Aristedes means “son of the best” or “excellent”. Pronounced as fih-lohn. Pancratius means “all power”. Nicolina is a feminine variation of Nicholas which means “people of victory”. Pronounced as trih-foh-sah. Katerina is a Greek variation of Katherine which means “pure”. Xan is a diminutive variation of Alexander which means “defending men”. Larissa is a spelling variation of Larisa which means “citadel”. Eulalia is a variation of Eulala which means “sweet-speaking”. Nectarios is a twentieth-century Greek saint’s name redolent of the beverage of the gods that imparted immortality. Pronounced approximately as, Yolanda is a spelling variation of Iolanda which means “violet flower”. Cleitus is a variation of Kleitos which means “splendid, famous”. Dorcas means “doe, gazelle” and pronounced as dhOR-kaas. Eusebios means “pious” and pronounced as EW-SEH-BEE-OS. Stephanos is a variation of Stephen which means “garland, crown”. Lexia is a diminutive variation of Alexia which means “defending men”. (Similar to Timaios.) Sybella is a variation of Sybil which means “seer, oracle”. Maya means “water” and pronounced as MY-ah. Nickelle is a feminine variation of Nicholas which means “people of victory”. Pronounced as, Alexandra is a feminine variation of Alexander which means “defending men”. Persis means “Persian woman” and pronounced as pEHr-sees or P-ERSihS. Luan. Shai/Shait (Egyptian) Gender neutral deity. Aegeus is an ancient mythological Greek figure who help in the founding of the city of Athens. Euripides was the name of a 5th-century BC Greek tragic poet who wrote many of the classic Greek tragedies such as “Medea” and “Trojan Women”. Pronounced as TAENSiy- or TAN-zee. Zephyrine is a variation of Zephyr which means “west wind”. Odysseus is the name of the brave, resourceful hero of Homer’s epic saga. Isaura means “from Isauria” and pronounced as iy-S-AWWRaa-. Kassia is a spelling variation of Cassia which means “cinnamon”. Peggy is a diminutive variation of Margaret which means “pearl”. Pronounced as, Icarus means “he follows” and is a Greek mythology name. Delias means “from Delos”. Helios means “sun” and pronounced as HEH-LEE-OS. Pronounced as, Hypatos is a masculine variation of Hypatia which means “highest, supreme”. Pronounced as, Themistocles means “glory of the law” and pronounced as, Theocritus means “judge of God” and pronounced as, Theodore means “gift of God” and pronounced as, Theodoros is the original Greek variation of Theodore which means “gift of God”. Euphemios is a masculine variation of Euphemia which means “fair speech”. Pronounced as SEL-ia or SEHLiyAH. (Similar to Nicolas.) 50. Pronounced approximately as pan-krah-tyows. Artemis. Niobe means “fern” and pronounced as NEE-O-BEH (Greek) or NIE-o-bee (English). The ancient Leontios, the name of several early saints and a Byzantine empire. Pronounced as, Rhoda means “rose; a woman from Rhodes” and pronounced as, Rhode is a spelling variation of Rhoda which means “rose; a woman from Rhodes”. Mars: The name of the Roman God of war. Archer: This is the half-man, half-horse Sagittarius grouping of stars. Pronounced as ga-lihn. Pronounced as an-TIP-ah-trows. You likely recognize many Greek mythology names for boys, like Zeus, the king of gods according to legend.He's a mighty pick, but we think the right little guy could pull him off with ease. Kallista is a variation of Calista which means “most beautiful”. Pronounced as eye-leen. Pronounced as DROO. Pronounced as SAENDRowS. Pronounced as aa-poh-lohn-yows. Effy is a diminutive variation of Euphemia which means “fair speech”. Filomena means “lover of singing” and pronounced as fee-lo-MEH-na. Pronounced as KLEHM-ah-tis or klah-MAT-is. Praxiteles was the name of a famous 4th-century BC sculptor from Athens. Aethra. Pronounced as, Evadne means “pleasing one” and pronounced as, Evanthe means “fair flower” and pronounced as, Evathia is a Greek variation of Eve which means “life”. It is easy to see why. (Similar to Demitrius.) Alipio means “he who is devoid of sadness” and pronounced as AELIHPiyow. Arkadios means “of Arcadia” and pronounced as aa-RKaa-DYowZ. Aiden is a gender-neutral name. Pronounced as, Callie is a variation of Calla which means “beautiful”. Pronounced as LOOK. Hippokrates is a spelling variation of Hippocrates which means “horse power”. Chares means “grace, kindness” and pronounced as CHAHRS. (Similar to Nikos.) Makis is a Greek variation of Michaela which means “who is like God?”. Heliodoros means “gift of sun” and pronounced approximately as il-yoh-doh-ros. Despina means “lady” and pronounced as dess-PEE-nah or DESS-pi-na. Sophoon is a variation of Sophia which means “wisdom”. Pronounced as, Philip means “lover of horses” and pronounced as, Philippos is a variation of Philip which means “lover of horses”. Pronounced as chah-ree-tohn. (Similar to Eirene and Irina.) Pronounced as, Lalage means “to chatter” and pronounced as, Leora means “light” and pronounced approximately as, Letha means “forgetfulness” and pronounced as, Lexia is a diminutive variation of Alexia which means “defending men”. Evaristus was the name of the fifth pope, supposedly martyred under Emperor Hadrian. Damaris means “dominant woman” or “to tame” and pronounced as DAM-ah-ris. Found inside â Page 85I like the word humanity better than mankind as it is gender neutral.) God or Gods? Going back to the original dispute between the Greeks and the Arabs, ... Calixto is a spelling variation of Calixta which means “most beautiful”. Hector means “holding fast” and pronounced as HEHK-tahr. Costa is a diminutive variation of Constantin which means “steadfast”. Kleitos means “splendid, famous” and pronounced as KL-IYTowS. Pronounced as, Alexios is a variation of Aleixo which means “defending men”. Ianthe, in Greek myth, is the daughter of Oceanus, supreme ruler of the sea, and also a Cretan woman so beautiful that when she died the Gods made purple flowers grow around her grave. Other names, such as Dana and Leslie which were once mainly boys names are now more common for girls. Pronounced as, Piers is a variation of Peter which means “rock”. "Today's parents have moved beyond the dichotomy of boy and girl names," she said. Sebastian was the name of the third-century martyr whose sufferings were a favorite subject of medieval artists. Pronounced as Zoh-tih-KAWS or ZAATihKowS. Tobias is the name of several biblical figures, but is primarily associated with the story of Tobias and the Angel. Apollo. Pronounced as, Samouel is a Greek variation of Samuel which means “told by God”. Timoteus is a variation of Timothy which means “honoring God”. Pronounced as DEHLTaa-. Neri means “burning light” or “ocean spirit” and pronounced as Neh-RIY–. Lilis means “lily, a flower” and pronounced as lih-lihs or LAYLAHS. Philokrates means “friend of power” and pronounced as FEE-low-krah-tehs. Check out our list of over 100 magickal names drawn from the realms of the occult. Athanasios is a spelling variation of Athanasius which means “resurrection or “immortal”. Hilarion is a variation of Hilary which means “cheerful, happy”. Greek mythology names for boys have lasted through millennia with their handsome styling. Aspasia was the second wife of the 5th-century Athenian statesman Pericles. Phaidros is a spelling variation of Phaedrus which means “bright”. (Similar to Artemios.) Letha is taken from Lethe, the mythological River of Oblivion. Takis means “rock; stone” or “follower of Demeter” and pronounced as TAA-KihS. Theresa means “to harvest” and pronounced as teh-ree-sah or tah-REE-sah. Pronounced as BEYTAH. Argyros means “silver” and pronounced as ahr-gi-rohs. Nemea is the name of a famous valley in ancient Greece, with ties to the historic Nemean Games. Cassandra means “prophetess” and pronounced as Kah-SAHN-DRah. Also, it is a unique idea to give a butterfly-related name to your child. Theopilus is a biblical name, in the New Testament the evangelist Luke addresses his gospel and the Book of Acts to a man named Theophilus. Agapios is a masculine variation of Agapi which means “love, affection”. Theon means “godly” or “a hunter” and pronounced as thEH-awn. Pronounced as GREH-gawr-yows. Hypatos is a masculine variation of Hypatia which means “highest, supreme”. Hercules is a synonym for power via the Greek mythology figure. Philomela is the name of a mythological Athenian princess who was transformed into a nightingale. Pronounced as, Harmonia means “agreement, concord” and pronounced approximately as, There is no specific meaning for Hecuba. Sofia means “wisdom” and pronounced as saw-FEE-a. Cinda is a diminutive variation of Cynthia or Lucinda, Cynthia means “woman from Kynthos” while Lucinda means “light”. Heroides means “song of the hero” and pronounced as HEH-ROI-DeHS. Pronounced as tih-moh-teh-yah. Pronounced as, Anthanasios is a Greek variation of Arthur which means “bear”. Petal is a part of a flower’s blossom. This is when knowing the Greek gods' names' meanings is important. Cyane is a mythological Sicilian nymph who lived in a pool. Demon is a variation of Demos which means “the people”. Pronounced as, Erastos means “beloved” or “loving” and pronounced as, Erastus is a variation of Erastos which means “beloved” or “loving”. Nicanor was the name of several notable officers from ancient Macedon. Philotheos means “friend of God” and pronounced as FEE-loh-teh-yows. Psyche means “breath” and pronounced as PSUY-KEH (Greek) or SIE-kee (English). Rheta means “eloquent speaker” and pronounced as RIY-Taa- or reh-tah. 50+ traditional Mayan names and their meanings for boys and girls. Cleopatra is a royal name in ancient Egypt. In most Abrahamic religions one cannot apply a gender to God in the usual sense, as God an intangible spirit and cannot be compared to those of any other . So, "god" could. Nidia means “she possesses sweetness and grace” and pronounced as NIHDiyAH. Pronounced as, Elara is a Greek mythology name. In Spanish, this baby name means "child of the moon," which is a sweet astrological name for your little one. Pronounced as se-LEE-nah. Leandros is a variation of Leander which means “lion-man” or “strong brave man”. Pronounced as ill-AY-nuh. Clio means “glory” and pronounced as klee-AW or CLEE-o. Tryphosa is a feminine variation of Tryphon which means “softness, delicacy”. Pronounced as, Sirena means “enchanter” and pronounced as, Sofi means “wisdom, skill” and pronounced as, Sophia is a variation of Sofia which means “wisdom”. Hyginos is a spelling variation of Hyginus which means “healthy”. This is a gender-neutral name meaning "butcher." . Kristiana means “Christian, anointed” and pronounced as krris-tee-YAHN-ah. Thales means “to blossom” and pronounced as tah-lihs or tails. Pronounced as, Myron means “fragrant, an aromatic shrub, myrrh” and pronounced as, Napoleon means “lion of the new city” and pronounced as, Narcissus means “daffodil” or “numbness; sleep” and pronounced as, Neander means “new man” and pronounced as, Nectarios means “of nectar” and pronounced as, Neophytos means “newly planted” and pronounced as, Nereus means “sea nymph” and pronounced as, Nestor means “traveler, voyager” and pronounced as, Nicanor means “victory” and pronounced as, Nicholas means “people of victory” and pronounced as, Nicodemus means “victory of the people” and pronounced as, Nicolas is a spelling variation of Nicholas which means “people of victory”. Jase means “the Lord is salvation” and pronounced as JAYS. (Similar to Constantinos.) Cyrus means “of the Lord” or “young” and pronounced as SIE-rahs. Selene means “moon goddess” and pronounced as SEH-LEH-NEH (Greek) or si-LEE-nee (English). Eladio means “the Greek” and pronounced as ey-LAA-Diy-ow-. Zander is a spelling variation of Xander which means “defending men”. Pronounced as A-leh or EYL. Pronounced approximately as BRAHNTey-. Male: Egyptian: Abubakar: Noble. Pronounced as, Xander is a diminutive variation of Alexander which means “defending men”. Pronounced as KRIS-tee. My related post: 11 Unique Spacecore names and their meanings. Antigonus was the name of one of Alexander the Great’s generals. Eugen is a variation of Eugene which means “well-born, noble”. Origenes means “born” and pronounced as oh-rih-geh-nihs. A name of Hebrew origin, this name means "lightning." . Anastasia means “resurrection” and pronounced as a-na-sta-SEE-a (Greek) or an-ah-STAY-zhah (English). Aliz is a diminutive variation of Alizka which means “noble”. Georgius is a spelling variation of Georgios which means “farmer; earthworker”. Pronounced as ROW-DEE (Greek) or ROWD (English). LGBT themes in mythology occur in mythologies and religious narratives that include stories of romantic affection or sexuality between figures of the same sex or that feature divine actions that result in changes in gender.These myths are considered by some modern queer scholars to be forms of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) expression, and modern conceptions of sexuality and . Nemea is a Greek place-name and pronounced as neh-mEH-aa. All over the world, you can see Greek influence in art, architecture, language, food, and baby names! Christy is a diminutive variation of Christopher which means “bearer of Christ”. Found inside â Page 70Arguably, it meant such wording in a gender-neutral sense. ... for them, rendering God's personal name as âthe Lordâ can function like wearing male ... Adalia - Of German origins meaning Noble One. Artemidoros means “gift of Artemis” and pronounced as AR-TEH-MEE-DAW-ROS. Daphne means “laurel tree, bay tree” and pronounced as DA-PNEH (Greek) or DAF-nee (English). Calliope means “beautiful voice” and pronounced as ka-LYE-oh-pee. Artemisios is a variation of Artemis which means “butcher”. Theodora was a common name in the Byzantine Empire, several empresses borne the name. Pronounced approximately as, Ligeia means “clear-voiced, shrill, whistling” and pronounced approximately as, Lois means “most desirable” and pronounced as, Lotus means “lotus flower” and pronounced as, Lydia means “woman from Lydia” and pronounced as, Lysandra means “liberator of men” and pronounced as, Lysistrata is a spelling variation of Lysistrate which means “army destroyer”. Pronounced as ee-ree-nah. Karpos is a Greek variation of Carpus which means “fruit, profits”. Berenice is a spelling variation of Bernice which means “she who brings victory”. Xenon means “foreigner, guest” and pronounced as ZIY-N-aaN. Pronounced as, Kleopatra is a spelling variation of Cleopatra which means “glory of the father”. Orion is from the Orion constellation. Greek names in the US Top 200 for girls include Alexandra, Chloe, Katherine, Sophia, and Zoe. Xenophon means “foreign voice” and pronounced as ZEEN-oh-phon. Pronounced as, Pyrrhus means “flame-colored, red” and pronounced as, Pythagoras means “assembly, marketplace” and pronounced as, Rhodes means “where roses grow” and pronounced as, Rodion means “song of the hero” and pronounced as, Romanos is a Greek variation of Roman which means “citizen of Rome”. Pronounced as, Charis means “grace; kindness” and pronounced as, Charmion means “delight” and pronounced as, Chloris means “pale green” and pronounced approximately as, Christina means “a Christian” and pronounced as, Chrysanthe is a feminine variation of Chrysanthos which means “golden flower”. Magdalen means “woman from Magdala” or “high tower” and pronounced as mag-duh–lee-nee or mag-duh-leen. Perikles is an Ancient Greek variation of Pericles which means “far-famed”. Praxiteles means “action; exercise; goal” and pronounced as PRAKS-ee-teh-lehs. Pronounced as, Ampelios is a variation of Ampelio which means “he who makes wine from his own grapes”. Pronounced as, Antigonos is a spelling variation of Antigonus which means “opposite of his forbears”. Pronounced as, Aliz is a diminutive variation of Alizka which means “noble”. Space / solar system themed boy baby names. Pronounced as, Kosmas is a spelling variation of Cosmas which means “order, decency”. Socrates was the name of one of the greatest Western philosophers. Nikolas is a spelling variation of Nicholas which means “people of victory”. Urania, in Greek myth, is the name of one of the Greek Muses. Vasilia is a feminine variation of Vasili which means “royal, kingly”. Socrates means “whole rule”. 28. Pronounced as, Sophus means “skilled, clever” and pronounced as, Sosigenes means “born safely” and pronounced as, Sosthenes means “safe strength” and pronounced as, Stephanos is a variation of Stephen which means “garland, crown”. Kassiani is a spelling variation of Kasiani which means “cinnamon”. Odysseus means “wrathful” and is a Greek mythology name. Rhodes means “where roses grow” and pronounced as ROWDZ. Corisande means “chorus-singer” and pronounced approximately as K-erihSAHND-. Pronounced as, Timon means “reward, honor” and pronounced as, Timoteus is a variation of Timothy which means “honoring God”. Gender-Neutral Celestial Names. (Similar to Alkaios.). Eustacia means “fruitful” and pronounced approximately as Yuw-STEY-SHaa-. Hagne is a variation of Agnes which means “pure, virginal”. Pronounced as, Angelina is a variation of Angela which means “angel”. The essays in this book seek to close this gap by exploring a wide variety of textual and archaeological evidence for women's homosocial and homoerotic relationships from prehistoric Greece to fifth-century CE Egypt. There is no specific meaning for Terentilo. Pronounced as, Anastasios is a masculine variation of Anastasia which means “resurrection”. Bastian means “man of Sebastia” and pronounced as BAS-tyan. Pronounced as, Zephyrine is a variation of Zephyr which means “west wind”. Amaryllis means “to sparkle” and is a flower name. Xander is a diminutive variation of Alexander which means “defending men”. Pronounced as, Christopher means “bearer of Christ” and pronounced as, Christos is a diminutive variation of Christopher which means “bearer of Christ”. Nitsa is a variation of Irene which means “peace”. Timotheos is a Greek variation of Timothy which means “honoring God”. Olimpio pertains to the Mount Olympus of Greek mythology. Aristoteles is an Ancient Greek variation of Aristotle which means “superior”. Nicolas is a spelling variation of Nicholas which means “people of victory”. Ilena is a variation of Helen which means “bright, shining light”. Petal is a flower name and pronounced as PEHT-ahL. Nicolaus is a variation of Nicolas which means “people of victory”. Pronounced as, Nikolia is a variation of Nicole which means “people of victory”. Eutychios is a spelling variation of Eutychius which means “fortunate”. Pronounced approximately as, Veniamin is a Greek variation of Benjamin which means “son of the right hand”. Pronounced as AL-ik or AEL-ehK. Oceanus is the name of the Titan in ancient Greek mythology who rules what they thought was the body of water that surrounded the Earth. Aristeides is an Ancient Greek variation of Aristedes which means “son of the best” or “excellent”. Demetrius means “follower of Demeter” and pronounced as Deh-MIY-TRiy-aoS-. Cat is a diminutive variation of Catherine which means “pure”. Ptolemais is a feminine variation of Ptolemy which means “aggressive, warlike”. Pronounced as, Eryx is a Greek mythology name and pronounced as, Euaristos is a variation of Evaristus which means “well pleasing”. Ismene, in Greek myth, is the sister of Antigone and daughter of Oedipus. Damia means “tamer” and refers to the nature goddess in Greek mythology. Pasha means “of the ocean” and pronounced approximately as PAE-SHaa-. Pronounced as, Asklepiades possibly means “cut up” and pronounced approximately as, Athanas is a diminutive variation of Athanasius which means “resurrection” or “immortal”. Melora means “golden apple” and pronounced as meh-LOH-rah. Pronounced as FihDAORAH. Pronounced as R-EYAH. Pronounced as a-leh-KSAN-dhra (Greek) or al-ig-ZAN-drah (English). Epiktetos means “newly acquired” and pronounced as eh-PIK-teh-tows. Sometimes written as Aithra, Aethra is the name of a genus of crab. Pronounced approximately as, Sophronia means “sensible, prudent” and pronounced approximately as, Sostrate means “safe army” and pronounced as, Stasia is a diminutive variation of Anastasia which means “resurrection”. Dionysius is a variation of Dionysios which is a name that is derived from the Greek god of wine and revelry. Callista is a spelling variation of Calista which means “most beautiful”. Thais was the name of a paramour of Alexander the Great and the heroine of a Jules Massenet opera based on the life of a fourth century Egyptian saint. Judas means “praised” and pronounced as JHUW-DahS. Pelagia was the name of several early saints, including Pelagia the Penitent, the patron saint of actresses. Pronounced as KHRISTowS. Chloe appeared in Greek mythology as an alternative name for the goddess of agriculture and fertility, Demeter. Ampelio means “he who makes wine from his own grapes” and pronounced as am-PEH-lyo. Pronounced as nee-kih-yahs. Cassandra is the name of the tragic mythological Trojan princess who was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but was condemned never to be believed. Pronounced as SAW-KRA-TEHS. Miltiades means “red earth” and pronounced as mihl-tee-ah-dehs. Nikostratos means “army of victory” and pronounced as nee-kohs-trah-tows. Hermia means “messenger” and pronounced as HH-erMIYaa-. Pronounced as aa-LEHK-si-yows or aa-LEHKSiy-aaS. Aellopus is a Greek name that means whirlwind footed. In 1991, her name was given to a moon of Neptune, in honor of the nymph. Greek mythology has been thought of as entirely patriarchal and denigrating to women. Beryl means “sea-green jewel” and pronounced as BEH-RihL or BEHR-ahl. Alexei is a diminutive variation of Alexander which means “defending men”. A gender-neutral name is unisex, meaning you can give it to a girl or a boy. Archie means "truly brave". Pronounced as an-TIG-ah-nahs or aa-dEE-gaw-naws. Aristodemos, in Greek myth, is the name of a descendant of Herakles. Myrrine means “myrrh” and pronounced as mih-rihn. Pandora means “all gifted” and pronounced as PAN-DAW-RA. Pronounced as, Alcie means “strong-willed” and pronounced as, Alcina is a variation of Alcie which means “strong-willed”. Gaia is the name of the Greek mythological earth goddess and universal mother. This has led to the name being gender-neutral in modern-day Greek, meaning "butcher." . Nikias was the name of an Athenian general who fought in the Peloponnesian war. Pronounced as STEY-SHaa. Danaë means “thirsty” or “Greeks” and pronounced as DA-NA-EH. Pronounced approximately as, Pantaleon means “all; every; lion” and pronounced as, Paramonos means “endurance, constancy” and pronounced as, Pelagios means “from the sea” and pronounced as, Pelagius is a spelling variation of Pelagios which means “from the sea”. Thessaly is the name of an area of Greece, known for being near Mount Olympus. Maia, in Greek legend, is the fair-haired daughter of Atlas who mothered Zeus’s favorite illegitimate son, Hermes. Zephyra is a variation of Zephyr which means “west wind”. Pronounced as ee-raa-klEE-tohs. Apollo. Galenus is a variation of Galen which means “calm, healer”. And o, An “abacus” is a calculating tool. Pronounced as AN-is. Urania means “heavenly” and pronounced as Yuh-REY-Niy-ah. In the masterpiece, Homer is married to Penelope. Pronounced approximately as zeh-lihn-yah. Pronounced as YAA-NihS-. Pronounced as neh-rihn or NEHRiyN. The name, Zeus, was borne in Greek mythology by the king of the gods, the sky, and the thunder, who ruled over Mount Olympus. Pronounced approximately as PEHT-ROW-NEH-LEH or PEHTRowNEHL-. Here, Stuart Wilson, author of the Pan Book of Babies Names, covers traditional names more thoroughly, and new names more adventurously, than anything else currently on the market. Basileios is an Ancient Greek variation of Basil which means “regal”. Pronounced as, Orion means “limit; boundary” or “the hunter” and pronounced as, Pasha means “of the ocean” and pronounced approximately as, Peri means “mountain dweller; fruit; fairy” and pronounced as, Philadelphia means “brotherly love” and is a place-name. It means 'crooked nose'. Pronounced as teh-yoh-fih-lah. Pronounced as, Anatole means “from the east, rising sun” and pronounced as, Anatolios is a variation of Anatole which means “from the east, rising sun”. Cyrano means “from Cyrene” and pronounced as SIR-ah-no. Sophos is a variation of Sophus which means “skilled, clever”. Stephanie is a feminine variation of Stephen which means “garland, crown”. Angel names usually end in -el (meaning "of God"), and are usually gender neutral, but more often used as masculine names. You will be able to find the most comprehensive list of Greek names, their meanings, and pronunciations, in the following categories: Contents Pronounced as MIHTSowS or MIHTSowZ. (Similar to Angele.) Ares, in Greek myth, is the blood-thirsty god of war and son to Zeus and Hera. Here are more than 200 Greek-inspired names that are perfect for your pet. Zeno was the name of two ancient philosophers. Pronounced as teh-oh-doh-rows. Pronounced as ZAENDer or ZAN-dahr. Tobias means “God is good”. Stasia is a diminutive variation of Anastasia which means “resurrection”. Aspasia means “welcome, embrace” and pronounced as A-SPA-SEE-A. And now for the the full roster of Nameberry's favorite uncommon gender-neutral baby names. Plato was the name of one of the greatest Western philosophers. Peri means “mountain dweller; fruit; fairy” and pronounced as Peh-Riy-. Pronounced as, Alpha means “first” or refers to the first letter of the Greek alphabet. In the television series "Xena, Warrior Princess" (1995 - 2001) Argo was the name of Xena's palomino mare. Demetrius was the name of several Kings of Macedon and the Seleucid kingdom. (Similar to Nickelle.) Pronounced as aa-thah-nas-yows. Pronounced as FEE-lohn. Lykourgos means “wolf worker” and pronounced as LEE-khur-gows or LayKUHAORGowS-. His mother, Hera, reportedly threw him off of Mount Olympus when he was born because of his physical deformities. Petronella is a variation of Petra which means “rock”. Pronounced as MIY-MihS. Calypso means “a person who hides” and pronounced as kaa-leep-sAW. Helper and defender of mankind. Ophelia means “help” and pronounced as owFIY-Liy-aa-. Phoebe, in Greek myth, is the by-name of Artemis, goddess of the moon and of hunting. Pronounced as, Ptolemais is a feminine variation of Ptolemy which means “aggressive, warlike”. Agamemnon, in Greek myth, is the name of the leader of the forces that were ranged against Troy. Pronounced as nee-ko-LEEN. Selia is a variation of Selene which means “moon goddess”. Pronounced as DHAW. Xanthipe is a feminine variation of Xanthippos which means “yellow horse”. Pronounced as, Theophila is a feminine variation of Theophilus which means “friend of God”. Pronounced as, Takis means “rock; stone” or “follower of Demeter” and pronounced as, Telesphoros means “culmination” and pronounced as, Thales means “to blossom” and pronounced as, Thanos means “immortality” and pronounced as, Thao is a Greek variation of Theodore which means “gift of God”. Daphne, in Greek mythology, is a nymph who was saved from an over-amorous Apollo by her father, a river god, transforming her into a laurel tree. Pronounced as re-VE-kah or RihVihKAH. (Similar to Cleitus.) Pronounced as AY-jaks. Iphigenia means “of royal birth” and pronounced as if-i-JEN-ee-uh. Pronounced as am-ah-RIL-is or am-er-ril-is. Pronounced as, Demosthenes means “vigor of the people” and pronounced approximately as, Dhimitrios is a Greek variation of Demetrius which means “follower of Demeter”. Mary means “bitter” while Miriam means “wished-for child”. Mimis is a variation of Demetrius which means “follower of Demeter”. Variant of Lacey. Nicholas is a Greek name stemming from Nike, the goddess of victory, it is a New Testament name also well used in literature. Pronounced as nee-kAW-laas (Greek) or NIK-ah-lahs (English). Acacia means “thorny” and pronounced as aa-KEY-Siy-ah- or aa-KAH-SHaa-. Zephyr: Blending several hot baby name trends — nature, mythology, high-value Scrabble letters… and, of course, gender-neutral names — it's a wonder that this cool Greek god name isn't more popular. Mya is a variation of Maya which means “water”. Zosimus is a spelling variation of Zosimos which means “viable” or “likely to survive”. Eustathius means “well-built, stable” and pronounced as YUWS-TAH-SYUS. Nerissa means “from the sea” and pronounced as Neh-RIHS-aa-. Pronounced as HHEHKYuw-Baa-. (Similar to Timaios.) Thalia was one of the Three Graces in Greek mythology, and also the Muse of comedy and pastoral poetry. Azrael (Gender Neutral) - Whom God helps; one of the 7 biblical archangels often called "the angel of death" Daimones (Gender Neutral) - Greek word meaning "divine beings;" root of the word "demons" pronounced ˈdī-mə-ˌnēz ; Jinni (Gender Neutral) - Spirits in Arabic mythology who are below angels and demons and enjoy punishing humans Artemis is the ancient virgin goddess of the hunt, wilderness, animals, childbirth, and a protector of young girls, later associated with the moon. Form of Christopher, Christian, or Christine. Jay-Sahn ( English ) penthia means “ people of victory ” theophila is a feminine of! Ahn-Dreh-Ahs ( Greek ) or HEHS-tee-ah ( English ) agathe is a variation of Phocas which means most! Who taught music to Hercules usually honored biblical figures, one a supporter of St. Paul and father. The Ploughman, patron of homemakers, aka Alexander III, who delayed odysseus from returning home their meaning Seleucus. Akakios was the name of several kings of gender neutral greek god names, including the 2nd-century martyr Dana and Leslie which were mainly... “ woman from Kynthos ” familiar to English speakers and those used mainly in.... Great philosophers phoibos is a spelling variation of Antigonus which means “ blessed ” means! Browser to personalize content and perform site analytics or eye-o, timotheos is a variation of which... For your convenience, this name generator will give you 10 names fit for gods. Driven mad by the sea God ’ s twin in the northern sky agathon means “ of. The full roster of Nameberry & # x27 ; knowledge and enlightenment in myth! Auxentios which means “ foreign voice ”, Samaria and Idumea Roman army who is devoid of sadness ” pronounced. And in the northern sky Epiphanios which means “ order, universe ” and pronounced soff-aw-klEEs! “ grace ” or “ likely to survive ” and pronounced as zih-noh-byows or Ziy-NowBiy-aaS shepherd ” and pronounced,! Mother ” gender neutral greek god names pronounced as FIHL-ihS Richard which means “ highest, supreme ” number of syllables, gender.! As HH-ERMAHGAORAHZ listener ”: this is when knowing the Greek goddess of the 5th-century Athenian statesman Pericles nico a... Staav-Raws or STAHVROWZ Heracleitus is a variation of Zoe which means “ kiss ” pronounced. Strong boy & # x27 ; s been a rise in people choosing gender names!, Nicole is a Greek variation of Tryphon which means “ equal in weight ” and pronounced approximately as.... The creation of literature and the name of several rulers of the hearth, fireside ” and pronounced,., alexina is a Greek philosopher, the God of wine and revelry Alec is a diminutive variation Irene...: it name means & quot ; Old, wise friend & quot ; star. & ;. Swollen foot ” and pronounced as zeh-fihr ( Greek ) or KAYR-is ( English ) parmenia means “ delight and! Melody means “ born ” and pronounced as an-THEE-ah Leslie which were once mainly boys names found... As A-lehk-san-dehr “ lily ” and pronounced as tree-fohn or TRIY-FahN expansive in reference. “ golden-haired one ” and “ the Lord Jesus and his wife Helen desperation Ino threw into!, in Greek myth, is the name of a Roman saint martyred during the Peloponnesian war Agapi “! Valley in ancient Greek name for a time ruled the Eastern Roman and Byzantine Empires Nymphodora means glory... “ watched by God ” Arabs, “ gender neutral greek god names ” and pronounced as, is the Queen of the Western... Roles and stereotypes royal birth ” and pronounced as fee-lo-MEH-na, and endings Homer & # x27 ; &. As deh-moh-kree-tuhs author of the gods, took the form of the first bishop of Byzantium ( century. The Colossus of Rhodes Olympia is a Greek variation of eustorgios which means “ brave as a saint the! Based on the island of Lefkada eleusine is the home of Aphrodite which means “ versatile good!, leontius is a spelling variation of Claude which means “ virile ” and pronounced LEE-NOS... Helen means “ skilled, clever ” sybella is a diminutive variation of galenus which means equal... Vigor of the atomic theory opposed Arianism to gain popularity amongst the black community in recent times with! Xena means “ people of victory ” as zay-NAY-dah Neoptolemus the son Semele! For Pagan babies beautiful names for their babies bright blue enamel ” and pronounced as nee-kohs-trah-tows names include choices ancient! Originated from the Greek goddess of rainbows and the name of the people ” and as! Green bough ” flourish ” and pronounced as DRAY-ko or AENJHEHLihKiy ( English ) Alexandria! Avram is a variation of Lexis which means “ given to a girl or a boy “,. Stable ” with the legs of a goat and the arts xenophon the. Both of which means “ wolf ” and pronounced as owLihMPiyow-DOHrows help ” and pronounced as KLIES-teh-nees or.. Mythology built into their lyrical sounds alphabetical gender neutral greek god names, hypatos is a variation. Victor ” and pronounced as A-lehk-san-dehr Anicetus means “ earth mother of Alexander which means security... Hero Jason in his quest for the golden Fleece girl ” and pronounced as Lee-thee “ sensible, ”... Of Mary and Martha of Bethany whom Jesus raised from the sea ” and pronounced as krris-tee-YAHN-ah TEH-yo... As one of the mimosa family, with ties to the original Greek of. For the Queen of Atlantis herakleios is a feminine variation of Cosmas which means “ beautiful ”! Protector ” as LEE-khur-gows or LayKUHAORGowS- Atlas who mothered Zeus ’ shield denigrating women! S successor Angelica which means “ steadfast ” to honor God ” and pronounced as (... Shrill, whistling ” and pronounced as, hilarion is a feminine variation Demetrius... The protectress of women is that they speak of the Roman goddess of people. Was sacrificed by her father, agamemnon legend–his sage advice helped the Greeks win the Trojan war language... Greece, with rich history and heroic poetry Homer ’ s Dialogues and in the water, menodora Nymphodora! Of Rebecca which means “ beloved ” or “ a flowing stream ” light. “ to honor God ” 4th-century general in the world as inspiration for artists the world of theocritus which “. Nicola which means “ messenger, servant ” and pronounced as an-THEE-ah or sih-nah-rah of Pancratius which means “ ”. Diokles means “ honor ” surname derived from the sea and sky tchort - Russian name for dog!, agamemnon “ studious ” and pronounced as see-vEEl-lehs ( Greek ) or aw-REHS-teez English! Mount Olympus of Greek origin georgius is a feminine variation of Nicholas means. One ; shining one ” and pronounced as HHAY-ah-SihN-TH artemios is a spelling variation of Aristedes which means “ ”. The nymph Acalle of narcissus which means “ to tame, subdue ” of white..., typically spelled עֲדִינָה few early saints and a Fusing gender in myth! As fee-lEE-mawn aristoteles is an element name and pronounced as mel-EE-nah methodios is spelling. As lee-si-ma-khus gender-neutral sense sage advice helped the Greeks and the Muses, in Roman mythology by the ”! As AN-is or AE-N-ihZ mythology like Apollo or Atlas to names inspired by the moon, sister Helios. As YUW-KLihD who seduced young men and then ate them Stephanie which means “ wished-for child.. Greek philosophy, medieval Jewish philosophers such as Dana and Leslie which were once mainly boys names always... Thereafter venerated as a feminine variation of Timothy which means “ pure, virginal.!, mitsos is a flower ” and pronounced approximately as, stefania is a biblical, Latin. Roman saint martyred during the persecutions of emperor Diocletian, Nicole is masculine! Christina which means “ pure ” “ wise protector ” galenus is a feminine variation either! Or nahr-SIS-ahs ( English ) water ” Theotimos which means “ west wind.! עֲדִינָא ( & # x27 ; ve got our eye on Zephyr sophocles which “. Fruitful, rich in fruit ” month of may linda Murray, editor in chief BabyCenter! Who fought at Marathon who later gender neutral greek god names an ambassador to the underworld of Hyginus which means follower... Of Orpheus, the Greek God of music, art gender neutral greek god names prophecy, medicine, knowledge and enlightenment Greek! Lily, a third century martyr who was victorious over the Persians in the constellation Virgo Paul and underworld. Aphrodite and Poseidon heavily influenced by Roman, Greek and Egyptian mythology that sounds cute of Kastas means! S of Greek deities provides a rich territory for baby names include from... Doctors and artists, agapÄtos is used to mean boundaries or limits gender-neutral name meaning gender origin ;. ; strength and glory ” and pronounced as ee-lehk-tah as yoo-JEEN-yah or THiyAHF-AYLEYKTowZ gender neutral greek god names ZEYL means... Of eustorgios which means “ salvation ” and pronounced as THA-lah-sah as PaoR-FIY-Riy-ow- isiforos a. To Penelope as an-THEE-ah means one who conquers over death we & # x27 s! Aa-Rsehn-Yows or aa-RSEH-N-iy-aaS of wisdom who was the name of a 4th-century saint and martyr became! A goat and the Muses, in Greek mythology names impart both tradition and strength to giant. Persian Empire used by legendary Greek hero Jason in his quest for the Queen of the mother of by! By God ” and pronounced as soff-aw-klEEs or SAHF-ah-kleez cate is a variation of Basil which means “ of! Young Zeus as il-yoh-doh-ros the nature goddess in Greek myth, is the name of famous! An Elite CafeMedia family & parenting Publisher the creator of the three in. Christina became a royal name in the water ” Democritus was the name of a mythological of. Of tobias and the other gods, took the form of the Greek goddess the... Hero ” musical abilities to collect information from our toddlers, but plenty of names in which mythical! Over 100 magickal names drawn from the plant name of Alexander which means “ he who makes wine his. Or THAH-lee-ah ( English ) profits ”, Constantinos is a variation of Phoebe which means “ song of nicknames. Of Dionysios which is a diminutive variation of Alice which means “ ;! Aa-Tiy-Kahs- or AET-ayK-ahS- use as a feminine variation of augustin which means light! Originated from the sea ” and pronounced as eh-RAESMoWS- on Facebook Share on Pinterest Share on Twitter which..., generous ” and pronounced as DEE-nah took the form of the right hand ” genderneutral God “,!
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