In the New Testament, the name Christian was first given to the disciples in Antioch by those who noted their behavior (Acts 11:26). We'll agree on everything, and we will be there not because we belong to a particular group but because of our faith in Christ. We struggle to figure life out, but we always seem to come up short. Then, let’s ask ourselves if we are willing to do the same for our children. That’s important for us to consider as well. Truth is one of the attributes of God. When the troops got back to the barracks, the drill instructor barreled in and barked at the soldier, “I told you not to wave! A gambler would not have put any money on Peter getting out of this alive. Saul needed someone to come alongside him to encourage and teach him, and to introduce him to other believers. Accept Jesus’ gift of salvation and enjoy the freedom of life in Christ and eternity with Him (Acts 16:31; Eph. Forgiveness of sin and life everlasting is now offered to all who put their faith in Him. But thank God, I can choose the color.”. We can follow up our general testimony with the specific message of the gospel. I’m still hoping yesterday will get better.”. We serve because we have been saved. It's the most important one! —Acts 20:35. For example, Egyptian garden peas that had been buried for 3,000 years were brought out and planted on June 4, 1844. Nahum Count that day lost in which you've not done something good for another. Even if we did nothing but read all day every day, we couldn't keep up with the output. —Acts 20:24. Lacy Kemp wrote: “How do you make something spread like wildfire? Do you pray or do you act? Like him, we should not grow numb to God’s painful reminder of sin but allow it to produce in us godly character. Without the Holy Spirit there would be no harvest. What keeps you from calling out to God for spiritual, rescue? In Acts 20:22-23 and 21:11, God revealed that tribulations and possible death awaited Paul in Jerusalem. It’s sobering to realize that the apostle Peter, when questioned about his loyalty, denied that he was a disciple of Jesus (Mt. . Maybe that missionary’s request can be answered by your willingness to go. —RWD, Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name … by which we must be saved. In 2011, for instance, several US cities were devastated by tornadoes that blew apart neighborhoods and business districts. They were scattered and proclaimed the gospel wherever they went (8:4). He sendeth more strength when the labors increase; To added afflictions He addeth His mercy. 16:1-3); Saul was jealous of David because the women praised him (1 Sam. the sins God has erased from their record. Peter felt this way until the Lord prodded him into new territory. I still believe that God calls men and women to missionary service in other lands, and I still have great respect for them, but my idea of missionaries has changed. Our salvation was infinitely costly to God, but it is absolutely free to us. Christ would form the church and rule as its Head (Ephesians 1:22-23). Peter knew that Christ's strategy was Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:8). For 3 months I had a ringside seat— or should I say a bird’s-eye view—of God’s amazing handiwork. Work in us and through us. Courage is fear that has said its prayers. Herod had already executed James, one of Jesus’ closest followers, and he had the same fate in mind for Peter (Acts 12:1-3). He turns out the light so we can sleep, and turns it on again so we can see to work and play. The idea of shadowing is a vital one, because it emphasizes the importance of example. of my life be an example of a follower of Christ. De Haan. He also called for repentance, for the world would someday be judged in righteousness by Jesus Christ. God is always in control behind the scenes. Yes, those in poverty need financial help. But what a reception they received! Hosea This should shape and mold our manner of living so that it becomes increasingly consistent with the way Jesus spoke and conducted Himself. Lord, what do You want me to do? Jesus said the Comforter (or Helper) would come and abide with us forever (Jn. Don’t worship God to gain His benefits— you already have them. Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so. —Chambers. The apostle Peter’s letter reminded Christians who had been scattered among the nations to “be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). If they are false, the sooner we are proved wrong and put on the right road the better. Unlike a defect found in automobiles, the moral defect of the human race is not the Maker’s fault. If you have deceived someone, confess it to that person and to the Lord. 16:19). Shortly after the novel Gone With The Wind had been published, a young woman sat beside a history professor at a dinner. —Felten. But God has provided a Rescuer—Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The worst aspect was separation from the Father, but the physical suffering was also horrible beyond comprehension. 1:16). Prayer must always come from the heart. I also wondered where heaven is located and what Jesus is doing there now. The apostle Peter noted both the personal simplicity and the cosmic awesomeness of the gospel in his sermon in Acts 2. But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, “Men of Judea … heed my words.” —Acts 2:14. They spoke and taught in the name of Jesus. It starts by accepting the gift of salvation by faith in His Son. Later, Jesus encouraged Peter to serve Him, and what happened to Peter? But the Spirit came also as the Comforter promised by Jesus: “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever” (John 14:16). How do we know that God forgives us? “When Paul saw them,” Luke wrote, “he thanked God and took courage” (v.15). ", Martha replied, "My child, maybe your quilts don't have heart. But the good news is that His love has found a way to save us. Other countries have been adding Melamine to animal feed for at least 40 years for the same purpose, resulting in the death of animals. —Havergal. —Luke 24:52. An elderly woman needs counseling from time to time because she can't forget an affair she had more than fifty years ago. What an amazing and significant time that was! And even more, we must make sure we do not read into it what is not there.—J. Since she was a virgin and engaged to be married, this news was undoubtedly shocking and deeply troubling (Luke 1:26-31). It takes time to grow in our relationship with Christ, and to see with the new spiritual eyes He has given us. In the first century, Paul visited the Greek city of Corinth, which was known for its immorality and corruption. John 20:19-31. But what is more disturbing is the apathy of some owners. Found inside( Acts 4:31 ) One day in class , I asked my students at Jos ECWA seminary , " If you knew you only had 30 days to live what would you ... In ancient Rome, crowds by the tens of thousands would gather in the Coliseum to watch as Christians were torn apart by wild animals. They got the car running, talked with the father and mother of the family, and gave them some money for gasoline. It was the power of God that changed Paul, then used him to change the world around him. The orders of the religious establishment may have been legal, but they were wrong. Because they did not finish. But seeing the buttercups made my temporary discomfort worthwhile. In the middle of an argument, my Mum would say something like this - "Maybe if you LISTENED for a change, you would understand what I am trying to tell you!" I see Mickey Mouse as the sorcerer’s apprentice, using So instead of asking God to make me like someone else, I began asking Him to show me what He wanted me to do. Then on the 40th day He ascended and disappeared into a cloud to remain at the Father’s right hand until the time comes for Him to return (Acts 1:9-11; Ephesians 1:20-21). In Acts 4, when the church was still new, Peter and John also boldly addressed the people of their generation. God has left us in the world to be witnesses to the world. That day he and his entire household became believers. That was the surprised question of Paul to King Agrippa (Acts 26:8). Not all people feel that their sins are forgiven the moment they put their faith in Jesus Christ and receive the gift of salvation, but they are saved nonetheless. And He gave them the Holy Spirit to empower them to do this. We must also be drawn by Christ’s love to reach out to those who don’t know Him. Only God’s Word gives us the standard for admission. It’s comforting to know that God permits the rise of evil forces and orchestrates their fall as part of His master plan. We can understand why the reporters were astonished. I see this same pattern of respond-and-report in Jesus’ training of His disciples. The following letter, which speaks for itself, was circulated in a large congregation. He was stoned to death for his allegiance to Jesus Christ, and a young man named Saul consented to his brutal murder (Acts 8:1). But noted Spanish chef Ferran Adrià decided to close the doors of his award-winning restaurant for 2 years so he and his staff could have time to think, plan, and innovate. He risked his life to entertain film audiences and to distinguish himself as a top Hollywood stuntman. There is work to be done in us that can only be accomplished here on earth. They're filled with promise, joy, and love; God longs to do for others what He has done for you. If you could only know how you have made me feel hundreds of times!” Then off she hurried. Throughout the week, they continue to be the church wherever they are in the world—in shops, universities, restaurants, and homes. As you make your decisions today, be sure to include God. People expected him to be fully adjusted immediately, but he was trying to figure out what everything was. During this trip, Paul was a prisoner and he and his companions (soldiers included) were met by and stayed with Christian believers. Many churches today, like that vine, are clinging to a crumbling wall. Why hadn’t I thought of that? But at some point, though we are not told when, the brothers of Jesus came to believe in Him as their Lord and Messiah. “Oh, it was wonderful,” the farmer replied slyly. God is faithful, and He will complete His good work in you (Phil. To deny one's guilt and reject Christ is the worst kind of insanity. As Christians, we have good reason to establish close ties, even though they will eventually be broken. It gave me great peace of mind to have him with me. The love of Christ will cause us to reach out to others. May we understand, more fully what it means to be identified with Your. If it is not, there is no cause for an adjournment; if it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. My mind is drawn to Annie Johnson Flint, author of 6,000 hymns and gospel songs. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (Jn. We never know when someone might be moving toward the kingdom of God. Nearly 2,000 years ago Jesus said, “I am coming quickly.” Since then, some have wrongly tried to predict when He will return. —Owens. While shopping in a nearby tourist town, I wandered into a small store stuffed with clothing and other items all marked with the slogan “Life is good.” Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of that simple truth. Found insideAdapted from Sermon Central Text Illustrations, “Leadership Magazine Carried a Story about 4 Young Men,” Melvin Newland, accessed July 5, 2014, ... A bad economic picture gets politicians voted out of office, and the threat of a downturn nearly got the apostle Paul kicked out of Ephesus. Have you told anyone? Our Daily Bread Devotionals When I was a boy, I used to ponder those mysterious events. Recently, I added up the offers of free money that came to me in a week, and my “take” totaled $26 million. Sundar Singh was an angry young man. One day D. L. Moody preached an especially moving sermon about the compassion of Christ. Last fall we drove down a county road in northern Wisconsin. When Stephen was brought before the Jewish council for interrogation, “they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke” (Acts 6:10). My baby is going to die.” Gale Fields was in Irian Jaya helping her husband Phil translate the Bible into Orya, a tribal language. —Acts 5:41. Praise comes naturally when you count your blessings. One of the qualities I most admire in others is the gift of quiet, behind-the-scenes encouragement. He was a prisoner being transported by ship to Rome when a violent storm arose and threatened to destroy the vessel. I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore, Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more; But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me — now safe am I. We are all participants in a process that might be called “life shadowing.” If we are parents, our children shadow us all the time, learning how to act as adults. He simply states His lordship of the universe and demands our allegiance. Now is crowned with glory at His Father's side; Jesus, King of glory, is gone up on high. Pinned on each one was a blue ribbon. Colossians 3:1-4. You may know Joses as “Barnabas,” which is the name the apostles gave to the “Son of Encouragement.” When the Jerusalem church heard that people in Antioch were coming to know Jesus as Savior, they sent Barnabas because “he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith” (11:24). And He still works in our lives today! Everywhere they went, they preached the message of Christ (v.4). We stand in awe of our Creator, who made us and gives to all “life, breath, and all things” (v.25). Obey His commands. We may not learn something new every week, but we can always be encouraged by the truths of God’s Word (Ps. When we pray sincerely, praising God and presenting Him with petitions that seek His glory, great things happen. They strengthen my faith in knowing that before Jesus’ disciples began to preach the gospel, they were absolutely sure He was alive.
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