terms related to the natural gas industry. "d": "NASDAQ 100 Index" ACIDIZING A WELL- A technique for increasing the flow of oil from a well by the use of acid pumped down the hole and into the rock formation.The acid dissolves some of the rock enlarging the cracks and . "symbolActiveColor": "#F2FAFE", Found inside – Page 313No Action Alternative — Large Oil - Spill Estimates APPENDICES A. B. C. D. E. Glossary Abbreviations and Acronyms Assumed Mitigation Measures Federal Laws ... "d": "DOW Industrials" "tabs": [ "plotLineColorFalling": "#FF4A68", 6 oil and gas in Indonesia - investment and taxation guide* PricewaterhouseCoopers glossary of terms and abbreviations. top drive), DFI – Design, Fabrication and Installation résumé, DFIT - Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test, DGP – dynamic geohistory plot (3D technique), DHPTT – downhole pressure/temperature transducer, DL – development license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore license issued before 1996, DLL – dual laterolog (deep and shallow resistivity), DLS – dog-leg severity (directional drilling), DMRP - Density - Magnetic Resonance Porosity (wireline tool), DPDV – dynamically positioned drilling vessel, DPLD – differential pressure levitated device (or vehicle), DRLPR – drilling proposal/progress report, DSTND – dual-space thermal neutron density log, DSTPB – drill-stem test true vertical depth playback log, DTPB – CNT true vertical-depth playback log, DVT - Differential Valve Tool (for cementing multiple stages), DWOP – drilling well on paper (a theoretical exercise conducted involving the service-provider managers), ECMS – Electrical Control and Monitoring System, ECRD – Electrically Controlled Release Device (for abandoning stuck wireline tool from cable), EDP – Exploration Drilling Program Report, EEHA - Electrical Equipment for Hazardous Areas, ELEC TECH - Electronics Technician (See also: ETech), EMCS - Energy Management and Control Systems, EMS - Environment measurement sonde (wireline multi-caliper), EPCM – Engineering Procurement Construction Management, EPCU – Electrical Power Conditioning Unit, EPIDORIS – Exploration and Production Integrated Drilling Operations and Reservoir Information System, ESHIA - Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment, ESIA - Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, ETECH – Electronics Technician (See also: Elec Tech), EUE – External-upset-end (tubing connection), EWMP - Earthworks/Electrical Works/Excavation Works Management Plan, EXL – or XL, Exploration Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued between the First Onshore Licensing Round (1986) and the Sixth (1992), FEWD – formation evaluation while drilling, aFLET - Actuated Flowline End Termination, FMECA – failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis, FOET – Further Offshore Emergency Training, FOSA - Field Operating Services Agreement, FPDM – fracture potential and domain modelling/mapping, FWV – flow wing valve (also known as production wing valve on a, GEOFO – Geological & Formation Evaluation Report, GEOPR – Geological Operations Progress Report, GLE – Ground Level Elevation (generally in metres above mean sea level), GLM – Gas Lift Mandrel (alternative name for, GPIT – General Purpose Inclinometry Tool (borehole survey), GR – Ground Level (or Elevation //(also [GE or GRE])) or Gamma Ray. Ca. COC. The need for this book has arisen from demand for a current text from our students in Petroleum Engineering at Imperial College and from post-experience Short Course students. ABSOLUTE OPEN FLOW (A.O.F.) Oil & Gas Terminology. Found inside – Page 112Appendices Glossary Abbreviations and Acronyms Comparative Environmental Analysis of Energy Alternatives to OCS Oil and Gas Oil Spill Response Capabilities ... Found inside – Page 30Store / Warehousing of Petroleum and Gas : The facilities for storing / warehousing . a . Crude oil and synthetic liquid fuel , their products ... Its volume is 1/600 of gas in vapor form. The Nigeria National Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy of 2021 is a framework which aims to strengthen cybersecurity governance and coordination and foster a trusted cyber environment that optimises Nigeria's cybersecurity readiness and coordination capacities towards addressing the nation's cyber risk exposure. The pressure at which the first bubbles of gas appear from the liquid phase. BS&W. Acronym for basic sediment and water. Natural gas which has been made liquid by reducing its temperature to minus 258 degrees Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure. An acronym listing provides common abbreviations used by the Commission and the Regulations and Legislation page echoes the The Glossary and Definitions is broken down alphabetically, and also by section relevant to industry activity. Such policy stances should enable the development of a regulatory framework, including suggestions on the required regulatory changes to be implemented. This exposure draft sets out the proposed framework to allow entry of digital banks with innovative business models that seeks to serve the underserved and unserved market segments. "gridLineColor": "#e9e9ea", Or Gauge Ring (measure hole size), HCAL – HRCC Calliper (in Logs)(in Inches), HCCS – Horizontal Clamp Connection System, HCM – Horizontal Connection Module. Customers pay what we pay for the cost of the commodity," said FortisBC spokeswoman Diana Sorace, in an interview. The higher the API gravity, the lighter the compound. abbreviations, oilfield terminology is the jargon related to the oil and gas industry it can be regarded as a complete dictionary of words and phrases that describe equipment professions or diverse procedures carried out in the industry, gain a better understanding of todays most critical issues challenges and opportunities facing the canadian . Nigeria has released a new National Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy in February 2021, updating its prior version released in 2014. "s": "INDEX:DXY", The oil and gas industry uses many common abbreviations and acronyms. Oilfield terminology refers to the jargon used by those working in fields within and related to the upstream segment of the petroleum industry.It includes words and phrases describing professions, equipment, and procedures specific to the industry. Found inside – Page 125Oil and Gas Mineral Services. (2010). Oil and gas terminology. ... Terms ofenvironment: Glossary, abbreviations and acronyms. Retrieved January 20, 2011, ... This is the most comprehensive dictionary of maintenance and reliability terms ever compiled, covering the process, manufacturing, and other related industries, every major area of engineering used in industry, and more. 1,037 BTU per cubic foot Uris Hall New York, NY 10027,:... The flow of oil and gas Abbreviator with regard to accuracy or fitness for a with! Energynow is an online energy news and data media service dedicated to providing essential up to-date on... Nbfi and OFI from dealing in or extracted from a well with the oil and gas industry amp symbols... A rounded rock fragment greater than 256 mm in diameter a combined and... Slowly out of alignment, off center, or propane-butane mixtures derived from crude oil and gas industry raise legal! 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